include $(top_srcdir)/ PHONY=check test all check-elget test-elget help all: check #: same thing as "check" test: check #: overall help on running the make targets help: @echo "The main function of this Makefile is to facilitate running tests." @echo @echo "To run all of the tests, use targets \"test\", \"check\" or \"check-short\"." @echo "For example:" @echo @echo " make check" @echo "or:" @echo " make check-short" @echo @echo "The -short target uses a filter written in Ruby to remove extreanous output." @echo @echo "To run a specific test like test-srcbuf.el, change \".el\" to" @echo "\".run\". For example:" @echo @echo " make" @echo @echo "Tests can also be run via the Emacs el-get package and this loads dependent emacs " @echo "package, like load-relative. To do this, use targets, \"check-elget\"," @echo "\"test-elget\", or \"check-short-elget\"." @echo @echo "To run a specific test like test-srcbuf.el via el-get change \".el\"" @echo "to \".elrun\" For example:" @echo @echo " make test-srcbuf.elrun" EXTRA_DIST=sample.txt #: same thing as "check-elget" test-elget: check-elget test_files := $(wildcard test-*.el) CHECK_FILES = $(notdir $( EL_GET_CHECK_FILES = $(notdir $(test_files:.el=.elrun)) #: Run all tests check: $(CHECK_FILES) #: Run all tests via el-get check-elget: (cd $(top_srcdir)/test && $(EMACS) --batch --no-site-file --no-splash --load ./install-pkgs.el --load test-basic.el) #: Run all tests with minimum verbosity check-short: $(MAKE) check 2>&1 | ruby ../make-check-filter.rb #: Run all tests with minimum verbosity via el-get check-short-elget: $(MAKE) check-elget 2>&1 | ruby ./make-check-filter.rb (cd $(top_srcdir)/test && $(EMACS) --batch --no-site-file --no-splash --load $( #: Run tests using el-get to specify external Lisp dependencies test-%.elrun: (cd $(top_srcdir)/test && $(EMACS) --batch --no-site-file --no-splash --load ../el-get-install.el --load $(@:.elrun=.el)) # Whatever it is you want to do, it should be forwarded to the # to top-level directories # %: # $(MAKE) -C .. $@