;;; hydra.el --- Make bindings that stick around ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Oleh Krehel ;; Maintainer: Oleh Krehel ;; URL: https://github.com/abo-abo/hydra ;; Version: 0.9.0 ;; Keywords: bindings ;; Package-Requires: ((cl-lib "0.5")) ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; ;; This package can be used to tie related commands into a family of ;; short bindings with a common prefix - a Hydra. ;; ;; Once you summon the Hydra (through the prefixed binding), all the ;; heads can be called in succession with only a short extension. ;; The Hydra is vanquished once Hercules, any binding that isn't the ;; Hydra's head, arrives. Note that Hercules, besides vanquishing the ;; Hydra, will still serve his orignal purpose, calling his proper ;; command. This makes the Hydra very seamless, it's like a minor ;; mode that disables itself automagically. ;; ;; Here's an example Hydra, bound in the global map (you can use any ;; keymap in place of `global-map'): ;; ;; (defhydra hydra-zoom (global-map "") ;; "zoom" ;; ("g" text-scale-increase "in") ;; ("l" text-scale-decrease "out")) ;; ;; It allows to start a command chain either like this: ;; " gg4ll5g", or " lgllg". ;; ;; Here's another approach, when you just want a "callable keymap": ;; ;; (defhydra hydra-toggle (:color blue) ;; "toggle" ;; ("a" abbrev-mode "abbrev") ;; ("d" toggle-debug-on-error "debug") ;; ("f" auto-fill-mode "fill") ;; ("t" toggle-truncate-lines "truncate") ;; ("w" whitespace-mode "whitespace") ;; ("q" nil "cancel")) ;; ;; This binds nothing so far, but if you follow up with: ;; ;; (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-v") 'hydra-toggle/body) ;; ;; you will have bound "C-c C-v a", "C-c C-v d" etc. ;; ;; Knowing that `defhydra' defines e.g. `hydra-toggle/body' command, ;; you can nest Hydras if you wish, with `hydra-toggle/body' possibly ;; becoming a blue head of another Hydra. ;; ;; Initially, Hydra shipped with a simplified `hydra-create' macro, to ;; which you could hook up the examples from hydra-examples.el. It's ;; better to take the examples simply as templates and use `defhydra' ;; instead of `hydra-create', since it's more flexible. ;;; Code: ;;* Requires (require 'cl-lib) (defalias 'hydra-set-transient-map (if (fboundp 'set-transient-map) 'set-transient-map 'set-temporary-overlay-map)) ;;* Customize (defgroup hydra nil "Make bindings that stick around." :group 'bindings :prefix "hydra-") (defcustom hydra-is-helpful t "When t, display a hint with possible bindings in the echo area." :type 'boolean :group 'hydra) (defcustom hydra-keyboard-quit "" "This binding will quit an amaranth Hydra. It's the only other way to quit it besides though a blue head. It's possible to set this to nil.") (defface hydra-face-red '((t (:foreground "#7F0055" :bold t))) "Red Hydra heads will persist indefinitely." :group 'hydra) (defface hydra-face-blue '((t (:foreground "#758BC6" :bold t))) "Blue Hydra heads will vanquish the Hydra.") (defface hydra-face-amaranth '((t (:foreground "#E52B50" :bold t))) "Amaranth Hydra can exit only through a blue head.") ;;* Universal Argument (defvar hydra-base-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map [?\C-u] 'hydra--universal-argument) (define-key map [?-] 'hydra--negative-argument) (define-key map [?0] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?1] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?2] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?3] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?4] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?5] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?6] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?7] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?8] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [?9] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-0] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-1] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-2] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-3] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-4] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-5] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-6] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-7] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-8] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-9] 'hydra--digit-argument) (define-key