;;; tests/indent.el --- Some tests for js2-mode. ;; Copyright (C) 2009, 2011-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'ert) (require 'js2-mode) (require 'cl-lib) (require 'js2-old-indent) (defun js2-test-indent (content keep-indent) (let ((s (replace-regexp-in-string "^ *|" "" content))) (with-temp-buffer (insert (if keep-indent s (replace-regexp-in-string "^ *" "" s))) (js2-jsx-mode) (js2-reparse) ; solely for js2-jsx-self-closing, for some reason (indent-region (point-min) (point-max)) (should (string= s (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point))))))) (cl-defmacro js2-deftest-indent (name content &key bind keep-indent) `(ert-deftest ,(intern (format "js2-%s" name)) () (let ,(append '(indent-tabs-mode (js2-basic-offset 2) (js2-pretty-multiline-declarations t) (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)) bind) (js2-test-indent ,content ,keep-indent)))) (put 'js2-deftest-indent 'lisp-indent-function 'defun) (js2-deftest-indent no-multiline-decl-indent-after-semicolon "var foo = 1; |bar = 2") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-indent-after-comma "let foo = 1, | bar = 2") (js2-deftest-indent no-multiline-decl-when-disabled "let foo = 1, |bar = 2" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations nil))) (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-with-continued-expr "var foo = 100500 | + 1") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-with-continued-expr-same-line "var foo = 100500 / | 16;") (js2-deftest-indent no-multiline-decl-with-operator-inside-string "var foo = bar('/protocols/') |baz()") (js2-deftest-indent no-multiline-decl-implicit-semicolon "var foo = 100500 |1") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-sees-keyword-width "const foo = 1, | bar = 2;") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-second-arg-value-parenthesised "var foo = 1, | bar = [ | 1, 2, | 3, 4 | ], | baz = 5;") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-first-arg-function-normal "var foo = function() { | return 7; |}, | bar = 8;") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-first-arg-function-indent-all "var foo = function() { | return 7; | }, | bar = 8;" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations 'all))) (js2-deftest-indent default-keyword-as-property "var foo = { | case: 'zzzz', | default: 'donkey', | tee: 'ornery' |};") (js2-deftest-indent multiline-string-noop "`multiline string | contents | are kept | unchanged!`" :keep-indent t) (js2-deftest-indent no-multiline-decl-first-arg-function-dynamic "var foo = function() { | return 7; |};" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations 'dynamic))) (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-first-arg-function-indent-dynamic "var foo = function() { | return 7; | }, | bar = 8;" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations 'dynamic))) (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-first-arg-function-indent-dynamic-comment "var foo = function() { | return 7; | }/* MUAHAHAHA, ah ha! */, | bar = 8;" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations 'dynamic))) (js2-deftest-indent multiline-decl-first-arg-function-indent-dynamic-scan-error "var foo = function() { | return 7; | , | bar = 8;" :bind ((js2-pretty-multiline-declarations 'dynamic))) (js2-deftest-indent indent-generator-method "class A { | * x() { | return 1 | * a(2); | } |}") (js2-deftest-indent indent-generator-computed-method "class A { | *[Symbol.iterator]() { | yield 'Foo'; | yield 'Bar'; | } |}") (js2-deftest-indent case-inside-switch "switch(true) { |case 'true': | return 1; |}") (js2-deftest-indent case-inside-switch-with-extra-indent "switch(true) { | case 'true': | return 1; |}" :bind ((js2-indent-switch-body t))) (js2-deftest-indent case-inside-switch-with-extra-indent-curly-after-newline "switch(true) |{ | case 'true': | return 1; |}" :bind ((js2-indent-switch-body t))) (js2-deftest-indent continued-expression-vs-unary-minus "var arr = [ | -1, 2, | -3, 4 + | -5 |];") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-one-line "var foo =
;") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-children-parentheses "return ( |
|);") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-children-unclosed "return ( |
") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-argument "React.render( |
, | { | a: 1 | }, |
|);") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-leading-comment "return ( | // Sneaky! |
|);") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-trailing-comment "return ( |
| // Sneaky! |);") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-self-closing ;; This ensures we know the bounds of a self-closing element "React.render( | , | { | a: 1 | } |);" :bind ((sgml-attribute-offset 1))) ; Emacs 24.5 -> 25 compat (js2-deftest-indent jsx-embedded-js-content "return ( |
| {array.map(function () { | return { | a: 1 | }; | })} |
|);") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-embedded-js-unclosed "return ( |
| {array.map(function () { | return { | a: 1") (js2-deftest-indent jsx-embedded-js-attribute "return ( |