Jabber MSN Gateway User Guide

Please visit the Server Administrator Guide if you are a server administrator looking for information on how to configure/install the transport.

If you have any insights or comments to add to this page please contact me by Jabber or email: james@delx.cjb.net

Usage Guide

You must already have a Jabber client (a program to connect to a Jabber server) set up with your Jabber account to follow these instructions

These are generic instructions, intended to be useful no matter which Jabber client or what operating system you are using. Please read through them in their entirety before beginning.

Getting started - Registration

It is recommended that you register using the Jabber Transport Registration Form. Your Jabber server may have this form available on their website. So have a look there too.

To register with your Jabber client, follow these steps.

Adding a friend to your list

To add a person who only uses MSN to your contact list you must translate their MSN passport (eg, bob@hotmail.com) into a Jabber ID. This is very simple to do.
Many clients will do this for you automatically if you tell them to:

For clients that do not support this, you must manually translate their MSN passport. Here are some examples:

Chatting with friends

Setting personal details

Multiple Resources

Jabber allows you to log into your account multiple times. For example, you could be logged in at home, at work, and on your laptop simultaneously.

Because MSN Messenger does not have any concept of this, messages will always go to your highest priority resource by default. It is important to set the client you're using to a higher priority that the ones that you're not.

If you do happen to send a message to somebody from a lower priority resource, then messages from that person will be sent to that resource until:

Things that don't work yet

Misc Notes