map [kp-subtract] 'hydra--negative-argument) map) "Keymap that all Hydras inherit. See `universal-argument-map'.") (defvar hydra-curr-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap of the current Hydra called.") (defun hydra--universal-argument (arg) "Forward to (`universal-argument' ARG)." (interactive "P") (setq prefix-arg (if (consp arg) (list (* 4 (car arg))) (if (eq arg '-) (list -4) '(4)))) (hydra-set-transient-map hydra-curr-map t)) (defun hydra--digit-argument (arg) "Forward to (`digit-argument' ARG)." (interactive "P") (let ((universal-argument-map hydra-curr-map)) (digit-argument arg))) (defun hydra--negative-argument (arg) "Forward to (`negative-argument' ARG)." (interactive "P") (let ((universal-argument-map hydra-curr-map)) (negative-argument arg))) ;;* Misc internals (defvar hydra-last nil "The result of the last `hydra-set-transient-map' call.") (defun hydra--callablep (x) "Test if X is callable." (or (functionp x) (and (consp x) (memq (car x) '(function quote))))) (defun hydra--make-callable (x) "Generate a callable symbol from X. If X is a function symbol or a lambda, return it. Otherwise, it should be a single statement. Wrap it in an interactive lambda." (if (or (symbolp x) (functionp x)) x `(lambda () (interactive) ,x))) (defun hydra--head-property (h prop &optional default) "Return for Hydra head H the value of property PROP. Return DEFAULT if PROP is not in H." (let ((plist (if (stringp (cl-caddr h)) (cl-cdddr h) (cddr h)))) (if (memq prop h) (plist-get plist prop) default))) (defun hydra--color (h body-color) "Return the color of a Hydra head H with BODY-COLOR." (if (null (cadr h)) 'blue (or (hydra--head-property h :color) body-color))) (defun hydra--face (h body-color) "Return the face for a Hydra head H with BODY-COLOR." (cl-case (hydra--color h body-color) (blue 'hydra-face-blue) (red 'hydra-face-red) (amaranth 'hydra-face-amaranth) (t (error "Unknown color for %S" h)))) (defun hydra--hint (docstring heads body-color) "Generate a hint from DOCSTRING and HEADS and BODY-COLOR. It's intended for the echo area, when a Hydra is active." (format "%s: %s." docstring (mapconcat (lambda (h) (format (if (stringp (cl-caddr h)) (concat "[%s]: " (cl-caddr h)) "%s") (propertize (car h) 'face (hydra--face h body-color)))) heads ", "))) (defun hydra-disable () "Disable the current Hydra." (cond ;; Emacs 25 ((functionp hydra-last) (funcall hydra-last)) ;; Emacs 24.4.1 ((boundp 'overriding-terminal-local-map) (setq overriding-terminal-local-map nil)) ;; older (t (while (and (consp (car emulation-mode-map-alists)) (consp (caar emulation-mode-map-alists)) (equal (cl-cdaar emulation-mode-map-alists) ',keymap)) (setq emulation-mode-map-alists (cdr emulation-mode-map-alists)))))) (defun hydra--doc (body-key body-name heads) "Generate a part of Hydra docstring. BODY-KEY is the body key binding. BODY-NAME is the symbol that identifies the Hydra. HEADS is a list of heads." (format "Create a hydra with %s body and the heads:\n\n%s\n\n%s" (if body-key (format "a \"%s\"" body-key) "no") (mapconcat (lambda (x) (format "\"%s\": `%S'" (car x) (cadr x))) heads ",\n") (format "The body can be accessed via `%S'." body-name))) (defun hydra--make-defun (name cmd color doc hint keymap body-color body-pre body-post &optional other-post) "Make a defun wrapper, using NAME, CMD, COLOR, DOC, HINT, and KEYMAP. BODY-COLOR, BODY-PRE, BODY-POST, and OTHER-POST are used as well." `(defun ,name () ,doc (interactive) ,@(when body-pre (list body-pre)) (hydra-disable) (catch 'hydra-disable ,@(delq nil (if (eq color 'blue) `(,(when cmd `(call-interactively #',cmd)) ,body-post) `(,(when cmd `(condition-case err (prog1 t (call-interactively #',cmd)) ((debug error) (message "%S" err) (sit-for 0.8) nil))) (when hydra-is-helpful (message ,hint)) (setq hydra-last (hydra-set-transient-map (setq hydra-curr-map ',keymap) t ,@(if (and (not (eq body-color 'amaranth)) body-post) `((lambda () ,body-post))))) ,other-post)))))) ;;* Macros ;;** hydra-create ;;;###autoload (defmacro hydra-create (body heads &optional method) "Create a hydra with a BODY prefix and HEADS with METHOD. This will result in `global-set-key' statements with the keys being the concatenation of BODY and each head in HEADS. HEADS is an list of (KEY FUNCTION &optional HINT). After one of the HEADS is called via BODY+KEY, it and the other HEADS can be called with only KEY (no need for BODY). This