;; -*- emacs-lisp -*- ;; List of packages that are maintained externally. ;; The list is made of elements of the form (NAME KIND URL OPTS...). ;; ;; Where NAME is the name of the package; ;; ;; KIND can be one of: ;; :subtree = a "git subtree" in the `master' branch. ;; :external = kept in a separate `externals/' branch. ;; :core = part of GNU Emacs repository. ;; ;; For KIND :external URL is the URL of the remote git repository that we want ;; to track, while in the case of :subtree URL is useless. For packages of KIND ;; :core URL must be a list of: ;; STRING = A file-name to copy from Emacs repo. ;; (STRING STRING) = A file-name to copy renamed from Emacs repo. ;; For packages consisting of a single file, a plain string is also allowed. ;; All file-names must be relative to the Emacs repository root and the package ;; directory. When a file-name points to a directory all its files are copied ;; recursively into the package root or specified destination. A special ;; :excludes key can be provided to especify files to exclude when copying ;; directories, wildcards are supported, "*.elc" and "*~" are always excluded. ;; Exclude matches must be against the full file-name, substring matches don't ;; work unless wildcards are used (e.g. use "etc/*" instead of "etc/"). ;; The FIXMEs indicate that the branch can't be merged as is because it needs ;; some manual intervention (typically, because the two branches have ;; diverged). (("ack" :subtree "https://github.com/leoliu/ack-el") ("auctex" :external "git://git.sv.gnu.org/auctex.git") ;;FIXME:("cedet" :external "??") ("chess" :external nil) ;; Was https://github.com/jwiegley/emacs-chess.git ("coffee-mode" :subtree "https://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode") ("company" :subtree "https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode.git") ("company-math" :subtree "https://github.com/vspinu/company-math.git") ("context-coloring" :subtree "https://github.com/jacksonrayhamilton/context-coloring.git") ("darkroom" :subtree "https://github.com/capitaomorte/darkroom.git") ("dbus-codegen" :subtree "https://github.com/ueno/dbus-codegen-el.git") ("diff-hl" :subtree "https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl.git") ("dismal" :external nil) ("dts-mode" :subtree "https://github.com/bgamari/dts-mode.git") ("easy-kill" :subtree "https://github.com/leoliu/easy-kill") ("eldoc-eval" :subtree "https://github.com/thierryvolpiatto/eldoc-eval.git") ("enwc" :subtree "bzr::bzr://bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/enwc/trunk") ("ergoemacs-mode" :external "https://github.com/ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode.git") ("f90-interface-browser" :subtree "https://github.com/wence-/f90-iface") ("ggtags" :subtree "https://github.com/leoliu/ggtags") ("gnorb" :subtree "https://github.com/girzel/gnorb") ("ioccur" :subtree "https://github.com/thierryvolpiatto/ioccur.git") ("js2-mode" :subtree "https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode.git") ("math-symbol-lists" :subtree "https://github.com/vspinu/math-symbol-lists.git") ("omn-mode" :external nil) ("pabbrev" :external "https://github.com/phillord/pabbrev.git") ("pinentry" :subtree "https://github.com/ueno/pinentry-el.git") ;;FIXME:("org" :external ??) ;; Need to introduce snapshots!! ("rudel" :external nil) ;; Was bzr::bzr://rudel.bzr.sourceforge.net/bzrroot/rudel/trunk ("temp-buffer-browse" :subtree "https://github.com/leoliu/temp-buffer-browse") ("test-simple" :subtree "https://github.com/rocky/emacs-test-simple") ;;FIXME:("vlf" :subtree ??) ("w3" :external nil) ("wcheck-mode" :subtree "https://github.com/tlikonen/wcheck-mode.git") ("web-server" :subtree "https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-web-server.git") ("websocket" :subtree "https://github.com/ahyatt/emacs-websocket.git") ("yasnippet" :subtree "https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet.git") )