#!/usr/bin/python3 import dbus import json import os import subprocess import sys import tempfile import time """ Instructions! 1. Pair your bluetooth device, use bluetoothctl 2. Use 'sdptool search DUN' to find the bluetooth channel 3. Save your configuration to ~/.config/bt-dun-connect.json 4. Run bt-dun-connect Example configuration: { "apn": "internet", "bluetooth_addr": "DE:AD:BE:EE:EE:EF", "bluetooth_channel": "22" } """ class DiallerException(Exception): pass class BluetoothDialler(object): def __init__(self, rfcomm_id, bt_addr, bt_channel, apn): self.rfcomm_id = rfcomm_id self.bt_addr = bt_addr self.bt_channel = bt_channel self.apn = apn self.rfcomm = None self.wvdial = None self.wvdial_conf_name = None self.dbus_system = None def release(self): if self.wvdial: try: self.wvdial.terminate() self.wvdial.wait() except Exception as e: print(e) if self.rfcomm: try: self.rfcomm.terminate() self.rfcomm.wait() except Exception as e: print(e) if self.wvdial_conf_name: try: os.unlink(self.wvdial_conf_name) except Exception as e: print(e) try: reset_rfcomm(self.rfcomm_id) except Exception as e: print(e) if self.dbus_system: try: self.disconnect_bluetooth() except Exception as e: print(e) def setup_dbus(self): self.dbus_system = dbus.SystemBus() def enable_bluetooth(self): bluez = self.dbus_system.get_object("org.bluez", "/org/bluez/hci0") iprops = dbus.Interface(bluez, "org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties") iprops.Set("org.bluez.Adapter1", "Powered", True) def disconnect_bluetooth(self): path = self.bt_addr.upper().replace(":", "_") bluez_dev = self.dbus_system.get_object("org.bluez", "/org/bluez/hci0/dev_" + path) idev = dbus.Interface(bluez_dev, "org.bluez.Device1") idev.Disconnect() def connect_rfcomm(self): self.rfcomm = subprocess.Popen([ "rfcomm", "connect", self.rfcomm_id, self.bt_addr, self.bt_channel, ]) # poll until connected start = time.time() while time.time() - start < 10: if self.is_rfcomm_connected(): return time.sleep(0.1) raise DiallerException("Timeout connecting rfcomm") def is_rfcomm_connected(self): output = subprocess.check_output(["rfcomm", "-a"]) for line in output.decode("ascii").split("\n"): if not line.startswith("rfcomm%s:" % self.rfcomm_id): continue if line.find(" connected ") >= 0: return True return False def write_wvdial_conf(self): fd, self.wvdial_conf_name = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, "w") f.write(""" [Dialer Defaults] Modem = /dev/rfcomm0 Baud = 115200 Init = ATZ Init2 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","%s" Phone = *99# Username = dummy Password = dummy """ % self.apn) f.close() def connect_wvdial(self): self.wvdial = subprocess.Popen([ "wvdial", "-C", self.wvdial_conf_name ]) self.wvdial.wait() def run(self): try: self.setup_dbus() print("Enabling bluetooth...") self.enable_bluetooth() print("Connecting rfcomm...") self.connect_rfcomm() self.write_wvdial_conf() print("Dialling...") self.connect_wvdial() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: print("Exiting...") except DiallerException as e: print(e) finally: self.release() def get_next_rfcomm_id(): # for now always use rfcomm0 reset_rfcomm("all") return "0" def reset_rfcomm(rfcomm_id): subprocess.call(["rfcomm", "release", rfcomm_id], stderr=open("/dev/null")) def read_config(filename): try: config = open(os.path.expanduser(filename)) except OSError as e: print("Failed to open config file: %s" % e) sys.exit(1) try: return json.load(config) except ValueError as e: print("Failed to parse config file %s: %s" % (filename, e)) sys.exit(1) def main(): rfcomm_id = get_next_rfcomm_id() config = read_config("~/.config/bt-dun-connect.json") dialler = BluetoothDialler( rfcomm_id=rfcomm_id, bt_addr=config["bluetooth_addr"], bt_channel=config["bluetooth_channel"], apn=config["apn"], ) dialler.run() if __name__ == "__main__": main()