state is broken once any key binding that is not in HEADS is called. METHOD is a lambda takes two arguments: a KEY and a COMMAND. It defaults to `global-set-key'. When `(keymapp METHOD)`, it becomes: (lambda (key command) (define-key METHOD key command))" (declare (indent 1) (obsolete defhydra "0.8.0")) `(defhydra ,(intern (concat "hydra-" (replace-regexp-in-string " " "_" body))) ,(cond ((hydra--callablep method) method) ((null method) `(global-map ,body)) (t (list method body))) "hydra" ,@(eval heads))) ;;** defhydra ;;;###autoload (defmacro defhydra (name body &optional docstring &rest heads) "Create a Hydra - a family of functions with prefix NAME. NAME should be a symbol, it will be the prefix of all functions defined here. BODY has the format: (BODY-MAP BODY-KEY &rest PLIST) DOCSTRING will be displayed in the echo area to identify the Hydra. Functions are created on basis of HEADS, each of which has the format: (KEY CMD &optional HINT &rest PLIST) BODY-MAP is a keymap; `global-map' is used quite often. Each function generated from HEADS will be bound in BODY-MAP to BODY-KEY + KEY, and will set the transient map so that all following heads can be called though KEY only. The heads inherit their PLIST from the body and are allowed to override each key. The keys recognized are :color and :bind. :color can be: - red (default): this head will continue the Hydra state. - blue: this head will stop the Hydra state. - amaranth (applies to body only): similar to red, but no binding except a blue head can stop the Hydra state. :bind can be: - nil: this head will not be bound in BODY-MAP. - a lambda taking KEY and CMD used to bind a head" (declare (indent 2)) (unless (stringp docstring) (setq heads (cons docstring heads)) (setq docstring "hydra")) (when (keywordp (car body)) (setq body (cons nil (cons nil body)))) (let* ((keymap (copy-keymap hydra-base-map)) (names (mapcar (lambda (x) (define-key keymap (kbd (car x)) (intern (format "%S/%s" name (if (symbolp (cadr x)) (cadr x) (concat "lambda-" (car x))))))) heads)) (body-name (intern (format "%S/body" name))) (body-key (unless (hydra--callablep body) (cadr body))) (body-color (if (hydra--callablep body) 'red (or (plist-get (cddr body) :color) 'red))) (body-pre (plist-get (cddr body) :pre)) (body-post (plist-get (cddr body) :post)) (method (or (plist-get body :bind) (car body))) (hint (hydra--hint docstring heads body-color)) (doc (hydra--doc body-key body-name heads))) (when (and (or body-pre body-post) (version< emacs-version "24.4")) (error "At least Emacs 24.4 is needed for :pre and :post")) (when (and body-pre (symbolp body-pre)) (setq body-pre `(funcall #',body-pre))) (when (and body-post (symbolp body-post)) (setq body-post `(funcall #',body-post))) (when (eq body-color 'amaranth) (if (cl-some `(lambda (h) (eq (hydra--color h ',body-color) 'blue)) heads) (define-key keymap [t] `(lambda () (interactive) (message "An amaranth Hydra can only exit through a blue head") (hydra-set-transient-map hydra-curr-map t) (when hydra-is-helpful (sit-for 0.8) (message ,hint)))) (error "An amaranth Hydra must have at least one blue head in order to exit")) (when hydra-keyboard-quit (define-key keymap hydra-keyboard-quit `(lambda () (interactive) (hydra-disable) ,body-post)))) `(progn ,@(cl-mapcar (lambda (head name) (hydra--make-defun name (hydra--make-callable (cadr head)) (hydra--color head body-color) (format "%s\n\nCall the head: `%S'." doc (cadr head)) hint keymap body-color body-pre body-post)) heads names) ,@(unless (or (null body-key) (null method) (hydra--callablep method)) `((unless (keymapp (lookup-key ,method (kbd ,body-key))) (define-key ,method (kbd ,body-key) nil)))) ,@(delq nil (cl-mapcar (lambda (head name) (when (or body-key method) (let ((bind (hydra--head-property head :bind 'default)) (final-key (if body-key (vconcat (kbd body-key) (kbd (car head))) (kbd (car head))))) (cond ((null bind) nil) ((eq bind 'default) (list (if (hydra--callablep method) 'funcall 'define-key) method final-key (list 'function name))) ((hydra--callablep bind) `(funcall (function ,bind) ,final-key (function ,name))) (t (error "Invalid :bind property %S" head)))))) heads names)) ,(hydra--make-defun body-name nil nil doc hint keymap body-color body-pre body-post '(setq prefix-arg current-prefix-arg))))) (provide 'hydra) ;;; Local Variables: ;;; outline-regexp: ";;\\*+" ;;; End: ;;; hydra.el ends here