]> code.delx.au - transcoding/commitdiff
Added VHS encoding scripts
authorJames Bunton <jamesbunton@delx.net.au>
Mon, 10 Jun 2013 03:50:53 +0000 (13:50 +1000)
committerJames Bunton <jamesbunton@delx.net.au>
Mon, 10 Jun 2013 03:50:53 +0000 (13:50 +1000)
hencode-recursive [new file with mode: 0755]
v4l-play [new file with mode: 0755]
v4l-rip [new file with mode: 0755]
video-transform [new file with mode: 0755]

diff --git a/hencode-recursive b/hencode-recursive
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..61967d3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ]; then
+       echo "Usage: $0 sourcedir destdir"
+       exit 1
+sourcedir="$(cd "$1" && pwd)"
+destdir="$(cd "$2" && pwd)"
+cd "$sourcedir"
+IFS=$(echo -en "\n")
+for infile in $(find . -type f); do
+       if [ ! -r "$infile" ]; then
+               echo "Missing file $infile"
+               exit 1
+       fi
+       outfile="${destdir}/$(echo "$infile" | sed 's/\.[a-zA-Z0-9]*$//').mp4"
+       if [ -e "$outfile" ]; then
+               echo "Skipping $infile"
+               continue
+       fi
+       mkdir -p "$(dirname "$outfile")"
+       HandBrakeCLI \
+               --preset Universal \
+               --quality 21 \
+               --deinterlace \
+               --loose-anamorphic \
+               --crop 24:24:24:24 \
+               --input "$infile" \
+               --output "$outfile"
diff --git a/v4l-play b/v4l-play
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..262055b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v4l-play
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+mplayer \
+-nocache \
+-aspect 4:3 \
+tv:// \
+-tv \
+amode=0:forcechan=1:audiorate=48000 \
+-vf \
+yadif \
+###-vf \
+###denoise3d \
+###-af equalizer=-2:-2:-8:-8:3:3:3:3:0:-8 \
diff --git a/v4l-rip b/v4l-rip
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..18fe8fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/v4l-rip
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+       echo "Usage: $0 output.avi"
+       exit 1
+mencoder \
+tv:// \
+-tv \
+amode=0:forcechan=1:audiorate=48000 \
+-force-avi-aspect 4/3 \
+-vf \
+harddup \
+-af \
+channels=1 \
+-ovc lavc \
+-lavcopts vcodec=ffv1:ilme:ildct \
+-oac pcm \
+-o "$1"
+# width=720:height=480:
+# norm=pal-60:fps=30000/1001:
diff --git a/video-transform b/video-transform
new file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0000000..53e5561
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+from __future__ import division
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+TMP_DIR = None
+DEST_DIR = None
+DRY_RUN = False # this will still delete caches
+def mkarg(arg):
+       if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\\.,/@_:=]*$", arg):
+               return arg
+       if "'" not in arg:
+               return "'%s'" % arg
+       out = "\""
+       for c in arg:
+               if c in "\\$\"`":
+                       out += "\\"
+               out += c
+       out += "\""
+       return out
+def fail(line_count, msg):
+       raise Exception(msg + " on line %d" % line_count)
+def convert_frame_to_sample(frame):
+       return frame * AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE / VIDEO_FPS
+def run_cmd(cmd):
+       print "$", " ".join(map(mkarg, cmd))
+       if DRY_RUN:
+               return
+       print
+       ret = subprocess.Popen(cmd).wait()
+       if ret != 0:
+               print >>sys.stderr, "Failed on command", cmd
+               raise Exception("Command returned non-zero: " + str(ret))
+def read_file_contents(filename):
+       try:
+               f = open(filename)
+               data = f.read().strip()
+               f.close()
+               return data
+       except IOError:
+               return None
+def explode_video_to_png(source):
+       image_cache_desc = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "image_cache.txt")
+       image_cache_dir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "image_cache")
+       # Do nothing if the current cache is what we need
+       current_cache = read_file_contents(image_cache_desc)
+       if source == current_cache:
+               return image_cache_dir
+       # Remove if necessary
+       if os.path.exists(image_cache_dir):
+###            print "Confirm removal of image cache:", current_cache
+###            ok = raw_input("(Y/n) ")
+###            if ok != "Y":
+###                    print "Exiting..."
