#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Proxy Utility ------------- With mode=basic any incoming connections on listen_port will be proxied to host:port. The proxy will only accept connections from hosts in the [allowed] section. With mode=proxy the first two lines of incoming connections must be 'host\nport\n'. Once again only connections from hosts in the [allowed] section will be accepted. The proxy will connect to host:port and pass bytes in both directions. The final mode, mode=interceptor is designed to be combined with a firewall rule and another instance running mode=proxy on another computer. Proxies running in interceptor mode listen on all interfaces. They make connections to the host:port specified in the config file, passing the 'capturedhost\ncapturedport\n' onto the destination. They then pass bytes in both directions. Example - Basic Forwarder ------------------------- Config to forward all packets from port 8000 on localhost to google.com:80 Connections will be accepted from whatever IP address alpha.example.com and beta.example.com point to. [proxy] mode = basic listen_port = 8000 host = google.com port = 80 [allowed] host1 = alpha.example.com host2 = beta.example.com Example - Interceptor Proxy Combo --------------------------------- Capture all packets destined for port 1935 and send them to an interceptor configured to listen on example.com:9997. On Linux: # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 1935 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9997 # iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9997 On Mac OS X: # ipfw add 50000 fwd,9997 tcp from any to any dst-port 1935 Config to forward these connections to proxy.example.com [proxy] mode = interceptor listen_port = 9997 host = proxy.example.com port = 9997 Config file for proxy.example.com [proxy] mode = proxy listen_port = 9997 [allowed] host1 = alpha.example.com host2 = beta.example.com """ import asyncore import configparser import os import socket import struct import sys import traceback if sys.platform == "linux2": try: socket.SO_ORIGINAL_DST except AttributeError: # There is a missing const in the socket module... So we will add it now socket.SO_ORIGINAL_DST = 80 def get_original_dest(sock): '''Gets the original destination address for connection that has been redirected by netfilter.''' # struct sockaddr_in { # short sin_family; // e.g. AF_INET # unsigned short sin_port; // e.g. htons(3490) # struct in_addr sin_addr; // see struct in_addr, below # char sin_zero[8]; // zero this if you want to # }; # struct in_addr { # unsigned long s_addr; // load with inet_aton() # }; # getsockopt(fd, SOL_IP, SO_ORIGINAL_DST, (struct sockaddr_in *)&dstaddr, &dstlen); data = sock.getsockopt(socket.SOL_IP, socket.SO_ORIGINAL_DST, 16) _, port, a1, a2, a3, a4 = struct.unpack("!HHBBBBxxxxxxxx", data) address = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (a1, a2, a3, a4) return address, port elif sys.platform == "darwin": def get_original_dest(sock): '''Gets the original destination address for connection that has been redirected by ipfw.''' return sock.getsockname() class Proxy(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, arg): if isinstance(arg, tuple): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connect(arg) else: asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, arg) self.init() def init(self): self.end = False self.other = None self.buffer = b"" def meet(self, other): self.other = other other.other = self def handle_error(self): print("Proxy error:", traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) self.close() def handle_read(self): data = self.recv(8192) if len(data) > 0: self.other.buffer += data def handle_write(self): sent = self.send(self.buffer) self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:] if len(self.buffer) == 0 and self.end: self.close() def writable(self): return len(self.buffer) > 0 def handle_close(self): if not self.other: return print("Proxy closed", file=sys.stderr) self.close() if len(self.other.buffer) == 0: self.other.close() self.other.end = True self.other = None class ConnectProxy(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, sock): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self, sock) self.buffer = b"" def handle_error(self): print("ConnectProxy error:", traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) self.close() def handle_read(self): self.buffer += self.recv(8192) pos1 = self.buffer.find("\n") if pos1 < 0: return host = self.buffer[:pos1].strip() pos1 += 1 pos2 = self.buffer[pos1:].find("\n") if pos2 < 0: return pos2 += pos1 port = int(self.buffer[pos1:pos2].strip()) self.buffer = self.buffer[pos2+1:] self.done(host, port) def handle_write(self): pass def handle_close(self): print("Proxy closed", file=sys.stderr) self.close() def done(self, host, port): print("Forwarding connection", host, port, file=sys.stderr) # Create server proxy server = Proxy((host, port)) server.buffer = self.buffer # Morph and connect self.