]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/ace-window/ace-window.el
Merge commit '0cda39255827f283e7578cd469ae42daad9556a2' from js2-mode
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / ace-window / ace-window.el
1 ;;; ace-window.el --- Quickly switch windows. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Oleh Krehel <ohwoeowho@gmail.com>
6 ;; Maintainer: Oleh Krehel <ohwoeowho@gmail.com>
7 ;; URL: https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-window
8 ;; Version: 0.9.0
9 ;; Package-Requires: ((avy "0.2.0"))
10 ;; Keywords: window, location
12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
14 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
17 ;; any later version.
19 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
25 ;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 ;;; Commentary:
28 ;;
29 ;; The main function, `ace-window' is meant to replace `other-window'.
30 ;; In fact, when there are only two windows present, `other-window' is
31 ;; called. If there are more, each window will have its first
32 ;; character highlighted. Pressing that character will switch to that
33 ;; window.
34 ;;
35 ;; To setup this package, just add to your .emacs:
36 ;;
37 ;; (global-set-key (kbd "M-p") 'ace-window)
38 ;;
39 ;; replacing "M-p" with an appropriate shortcut.
40 ;;
41 ;; Depending on your window usage patterns, you might want to set
42 ;;
43 ;; (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
44 ;;
45 ;; This way they are all on the home row, although the intuitive
46 ;; ordering is lost.
47 ;;
48 ;; If you don't want the gray background that makes the red selection
49 ;; characters stand out more, set this:
50 ;;
51 ;; (setq aw-background nil)
52 ;;
53 ;; If you want to know the selection characters ahead of time, you can
54 ;; turn on `ace-window-display-mode'.
55 ;;
56 ;; When prefixed with one `universal-argument', instead of switching
57 ;; to selected window, the selected window is swapped with current one.
58 ;;
59 ;; When prefixed with two `universal-argument', the selected window is
60 ;; deleted instead.
62 ;;; Code:
63 (require 'avy)
64 (require 'ring)
66 ;;* Customization
67 (defgroup ace-window nil
68 "Quickly switch current window."
69 :group 'convenience
70 :prefix "aw-")
72 (defcustom aw-keys '(?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9)
73 "Keys for selecting window.")
75 (defcustom aw-scope 'global
76 "The scope used by `ace-window'."
77 :type '(choice
78 (const :tag "global" global)
79 (const :tag "frame" frame)))
81 (defcustom aw-ignored-buffers '("*Calc Trail*" "*LV*")
82 "List of buffers to ignore when selecting window."
83 :type '(repeat string))
85 (defcustom aw-ignore-on t
86 "When t, `ace-window' will ignore `aw-ignored-buffers'.
87 Use M-0 `ace-window' to toggle this value."
88 :type 'boolean)
90 (defcustom aw-ignore-current nil
91 "When t, `ace-window' will ignore `selected-window'."
92 :type 'boolean)
94 (defcustom aw-background t
95 "When t, `ace-window' will dim out all buffers temporarily when used.'."
96 :type 'boolean)
98 (defcustom aw-leading-char-style 'char
99 "Style of the leading char overlay."
100 :type '(choice
101 (const :tag "single char" 'char)
102 (const :tag "full path" 'path)))
104 (defcustom aw-dispatch-always nil
105 "When non-nil, `ace-window' will issue a `read-char' even for one window.
106 This will make `ace-window' act different from `other-window' for
107 one or two windows."
108 :type 'boolean)
110 (defface aw-leading-char-face
111 '((((class color)) (:foreground "red"))
112 (((background dark)) (:foreground "gray100"))
113 (((background light)) (:foreground "gray0"))
114 (t (:foreground "gray100" :underline nil)))
115 "Face for each window's leading char.")
117 (defface aw-background-face
118 '((t (:foreground "gray40")))
119 "Face for whole window background during selection.")
121 (defface aw-mode-line-face
122 '((t (:inherit mode-line-buffer-id)))
123 "Face used for displaying the ace window key in the mode-line.")
125 ;;* Implementation
126 (defun aw-ignored-p (window)
127 "Return t if WINDOW should be ignored."
128 (or (and aw-ignore-on
129 (member (buffer-name (window-buffer window))
130 aw-ignored-buffers))
131 (and aw-ignore-current
132 (equal window (selected-window)))))
134 (defun aw-window-list ()
135 "Return the list of interesting windows."