+###                    sys.exit(2)
+               shutil.rmtree(image_cache_dir)
+       cmd = [
+               "mplayer",
+               "-vo", "png:outdir=%s" % image_cache_dir,
+               "-nosound",
+               "-noconsolecontrols",
+               "-noconfig", "user",
+               "-benchmark",
+               source,
+       ]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+       # Cache has been created, save the description
+       f = open(image_cache_desc, "w")
+       f.write(source)
+       f.close()
+       return image_cache_dir
+def explode_video_to_wav(source):
+       audio_cache_desc = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "audio_cache.txt")
+       audio_cache_file = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "audio_cache.wav")
+       # Do nothing if the current cache is what we need
+       if source == read_file_contents(audio_cache_desc):
+               return audio_cache_file
+       cmd = [
+               "mencoder",
+               "-oac", "pcm",
+               "-ovc", "copy",
+               "-of", "rawaudio",
+               "-o", audio_cache_file + ".raw",
+               source,
+       ]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+       cmd = [
+               "sox",
+               "-r", str(AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE), "-b", "16", "-e", "signed-integer",
+               audio_cache_file + ".raw",
+               audio_cache_file,
+       ]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+       # Cache has been created, save the description
+       f = open(audio_cache_desc, "w")
+       f.write(source)
+       f.close()
+       return audio_cache_file
+def apply_audio_effects(source, dest, crop_start, crop_end, audio_normalize):
+       cmd = [
+               "sox",
+               source,
+               dest,
+       ]
+       if audio_normalize:
+               cmd += ["gain", "-n"]
+       if crop_start and crop_end:
+               c = convert_frame_to_sample
+               cmd += ["trim", "%ds" % c(crop_start), "%ds" % c(crop_end - crop_start)]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+def apply_single_image_effects(source_file, dest_file, color_matrix):
+       cmd = [
+               "convert",
+               source_file,
+               "-color-matrix", color_matrix,
+               dest_file,
+       ]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+def apply_image_effects(source_dir, crop_start, crop_end, color_matrix):
+       dest_dir = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "image_processed")
+       if os.path.exists(dest_dir):
+               shutil.rmtree(dest_dir)
+       os.mkdir(dest_dir)
+       inframe = crop_start
+       outframe = 0
+       while inframe <= crop_end:
+               source_file = os.path.join(source_dir, str(inframe+1).zfill(8) + ".png")
+               dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, str(outframe+1).zfill(8) + ".png")
+               if color_matrix:
+                       apply_single_image_effects(source_file, dest_file, color_matrix)
+               else:
+                       os.link(source_file, dest_file)
+               inframe += 1
+               outframe += 1
+       return dest_dir
+def combine_audio_video(audio_file, image_dir, dest):
+       cmd = [
+               "mencoder",
+               "mf://%s/*.png" % image_dir,
+               "-audiofile", audio_file,
+               "-force-avi-aspect", ASPECT_RATIO,
+               "-vf", "harddup",
+               "-af", "channels=1",
+               "-ovc", "lavc",
+               "-lavcopts", "vcodec=ffv1:ilme:ildct",
+               "-oac", "pcm",
+               "-o", dest,
+       ]
+       run_cmd(cmd)
+class Job(object):
+       def __init__(self):
+               self.source = None
+               self.dest = None
+               self.crop_start = None
+               self.crop_end = None
+               self.color_matrix = None
+               self.audio_normalize = True
+       def set_source(self, arg):
+               self.source = os.path.join(SOURCE_DIR, arg)
+       def set_dest(self, arg):
+               self.dest = os.path.join(DEST_DIR, arg)
+               if not self.dest.endswith(".avi"):
+                       self.dest += ".avi"
+       def set_crop(self, arg):
+               a, b = arg.split("-")
