#!/usr/bin/perl # -*- eval: (bug-reference-mode 1) -*- sub add_funds($) { return 0; } my $hash = { foo => 'bar', format => 'some', }; sub some_code { print "will not indent :("; }; use v5.14; my $str= < [ "123", ], c => "123", }; print <<"EOF1" . <<\EOF2 . s/he"llo/th'ere/; foo EOF2 bar EOF1 bar EOF2 print $'; # This should not start a string! print "hello" for /./; $fileType_filesButNot # bug#12373? = join( '|', map { quotemeta($_).'$' } @{$fileType->{filesButNot}} ); # There can be a comment between an if/when/while and a // matcher! return 'W' if #/^Not Available on Mobile/m; #W=Web only /This video is not available on mobile devices./m; #bug#20800 # A "y|abc|def|" shouldn't interfere when inside a string! $toto = " x \" string\""; $toto = " y \" string\""; # This is not the `y' operator!