136 (sort
137 (cl-remove-if
138 (lambda (w)
139 (let ((f (window-frame w)))
140 (or (not (and (frame-live-p f)
141 (frame-visible-p f)))
142 (string= "initial_terminal" (terminal-name f))
143 (aw-ignored-p w))))
144 (cl-case aw-scope
145 (global
146 (cl-mapcan #'window-list (frame-list)))
147 (frame
148 (window-list))
149 (t
150 (error "Invalid `aw-scope': %S" aw-scope))))
151 'aw-window<))
153 (defvar aw-overlays-back nil
154 "Hold overlays for when `aw-background' is t.")
156 (defvar ace-window-mode nil
157 "Minor mode during the selection process.")
159 ;; register minor mode
160 (or (assq 'ace-window-mode minor-mode-alist)
161 (nconc minor-mode-alist
162 (list '(ace-window-mode ace-window-mode))))
164 (defvar aw-empty-buffers-list nil
165 "Store the read-only empty buffers which had to be modified.
166 Modify them back eventually.")
168 (defun aw--done ()
169 "Clean up mode line and overlays."
170 ;; mode line
171 (aw-set-mode-line nil)
172 ;; background
173 (mapc #'delete-overlay aw-overlays-back)
174 (setq aw-overlays-back nil)
175 (avy--remove-leading-chars)
176 (dolist (b aw-empty-buffers-list)
177 (with-current-buffer b
178 (when (string= (buffer-string) " ")
179 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
180 (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
181 (setq aw-empty-buffers-list nil))
183 (defun aw--lead-overlay (path leaf)
184 "Create an overlay using PATH at LEAF.
185 LEAF is (PT . WND)."
186 (let ((wnd (cdr leaf)))
187 (with-selected-window wnd
188 (when (= 0 (buffer-size))
189 (push (current-buffer) aw-empty-buffers-list)
190 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
191 (insert " ")))
192 (let* ((pt (car leaf))
193 (ol (make-overlay pt (1+ pt) (window-buffer wnd)))
194 (old-str (or
195 (ignore-errors
196 (with-selected-window wnd
197 (buffer-substring pt (1+ pt))))
198 ""))
199 (new-str
200 (concat
201 (cl-case aw-leading-char-style
202 (char
203 (apply #'string (last path)))
204 (path
205 (apply #'string (reverse path)))
206 (t
207 (error "Bad `aw-leading-char-style': %S"
208 aw-leading-char-style)))
209 (cond ((string-equal old-str "\t")
210 (make-string (1- tab-width) ?\ ))
211 ((string-equal old-str "\n")
212 "\n")
213 (t
214 (make-string
215 (max 0 (1- (string-width old-str)))
216 ?\ ))))))
217 (overlay-put ol 'face 'aw-leading-char-face)
218 (overlay-put ol 'window wnd)
219 (overlay-put ol 'display new-str)
220 (push ol avy--overlays-lead)))))
222 (defun aw--make-backgrounds (wnd-list)
223 "Create a dim background overlay for each window on WND-LIST."
224 (when aw-background
225 (setq aw-overlays-back
226 (mapcar (lambda (w)
227 (let ((ol (make-overlay
228 (window-start w)
229 (window-end w)
230 (window-buffer w))))
231 (overlay-put ol 'face 'aw-background-face)
232 ol))
233 wnd-list))))
235 (define-obsolete-variable-alias
236 'aw-flip-keys 'aw--flip-keys "0.1.0"
237 "Use `aw-dispatch-alist' instead.")
239 (defvar aw-dispatch-function 'aw-dispatch-default
240 "Function to call when a character not in `aw-keys' is pressed.")
242 (defvar aw-action nil
243 "Function to call at the end of `aw-select'.")
245 (defun aw-set-mode-line (str)
246 "Set mode line indicator to STR."
247 (setq ace-window-mode str)
248 (force-mode-line-update))
250 (defvar aw-dispatch-alist
251 '((?x aw-delete-window " Ace - Delete Window")
252 (?m aw-swap-window " Ace - Swap Window")
253 (?n aw-flip-window)
254 (?v aw-split-window-vert " Ace - Split Vert Window")
255 (?b aw-split-window-horz " Ace - Split Horz Window")
256 (?i delete-other-windows " Ace - Maximize Window")
257 (?o delete-other-windows))
258 "List of actions for `aw-dispatch-default'.")
260 (defun aw-dispatch-default (char)
261 "Perform an action depending on CHAR."
