;; Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;; Author: Jonathan Hayase ;; URL: https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs. ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; This mode enables diffing on-the-fly (i.e. without saving the buffer first) ;; Toggle in all buffers with M-x diff-hl-flydiff-mode ;;; Code: (require 'diff-hl) (require 'diff) (unless (require 'nadvice nil t) (error "`diff-hl-flydiff-mode' requires Emacs 24.4 or newer")) (defgroup diff-hl-flydiff nil "Highlight changes on the fly" :group 'diff-hl) (defcustom diff-hl-flydiff-delay 0.3 "The idle delay in seconds before highlighting is updated." :type 'number) (defvar diff-hl-flydiff-modified-tick 0) (defvar diff-hl-flydiff-timer nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'diff-hl-flydiff-modified-tick) (defun diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git--symbolic-ref (file) (or (vc-file-getprop file 'vc-git-symbolic-ref) (let* (process-file-side-effects (str (vc-git--run-command-string nil "symbolic-ref" "HEAD"))) (vc-file-setprop file 'vc-git-symbolic-ref (if str (if (string-match "^\\(refs/heads/\\)?\\(.+\\)$" str) (match-string 2 str) str)))))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git-working-revision (_file) "Git-specific version of `vc-working-revision'." (let (process-file-side-effects) (vc-git--rev-parse "HEAD"))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git-mode-line-string (file) "Return a string for `vc-mode-line' to put in the mode line for FILE." (let* ((rev (vc-working-revision file)) (disp-rev (or (diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git--symbolic-ref file) (substring rev 0 7))) (def-ml (vc-default-mode-line-string 'Git file)) (help-echo (get-text-property 0 'help-echo def-ml)) (face (get-text-property 0 'face def-ml))) (propertize (replace-regexp-in-string (concat rev "\\'") disp-rev def-ml t t) 'face face 'help-echo (concat help-echo "\nCurrent revision: " rev)))) ;; Polyfill concrete revisions for vc-git-working-revision in Emacs 24.4, 24.5 (when (version<= emacs-version "25.0") (with-eval-after-load 'vc-git (advice-add 'vc-git-working-revision :override #'diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git-working-revision) (advice-add 'vc-git-mode-line-string :override #'diff-hl-flydiff/vc-git-mode-line-string))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff/working-revision (file) "Like vc-working-revision, but always up-to-date" (vc-file-setprop file 'vc-working-revision (vc-call-backend (vc-backend file) 'working-revision file))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff-make-temp-file-name (file rev &optional manual) "Return a backup file name for REV or the current version of FILE. If MANUAL is non-nil it means that a name for backups created by the user should be returned." (let* ((auto-save-file-name-transforms `((".*" ,temporary-file-directory t)))) (expand-file-name (concat (make-auto-save-file-name) ".~" (subst-char-in-string ?/ ?_ rev) (unless manual ".") "~") temporary-file-directory))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff-create-revision (file revision) "Read REVISION of FILE into a buffer and return the buffer." (let ((automatic-backup (diff-hl-flydiff-make-temp-file-name file revision)) (filebuf (get-file-buffer file)) (filename (diff-hl-flydiff-make-temp-file-name file revision 'manual))) (unless (file-exists-p filename) (if (file-exists-p automatic-backup) (rename-file automatic-backup filename nil) (with-current-buffer filebuf (let ((coding-system-for-read 'no-conversion) (coding-system-for-write 'no-conversion)) (condition-case nil (with-temp-file filename (let ((outbuf (current-buffer))) ;; Change buffer to get local value of ;; vc-checkout-switches. (with-current-buffer filebuf (vc-call find-revision file revision outbuf)))) (error (when (file-exists-p filename) (delete-file filename)))))))) filename)) (defun diff-hl-flydiff-buffer-with-head (file &optional backend) "View the differences between BUFFER and its associated file. This requires the external program `diff' to be in your `exec-path'." (interactive) (vc-ensure-vc-buffer) (setq diff-hl-flydiff-modified-tick (buffer-modified-tick)) (save-current-buffer (let* ((temporary-file-directory (if (file-directory-p "/dev/shm/") "/dev/shm/" temporary-file-directory)) (rev (diff-hl-flydiff-create-revision file (diff-hl-flydiff/working-revision file)))) (diff-no-select rev (current-buffer) "-U 0 --strip-trailing-cr" 'noasync (get-buffer-create " *diff-hl-diff*"))))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff-update () (unless (or (not diff-hl-mode) (= diff-hl-flydiff-modified-tick (buffer-modified-tick)) (file-remote-p default-directory)) (diff-hl-update))) (defun diff-hl-flydiff/modified-p (state) (buffer-modified-p)) ;;;###autoload (define-minor-mode diff-hl-flydiff-mode "Highlight diffs on-the-fly" :lighter "" :global t (if diff-hl-flydiff-mode (progn (advice-add 'diff-hl-overlay-modified :override #'ignore) (advice-add 'diff-hl-modified-p :before-until #'diff-hl-flydiff/modified-p) (advice-add 'diff-hl-changes-buffer :override #'diff-hl-flydiff-buffer-with-head) (setq diff-hl-flydiff-timer (run-with-idle-timer diff-hl-flydiff-delay t #'diff-hl-flydiff-update))) (advice-remove 'diff-hl-overlay-modified #'ignore) (advice-remove 'diff-hl-modified-p #'diff-hl-flydiff/modified-p) (advice-remove 'diff-hl-changes-buffer #'diff-hl-flydiff-buffer-with-head) (and diff-hl-flydiff-timer (cancel-timer diff-hl-flydiff-timer)))) (provide 'diff-hl-flydiff)