+               self.crop_start = int(a)
+               self.crop_end = int(b)
+       def set_colormatrix(self, arg):
+               [float(x) for x in arg.split(" ") if x] # check it's valid
+               self.color_matrix = arg
+       def set_whitecolor(self, arg):
+               arg = arg.split(" ")
+               color = arg[0]
+               r = 0xff / int(color[0:2], 16)
+               g = 0xff / int(color[2:4], 16)
+               b = 0xff / int(color[4:6], 16)
+               # don't change the brightness
+               avg = (r + g + b) / 3
+               if (avg - 1) > 0.02:
+                       diff = avg - 1.0
+                       r -= diff
+                       g -= diff
+                       b -= diff
+               if len(arg) == 2:
+                       brightness = float(arg[1])
+                       r *= brightness
+                       g *= brightness
+                       b *= brightness
+               self.set_colormatrix("%.3f 0 0  0 %.3f 0  0 0 %.3f" % (r, g, b))
+       def set_audionormalize(self, arg):
+               self.audio_normalize = int(arg)
+       def validate(self, line_count, unique):
+               if self.dest in unique:
+                       fail(line_count, "Non-unique output file: " + self.dest)
+               if self.source is None:
+                       fail(line_count, "Missing source")
+               if self.dest is None:
+                       fail(line_count, "Missing dest")
+               if not os.path.isfile(self.source):
+                       fail(line_count, "Unable to find source: " + self.source)
+       def is_done(self):
+               return os.path.isfile(self.dest)
+       def run(self):
+               image_cache_dir = explode_video_to_png(self.source)
+               image_dir = apply_image_effects(image_cache_dir, self.crop_start, self.crop_end, self.color_matrix)
+               audio_cache_file = explode_video_to_wav(self.source)
+               audio_file = os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "audio_processed.wav")
+               apply_audio_effects(audio_cache_file, audio_file, self.crop_start, self.crop_end, self.audio_normalize)
+               combine_audio_video(audio_file, image_dir, self.dest+".tmp")
+               os.rename(self.dest+".tmp", self.dest)
+       def __str__(self):
+               return "Job :: %s (%s)" % (self.dest, self.source)
+def main(frames):
+       jobs = []
+       unique = set()
+       f = open(frames)
+       job = None
+       count = 0
+       def append_job():
+               if job is None:
+                       return
+               job.validate(count, unique)
+               if job.is_done():
+                       print "Skipping", job
+               else:
+                       jobs.append(job)
+       for line in f:
+               count += 1
+               line = line.strip()
+               if line.startswith("#"):
+                       continue
+               if not line:
+                       if job is not None:
+                               append_job()
+                               job = None
+                       continue
+               if job is None:
+                       job = Job()
+               cmd, arg = line.split(" ", 1)
+               f = getattr(job, "set_"+cmd, None)
+               if not f:
+                       fail(count, "Invalid command: " + cmd)
+               try:
+                       f(arg)
+               except Exception, e:
+                       fail(count, str(e))
+       # trailing job...
+       append_job()
+       # optimise image and audio cache usage, use the current cache first if it exists
+       current_image_cache = read_file_contents(os.path.join(TMP_DIR, "image_cache.txt"))
+       jobs.sort(key=lambda job: (job.source if job.source != current_image_cache else "", job.dest))
+       for job in jobs:
+               print "\n\n\nStarted job:", job, "\n\n"
+               job.run()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+       try:
+               frames = sys.argv[1]
+               SOURCE_DIR = sys.argv[2]
+               DEST_DIR = sys.argv[3]
+               TMP_DIR = sys.argv[4]
+       except IndexError:
+               print >>sys.stderr, "Usage: %s frames.txt source_dir dest_dir tmp_dir" % sys.argv[0]
+               sys.exit(1)
+       main(frames)