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5. Installation

To install notes-mode,

  1. Unpack and extract the distribution (gunzip notes-mode-xxx.tar.gz; tar xvf notes-mode-xxx.tar; cd notes-mode-xxx).
  2. Run configure (./configure).
  3. Type “make install”.

(To control what’s installed where, use –prefix=/where, or –with-lisp-dir=/where, –datadir=/where (for scripts), and –infodir=/where.)

For each user:

  1. Run notesinit

If you have problems with paths being incorrect, please be aware that you cannot run notes directly out of where you untar it. The installation process customizes the programs for where things are on your system. Make sure you move out of the directory where you untarred it before running it.

The most recent distribution of notes-mode is always available via ‘http://www.isi.edu/~johnh/SOFTWARE/NOTES_MODE/’.

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This document was generated by John Heidemann on April 4, 2012 using texi2html 1.82.