#!/bin/bash # # Linux script to move an existing rEFInd installation from one directory to # another # # copyright (c) 2013-2015 by Roderick W. Smith # # This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL, version 3, # or (at your option) any later version. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Usage: # # ./mvrefind /path/to/source /path/to/destination # # Typically used to "hijack" or "unhijack" a Windows boot loader location or # to help convert a rEFInd installation made in BIOS mode to one that works # in EFI mode. # # Revision history: # # 0.10.2 -- Fixed bug in moving bootmgfw.efi in some situations # 0.10.1 -- Generalized to support ARM64 (aka AARCH64, aa64) # 0.10.0 -- Renamed from mvrefind.sh to mvrefind # 0.6.3 -- Initial release # # Note: mvrefind version numbers match those of the rEFInd package # with which they first appeared. RootDir="/" SourceShim="shim.efi" TargetShim=$SourceShim SourceDir=`readlink -f ${1}` TargetDir=`readlink -f ${2}` # Identifies the ESP's location (/boot or /boot/efi); aborts if the ESP isn't # mounted at either location. Also splits the ESP location from SourceDir and # TargetDir, leaving them intact but creating new EspSourceDir and EspTargetDir # variables containing only the ESP components thereof. These new variables # are also converted to all-lowercase and any trailing slash is stripped, to # assist in comparisons. (This is reasonable because FAT is case-insensitive.) # Sets InstallDir to the ESP mount point. FindLinuxESP() { EspLine=`df $RootDir/boot/efi 2> /dev/null | grep boot/efi` if [[ ! -n $EspLine ]] ; then EspLine=`df $RootDir/boot | grep boot` fi InstallDir=`echo $EspLine | cut -d " " -f 6` if [[ -n $InstallDir ]] ; then EspFilesystem=`grep $InstallDir /etc/mtab | cut -d " " -f 3` fi if [[ $EspFilesystem != 'vfat' ]] ; then echo "$RootDir/boot/efi doesn't seem to be on a VFAT filesystem. The ESP must be" echo "mounted at $RootDir/boot or $RootDir/boot/efi and it must be VFAT! Aborting!" exit 1 fi # Sanity check on source & target.... EspPathLength=`expr length $InstallDir` Temp=`echo $SourceDir | cut -c 1-$EspPathLength` if [[ $Temp != $InstallDir ]] ; then echo "$SourceDir isn't on the ESP ($InstallDir)! Aborting!" exit 1 fi Temp=`echo $TargetDir | cut -c 1-$EspPathLength` if [[ $Temp != $InstallDir ]] ; then echo "$TargetDir isn't on the ESP ($InstallDir)! Aborting!" exit 1 fi # Temporarily replace "/" in pathnames with ",", so as to enable sed to # work on them TempInstallDir=`echo $InstallDir | tr '/' ','` Temp=`echo $SourceDir | tr '/' ',' | sed s/${TempInstallDir}//g | tr ',' '/' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` EspSourceDir=`dirname $Temp`/`basename $Temp` Temp=`echo $TargetDir | tr '/' ',' | sed s/${TempInstallDir}//g | tr ',' '/' | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` EspTargetDir=`dirname $Temp`/`basename $Temp` if [[ $EspSourceDir == $EspTargetDir ]] ; then echo "$SourceDir is the same as $TargetDir! Aborting!" exit 1 fi } # FindLinuxESP DeterminePlatform() { CpuType=`uname -m` case "$CpuType" in aarch64) Platform="aa64" ;; x86_64) Platform="x64" ;; i?86) Platform="ia32" ;; *) echo "Unsupported CPU type; aborting!" exit 1 esac Source="refind_$Platform.efi" Target=$Source } # Adjust filename variables appropriately for their locations and detected # presence (or lack thereof) of shim installation AdjustFilenames() { if [[ -f $SourceDir/grub$Platform.efi ]] ; then Source="grub$Platform.efi" Target=$Source if [[ $EspSourceDir == "/efi/boot" ]] ; then SourceShim="boot$Platform.efi" elif [[ $EspSourceDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then SourceShim="bootmgfw.efi" fi else SourceShim="none" TargetShim="none" if [[ $EspSourceDir == "/efi/boot" ]] ; then Source="boot$Platform.efi" elif [[ $EspSourceDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then Source="bootmgfw.efi" fi fi if [[ $EspTargetDir == "/efi/boot" ]] ; then if [[ $TargetShim == "none" ]] ; then Target="boot$Platform.efi" else TargetShim="boot$Platform.efi" fi elif [[ $EspTargetDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then if [[ $TargetShim == "none" ]] ; then Target="bootmgfw.efi" else TargetShim="bootmgfw.efi" fi fi } # AdjustFilenames() # Checks for the presence of necessary files, including both boot loaders # and support utilities (efibootmgr, etc.) CheckForFiles() { if [[ (! -f $SourceDir/$Source) || ($SourceShim != "none" && ! -f $SourceDir/SourceShim) || ! -f $SourceDir/refind.conf ]] ; then echo "There doesn't seem to be a rEFInd installation at $SourceDir!" echo "Aborting!" exit 