262 (let ((val (cdr (assoc char aw-dispatch-alist))))
263 (if val
264 (if (and (car val) (cadr val))
265 (prog1 (setq aw-action (car val))
266 (aw-set-mode-line (cadr val)))
267 (funcall (car val))
268 (throw 'done 'exit))
269 (avy-handler-default char))))
271 (defun aw-select (mode-line &optional action)
272 "Return a selected other window.
273 Amend MODE-LINE to the mode line for the duration of the selection."
274 (setq aw-action action)
275 (let ((start-window (selected-window))
276 (next-window-scope (cl-case aw-scope
277 ('global 'visible)
278 ('frame 'frame)))
279 (wnd-list (aw-window-list))
280 window)
281 (setq window
282 (cond ((<= (length wnd-list) 1)
283 (when aw-dispatch-always
284 (setq aw-action
285 (unwind-protect
286 (catch 'done
287 (funcall aw-dispatch-function (read-char)))
288 (aw--done)))
289 (when (eq aw-action 'exit)
290 (setq aw-action nil)))
291 (or (car wnd-list) start-window))
292 ((and (= (length wnd-list) 2)
293 (not aw-dispatch-always)
294 (not aw-ignore-current))
295 (let ((wnd (next-window nil nil next-window-scope)))
296 (while (and (aw-ignored-p wnd)
297 (not (equal wnd start-window)))
298 (setq wnd (next-window wnd nil next-window-scope)))
299 wnd))
300 (t
301 (let ((candidate-list
302 (mapcar (lambda (wnd)
303 (cons (aw-offset wnd) wnd))
304 wnd-list)))
305 (aw--make-backgrounds wnd-list)
306 (aw-set-mode-line mode-line)
307 ;; turn off helm transient map
308 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap)
309 (unwind-protect
310 (let* ((avy-handler-function aw-dispatch-function)
311 (res (avy-read (avy-tree candidate-list aw-keys)
312 #'aw--lead-overlay
313 #'avy--remove-leading-chars)))
314 (if (eq res 'exit)
315 (setq aw-action nil)
316 (or (cdr res)
317 start-window)))
318 (aw--done))))))
319 (if aw-action
320 (funcall aw-action window)
321 window)))
323 ;;* Interactive
324 ;;;###autoload
325 (defun ace-select-window ()
326 "Ace select window."
327 (interactive)
328 (aw-select " Ace - Window"
329 #'aw-switch-to-window))
331 ;;;###autoload
332 (defun ace-delete-window ()
333 "Ace delete window."
334 (interactive)
335 (aw-select " Ace - Delete Window"
336 #'aw-delete-window))
338 ;;;###autoload
339 (defun ace-swap-window ()
340 "Ace swap window."
341 (interactive)
342 (aw-select " Ace - Swap Window"
343 #'aw-swap-window))
345 ;;;###autoload
346 (defun ace-maximize-window ()
347 "Ace maximize window."
348 (interactive)
349 (aw-select " Ace - Maximize Window"
350 #'delete-other-windows))
352 ;;;###autoload
353 (defun ace-window (arg)
354 "Select a window.
355 Perform an action based on ARG described below.
357 By default, behaves like extended `other-window'.
359 Prefixed with one \\[universal-argument], does a swap between the
360 selected window and the current window, so that the selected
361 buffer moves to current window (and current buffer moves to
362 selected window).
364 Prefixed with two \\[universal-argument]'s, deletes the selected
365 window."
366 (interactive "p")
367 (cl-case arg
368 (0
369 (setq aw-ignore-on
370 (not aw-ignore-on))
371 (ace-select-window))
372 (4 (ace-swap-window))
373 (16 (ace-delete-window))
374 (t (ace-select-window))))
376 ;;* Utility
377 (defun aw-window< (wnd1 wnd2)
378 "Return true if WND1 is less than WND2.
379 This is determined by their respective window coordinates.
380 Windows are numbered top down, left to right."
381 (let ((f1 (window-frame wnd1))
382 (f2 (window-frame wnd2))
383 (e1 (window-edges wnd1))
384 (e2 (window-edges wnd2)))
385 (cond ((string< (frame-parameter f1 'window-id)
386 (frame-parameter f2 'window-id))
387 t)
388 ((< (car e1) (car e2))
389 t)
390 ((> (car e1) (car e2))
391 nil)
392 ((< (cadr e1) (cadr e2))
393 t))))
395 (defvar aw--window-ring (make-ring 10)
396 "Hold the window switching history.")
