" Python Calculator command! -nargs=+ Calc :r! python -c "from math import *; print " " Unhighlight search results map :nohlsearch:redraw! " Map Y to be consistent with D, C, etc noremap Y y$ " CTRL-n and CTRL-p to go forwards and backwards through files nnoremap :next nnoremap :prev " Press CTRL-X after pasting something to fix up formatting imap u:set paste.:set nopastei " Spell checking mode toggle function s:spell() if !exists("s:spell_check") || s:spell_check == 0 echo "Spell check on" let s:spell_check = 1 setlocal spell spelllang=en_au else echo "Spell check off" let s:spell_check = 0 setlocal spell spelllang= endif endfunction map :call spell() imap :call spell()