1 fi if [[ $EspTargetDir != "/efi/boot" && $EspTargetDir != "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then Efibootmgr=`which efibootmgr 2> /dev/null` if [[ ! -f $Efibootmgr ]] ; then echo "Moving to a non-default directory requires a working efibootmgr utility, but" echo "one can't be found! Aborting!" exit 1 elif [[ ! -d "/sys/firmware/efi" ]] ; then echo "Moving to a non-default directory requires a boot into EFI mode, but we seem" echo "to be running in BIOS mode. (Perhaps typing 'modprobe efivars' will fix this." echo "Aborting!" fi fi } # CheckForFiles() # Do final checks & then move the files! MoveFiles() { ExistingFiles=`find $TargetDir -name "*.efi" 2> /dev/null` if [[ -n $ExistingFiles && $EspTargetDir != "/efi/boot" && $EspTargetDir != "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then echo "$TargetDir isn't empty! Aborting!" exit 1 fi if [[ $EspTargetDir == "/efi/boot" && -d $TargetDir ]] ; then if [[ -d $InstallDir/EFI/BOOT-rEFIndBackup ]] ; then echo "" echo "Caution: An existing backup of a default boot loader exists! If the current" echo "default boot loader and the backup are different boot loaders, the current" echo "one will become inaccessible." echo "" echo -n "Do you want to proceed with moving (Y/N)? " read YesNo if [[ $YesNo == "Y" || $YesNo == "y" ]] ; then echo "OK; continuing with the move..." else exit 0 fi else mv $TargetDir $InstallDir/EFI/BOOT-refindBackup &> /dev/null fi fi if [[ $EspTargetDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" && -d $TargetDir ]] ; then mv -n $TargetDir/bootmgfw.efi $InstallDir/EFI/Microsoft/ fi mkdir -p $TargetDir mv $SourceDir/icons $TargetDir/ 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/icons-backup $TargetDir/ 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/drivers_* $TargetDir/ 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/keys $TargetDir 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/$Source $TargetDir/$Target 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/$SourceShim $TargetDir/$TargetShim 2> /dev/null mv $SourceDir/refind.conf* $TargetDir/ 2> /dev/null rmdir $SourceDir 2> /dev/null } # MoveFiles() # Clean up after moving files -- mainly restoring old backed-up files, if present PostMoveCleanup() { if [[ $EfiSourceDir == "/efi/boot" && -d $InstallDir/EFI/BOOT-rEFIndBackup && ! -d $SourceDir ]] ; then mv $InstallDir/EFI/BOOT-rEFIndBackup $SourceDir 2> /dev/null fi if [[ $EfiSourceDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" && -f $InstallDir/EFI/Microsoft/bootmgfw.efi ]] ; then mv -n $InstallDir/EFI/Microsoft/bootmgfw.efi $SourceDir/bootmgfw.efi fi } # PostMoveCleanup() # If necessary, create a new NVRAM entry for the new location AddNvramEntry() { InstallIt="0" Efibootmgr=`which efibootmgr 2> /dev/null` InstallDisk=`grep $InstallDir /etc/mtab | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -c 1-8` PartNum=`grep $InstallDir /etc/mtab | cut -d " " -f 1 | cut -c 9-10` if [[ $TargetShim != "none" ]] ; then EntryFilename=$EspTargetDir/$TargetShim else EntryFilename=$EspTargetDir/$Target fi # if/else EfiEntryFilename=`echo ${EntryFilename//\//\\\}` EfiEntryFilename2=`echo ${EfiEntryFilename} | sed s/\\\\\\\\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/g` ExistingEntry=`$Efibootmgr -v | grep -i $EfiEntryFilename2` if [[ $ExistingEntry ]] ; then ExistingEntryBootNum=`echo $ExistingEntry | cut -c 5-8` FirstBoot=`$Efibootmgr | grep BootOrder | cut -c 12-15` if [[ $ExistingEntryBootNum != $FirstBoot ]] ; then $Efibootmgr -b $ExistingEntryBootNum -B &> /dev/null InstallIt="1" fi else InstallIt="1" fi if [[ $InstallIt == "1" ]] ; then if [[ $EfiTargetDir == "/efi/microsoft/boot" ]] ; then # Name it the way some firmware expects -- see http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/20187.html $Efibootmgr -c -l $EfiEntryFilename -L "Windows Boot Manager" -d $InstallDisk -p $PartNum &> /dev/null else $Efibootmgr -c -l $EfiEntryFilename -L "rEFInd Boot Manager" -d $InstallDisk -p $PartNum &> /dev/null fi if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then EfibootmgrProblems=1 fi fi if [[ $EfibootmgrProblems ]] ; then echo echo "ALERT: There were problems running the efibootmgr program! Your moved rEFInd" echo "might not run!" echo fi } # AddNvramEntry # # Main body of script # if [[ $# != 2 ]] ; then echo "Usage: $0 {source-directory} {target-directory}" exit 1 fi if [[ `whoami` != "root" ]] ; then echo "Not running as root! Aborting!" exit 1 fi FindLinuxESP DeterminePlatform AdjustFilenames CheckForFiles MoveFiles PostMoveCleanup AddNvramEntry