" Pretty syntax highlighting syntax on " Show the line/column positions at the bottom set ruler " Display as much as possible of the last line of text " (instead of displaying an @ character) set display+=lastline " Wrapping is annoying set nowrap " If wordwrap is on, don't split words across lines set linebreak " String to put at the start of lines that have been wrapped "set showbreak=+ set showbreak= " Display current mode and partially typed commands set showmode set showcmd " When a bracket is inserted, briefly jump to the matching one ( set showmatch " Show the filename title in xterms set title " Make the autocompletion of filenames,etc behave like bash set wildmode=longest,list " Allow splits to have 0 height (use C-W _) set wmh=0 map j_ map k_ " Always keep one line of context around the cursor set scrolloff=1 " Match search results as you type set incsearch " Ignore case when searching set ignorecase " Ignore the ignorecase character if search contains uppercase chars set smartcase " Highlight search terms set hlsearch " Mouse options set mouse=a set mousehide