Yasnippet NEWS -- history of user-visible changes. Copyright (C) 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. See the end of the file for license conditions. * 0.9.1 (est. March 2016) ** Changes and New Features *** Noam Postavsky is now the official yasnippet maintainer. *** `yas-visit-snippet-file' now works for compiled snippets (see Github #597). *** New function `yas-lookup-snippet' (see Github #595, #596). *** .emacs.d/snippets directory is now created automatically. If that value is present in `yas-snippet-dirs' (see Github #648). *** Default value for `yas-snippet-dirs' now uses `user-emacs-directory' instead of hardcoding "~/emacs.d" (see Github #632). *** `yas-visit-snippet-file' no longer overrides `yas-prompt-functions', see Github #576. *** The defaults for prompting have changed. `yas-x-prompt' is no longer present in the default value of `yas-prompt-functions'. The new function `yas-maybe-ido-prompt' (which performs ido prompting if `ido-mode' is enabled) replaces `yas-ido-prompt' (which always performs ido prompting). Previously the behaviour was dependent on the Emacs version being used. *** The default value of `yas-buffer-local-condition' now works for `yas-insert-snippet' too. See Github #305. *** The default value of `yas-new-snippet-default' no longer inserts `require-final-newline: nil'. It was redundant, since `mode: snippet' already accomplishes the same. `binding: ${4:direct-keybinding}}' is also removed, as it is hardly ever wanted. *** Snippet fields are only cleared by commands with `delete-selection' property, See Github #515, #644. *** `yas-initialize' (and backward compat alias `yas/initialize') are restored, but marked obsolete, use (yas-global-mode +1) instead. See Github #546, #569. *** `yas-key-syntaxes' is much more powerful and accepts functions. Enables use cases when discovering keys based on buffer syntax is not good enough. See issue #497. *** Documentation rewritten in org-mode and updated. A tremendous effort by Noam Postavsky. Hopefully easier to maintain and navigate. Available at . *** Snippets are now maintained in their own repo. Snippets live in Andrea Crotti's . See README.md for more details. *** Textmate snippet importer moved to separate `yasmate' repo. URL is . See README.md for more details. *** `yas-snippet-dirs' now allows symbols as aliases to directories. The added level of indirection should allow more esoteric configurations (see Github #495). *** `yas-reload-all' can now jit-load when called interactively. *** New `yas-after-reload-hook' run after `yas-reload-all'. See for the discussion leading up to this change. *** New functions `yas-activate-extra-mode' and `yas-deactivate-extra-mode'. These are preferable to setting `yas-extra-modes' directly in the mode hook (see issue #420 for more information). *** New variable `yas-new-snippet-default'. The default snippet suggested on `yas-new-snippet' can now be customized. ** Fixed bugs *** `yas-expand' now sets `this-command' when falling back to another command. Previously it was setting `this-original-command', which does not match the documented semantics. See Github #587. *** Github #537: Be lenient to extensions operating on snippet fields. *** Github #619: Parents of extra modes are now activated too. *** Github #549: `yas-verbosity' is now applied to `load' calls too. *** Github #607; avoid obscure Emacs bug triggered by overlays in *Messages* buffer. It was triggered by yasnippet+flycheck+highlight-parentheses. See also *** Github #617; fix x prompt when snippet inserts many lines. *** Github #618; avoid breakage if `scan-sexp' modifies match data. Which it does in Emacs 25. *** Github #562: Deleting inner numberless snippet caused an error. *** Github #418, #536: Fix navigation to zero-length fields at snippet end. *** Github #527, #525 and #526: Attempt to prevent "fallback loops" when interactiing with other extensions that use similar fallback mechanisms. * 0.8.0 (August 2012) ** Changes and New Features *** All YASnippet symbols now prefixed with `yas-'. Keep old `yas/' versions as aliases. *** Yasnippet is now Free Software Foundation's copyright. *** `yas-dont-activate' can be a list of functions. *** Snippets are loaded just-in-time . Thanks to Matthew Fidler for a lot of input with the implementation. *** yasnippet-bundle.el is no longer available. Use `yas-compile-directory' instead if you need the speed advantage. *** New functions `yas-compile-directory' and `yas-recompile-all'. This feature is still undocumented. Generate a .yas-compiled-snippets.el file in the directory passed where snippets are compiled into emacs-lisp code. *** New `yas-verbosity' variable. *** Interactively calling `yas-exit-snippet' exits most recently inserted snippet. *** Using filenames as snippet triggers is deprecated. *** Default value of `yas-show-menu-p' is `abbreviate'. *** `yas-visit-snippet' ignores `yas-prompt-functions'. *** `yas-buffer-local-condition' restricted to trigger-key expansions by default. *** `yas-load-snippet-buffer' (`C-c C-c') in `snippet-mode' has been much improved. *** New variable `yas-expand-only-for-last-commands', thanks Erik Postma. *** New variable `yas-extra-modes' aliases old `yas/mode-symbol'. *** New `yas-describe-tables' command. *** New `yas-define-condition-cache' macro. This defines an optimised function for placing in a `# condition:' directive that will run at most once per snippet-expansion attempt. *** Mirrors can occur inside fields. *** New `# type: command' directive. This feature is still largely undocumented. *** A hidden .yas-setup.el is loaded if found in a snippet directory. *** `yas-wrap-around-region' can now also be `cua' (undocumented feature). *** Make menu groups automatically using new .yas-make-groups file. *** Per-snippet keybindings using `# keybinding:' directive. *** More friendly `yas-expand-snippet' calling convention. This breaks backward compatibility. *** The `# env:' directive is now `# expand-env:'. *** Setup multiple parent modes using new .yas-parents file. ** Fixed bugs *** Github #281: jit-load snippets in the correct order. *** Github #245: primary field transformations work inside nested fields. *** Github #242: stop using the deprecated `assoc' library. *** Github #233: show direct snippet keybindings in the menu. *** Github #194, Googlecode 192: Compatibility with `fci-mode'. *** Github #147, Googlecode 145: Snippets comments were getting inserted. *** Github #141, Googlecode 139: searching buffer in embedded elisp works slightly better. Issue is still open for analysis, though *** Github #95, Googlecode 193: no more stack overflow in org-mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Local variables: coding: utf-8 mode: outline paragraph-separate: "[ ]*$" end: