#!/usr/bin/env python3 import codecs import subprocess import os import sys def main(): name = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if name == "pacorphan": pacorphan_main() elif name == "aptorphan": aptorphan_main() else: print("This script must be named pacorphan or aptorphan!", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def pacorphan_main(): keep_pkg_list = load_keep_pkg_list("pacorphan") unneeded_pkg_list = list(run(["pacman", "-Qttq"])) installed_pkg_list = list(run(["pacman", "-Qq"])) explicit_pkg_list = list(run(["pacman", "-Qeq"])) mark_explicit_list = [] need_install_list = [] for pkg in keep_pkg_list: if pkg in unneeded_pkg_list: unneeded_pkg_list.remove(pkg) if pkg in explicit_pkg_list: explicit_pkg_list.remove(pkg) else: if pkg in installed_pkg_list: mark_explicit_list.append(pkg) else: need_install_list.append(pkg) if unneeded_pkg_list: print("# Found packages to remove") print("sudo pacman -R " + " ".join(unneeded_pkg_list)) print() if explicit_pkg_list: print("# Found explicitly installed packages to keep or remove") print("echo " + " ".join(explicit_pkg_list) + " | tr ' ' '\\n' >> ~/.pacorphan/keep") print("sudo pacman -D --asdeps " + " ".join(explicit_pkg_list)) print() if mark_explicit_list: print("# Found packages which should be marked as explicitly installed") print("sudo pacman -D --asexplicit " + " ".join(mark_explicit_list)) print() if need_install_list: print("# Found packages which should be installed") print("sudo pacman -S " + " ".join(need_install_list)) print() def aptorphan_main(): ensure_apt_config_is_sane() keep_pkg_list = load_keep_pkg_list("aptorphan") mark_explicit_list = [] need_install_list = [] installed_pkg_list = list(run(["aptitude", "search", "?or(~i!~aremove,~ainstall)", "-F", "%p"])) explicit_pkg_list = list(run(["aptitude", "search", "?or(~i!~M!~aremove,~ainstall!~M)", "-F", "%p"])) for pkg in keep_pkg_list: if pkg in explicit_pkg_list: explicit_pkg_list.remove(pkg) else: if pkg in installed_pkg_list: mark_explicit_list.append(pkg) else: need_install_list.append(pkg) if mark_explicit_list: print("# Found packages which should be marked as explicitly installed") print("sudo aptitude --schedule-only install " + " ".join([("'"+x+"&m'") for x in mark_explicit_list])) print() if need_install_list: print("# Found packages which should be installed") print("sudo aptitude --schedule-only install " + " ".join(need_install_list)) print() if explicit_pkg_list: print("# Found explicitly installed packages to keep or remove") print("echo " + " ".join(explicit_pkg_list) + " | tr ' ' '\\n' >> ~/.aptorphan/keep") print("sudo aptitude --schedule-only install " + " ".join([(x+"+M") for x in explicit_pkg_list])) print() def ensure_apt_config_is_sane(): required_config = """ APT::Install-Recommends "false"; APT::Install-Suggests "false"; APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant "false"; APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false"; """.strip().split("\n") actual_config = run(["apt-config", "dump"]) missing_lines = [] for required_line in required_config: for line in actual_config: if line == required_line: break else: missing_lines.append(required_line) if missing_lines: print("Missing apt-config, add these lines to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99recommends-disable") print("\n".join(missing_lines)) sys.exit(1) def load_keep_pkg_list(name): config_path = find_config_path(name) if not os.path.isdir(config_path): print("# WARNING, you should create a directory at %s" % config_path) return [] result = [] for filename in sorted(os.listdir(config_path)): if filename.startswith("."): continue full_filename = os.path.join(config_path, filename) for pkg in codecs.open(full_filename, "r", "utf-8"): pkg = strip_comment(pkg).strip() if not pkg: continue if filename[0] != "~": if pkg in result: print("# Duplicate entry:", pkg, "in file", filename) continue result.append(pkg) else: if pkg not in result: print("# Redundant removal:", pkg, "in file", filename) continue result.remove(pkg) return result def find_config_path(name): homedir_path = os.path.expanduser("~/.%s" % name) if os.path.isdir(homedir_path): return homedir_path if "XDG_CONFIG_HOME" not in os.environ: return os.path.expanduser("~/.config/%s" % name) else: return os.path.join(os.environ["XDG_CONFIG_HOME"], name) def strip_comment(line): pos = line.find("#") if pos >= 0: line = line[:pos] return line.strip() def run(cmd): for line in subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode("utf-8").split("\n"): line = line.strip() if line: yield line if __name__ == "__main__": main()