__class__ = Proxy self.init() server.meet(self) class BasicForwarder(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, listen_port, host, port, allowed): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.host = host self.port = port self.allowed = allowed self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((b"", listen_port)) self.listen(50) print("BasicForwarder bound on", listen_port, file=sys.stderr) def handle_error(self): print("BasicForwarder error:", traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) def handle_accept(self): client_connection, source_addr = self.accept() if not self.is_connected_allowed(source_addr): print("Rejected connection from", source_addr, file=sys.stderr) client_connection.close() return print("Accepted connection from", source_addr, file=sys.stderr) # Hook the sockets up to the event loop client = Proxy(client_connection) server = Proxy((self.host, self.port)) server.meet(client) def is_connected_allowed(self, source_addr): if len(self.allowed) == 1 and self.allowed[0].lower() == "all": return True if source_addr[0] in list(map(socket.gethostbyname, self.allowed)): return True return False class Forwarder(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, listen_port, allowed): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.allowed = allowed self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind((b"", listen_port)) self.listen(50) print("Forwarder bound on", listen_port, file=sys.stderr) def handle_error(self): print("Forwarder error:", traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) def handle_accept(self): client_connection, source_addr = self.accept() if source_addr[0] not in list(map(socket.gethostbyname, self.allowed)): print("Rejected connection from", source_addr, file=sys.stderr) client_connection.close() return print("Accepted connection from", source_addr, file=sys.stderr) ConnectProxy(client_connection) class Interceptor(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, listen_port, host, port): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.host = host self.port = port self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.set_reuse_addr() self.bind(("", listen_port)) self.listen(50) print("Interceptor bound on", listen_port, file=sys.stderr) def handle_error(self): print("Interceptor error!", traceback.format_exc(), file=sys.stderr) def handle_accept(self): # Get sockets client_connection, source_addr = self.accept() dest = get_original_dest(client_connection) print("Accepted connection from", source_addr, file=sys.stderr) # Hook them up to the event loop client = Proxy(client_connection) server = Proxy((self.host, self.port)) server.buffer += "%s\n%d\n" % dest server.meet(client) def main(listen_port, host, port, mode, allowed): if mode == "basic": proxy = BasicForwarder(listen_port, host, port, allowed) elif mode == "proxy": proxy = Forwarder(listen_port, allowed) elif mode == "interceptor": proxy = Interceptor(listen_port, host, port) else: print("Unknown mode:", mode, file=sys.stderr) return 1 asyncore.loop() if __name__ == "__main__": try: if sys.argv[1] == "-d": daemon = True config = sys.argv[2] else: daemon = False config = sys.argv[1] except (IndexError, ValueError): print("Usage: %s [-d] config" % sys.argv[0], file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) try: c = configparser.RawConfigParser() c.read(config) except: print("Error parsing config!", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) def guard(func, message): try: return func() except: print("Error:", message, file=sys.stderr) raise sys.exit(1) mode = guard(lambda:c.get("proxy", "mode").lower(), "mode is a required field") listen_port = guard(lambda:c.getint("proxy", "listen_port"), "listen_port is a required field") if mode in ["basic", "interceptor"]: text = "%%s is a required field for mode=%s" % mode host = guard(lambda:c.get("proxy", "host"), text % "host") port = guard(lambda:c.getint("proxy", "port"), text % "port") else: host = None port = None if mode in ["basic", "proxy"]: allowed = guard(lambda:c.items("allowed"), "[allowed] section is required for mode=%s" % mode) allowed = [h for _,h in c.items("allowed")] else: allowed = None if not daemon: try: main(listen_port, host, port, mode, allowed) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() else: os.close(0) os.close(1) os.close(2) os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDONLY) os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) os.dup(1) if os.fork() == 0: # We are the child try: sys.exit(main(listen_port, host, port, mode, allowed)) except KeyboardInterrupt: print() sys.exit(0)