398 (defun aw--push-window (window)
399 "Store WINDOW to `aw--window-ring'."
400 (when (or (zerop (ring-length aw--window-ring))
401 (not (equal
402 (ring-ref aw--window-ring 0)
403 window)))
404 (ring-insert aw--window-ring (selected-window))))
406 (defun aw--pop-window ()
407 "Return the removed top of `aw--window-ring'."
408 (let (res)
409 (condition-case nil
410 (while (or (not (window-live-p
411 (setq res (ring-remove aw--window-ring 0))))
412 (equal res (selected-window))))
413 (error
414 (if (= (length (aw-window-list)) 2)
415 (progn
416 (other-window 1)
417 (setq res (selected-window)))
418 (error "No previous windows stored"))))
419 res))
421 (defun aw-switch-to-window (window)
422 "Switch to the window WINDOW."
423 (let ((frame (window-frame window)))
424 (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
425 (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
426 (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
427 (if (window-live-p window)
428 (progn
429 (aw--push-window (selected-window))
430 (select-window window))
431 (error "Got a dead window %S" window))))
433 (defun aw-flip-window ()
434 "Switch to the window you were previously in."
435 (interactive)
436 (aw-switch-to-window (aw--pop-window)))
438 (defun aw-delete-window (window)
439 "Delete window WINDOW."
440 (let ((frame (window-frame window)))
441 (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
442 (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
443 (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window)))
444 (if (= 1 (length (window-list)))
445 (delete-frame frame)
446 (if (window-live-p window)
447 (delete-window window)
448 (error "Got a dead window %S" window)))))
450 (defcustom aw-swap-invert nil
451 "When non-nil, the other of the two swapped windows gets the point."
452 :type 'boolean)
454 (defun aw-swap-window (window)
455 "Swap buffers of current window and WINDOW."
456 (cl-labels ((swap-windows (window1 window2)
457 "Swap the buffers of WINDOW1 and WINDOW2."
458 (let ((buffer1 (window-buffer window1))
459 (buffer2 (window-buffer window2)))
460 (set-window-buffer window1 buffer2)
461 (set-window-buffer window2 buffer1)
462 (select-window window2))))
463 (let ((frame (window-frame window))
464 (this-window (selected-window)))
465 (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
466 (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
467 (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window)))
468 (when (and (window-live-p window)
469 (not (eq window this-window)))
470 (aw--push-window this-window)
471 (if aw-swap-invert
472 (swap-windows window this-window)
473 (swap-windows this-window window))))))
475 (defun aw-split-window-vert (window)
476 "Split WINDOW vertically."
477 (select-window window)
478 (split-window-vertically))
480 (defun aw-split-window-horz (window)
481 "Split WINDOW horizontally."
482 (select-window window)
483 (split-window-horizontally))
485 (defun aw-offset (window)
486 "Return point in WINDOW that's closest to top left corner.
487 The point is writable, i.e. it's not part of space after newline."
488 (let ((h (window-hscroll window))
489 (beg (window-start window))
490 (end (window-end window))
491 (inhibit-field-text-motion t))
492 (with-current-buffer
493 (window-buffer window)
494 (save-excursion
495 (goto-char beg)
496 (while (and (< (point) end)
497 (< (- (line-end-position)
498 (line-beginning-position))
499 h))
500 (forward-line))
501 (+ (point) h)))))
503 ;;* Mode line
504 ;;;###autoload
505 (define-minor-mode ace-window-display-mode
506 "Minor mode for showing the ace window key in the mode line."
507 :global t
508 (if ace-window-display-mode
509 (progn
510 (aw-update)
511 (set-default
512 'mode-line-format
513 `((ace-window-display-mode
514 (:eval (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path)))
515 ,@(assq-delete-all
516 'ace-window-display-mode
517 (default-value 'mode-line-format))))
518 (force-mode-line-update t)
519 (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'aw-update))
520 (set-default
521 'mode-line-format
522 (assq-delete-all
523 'ace-window-display-mode
524 (default-value 'mode-line-format)))
525 (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'aw-update)))
527 (defun aw-update ()
528 "Update ace-window-path window parameter for all windows."
529 (avy-traverse
530 (avy-tree (aw-window-list) aw-keys)
531 (lambda (path leaf)
532 (set-window-parameter
533 leaf 'ace-window-path
534 (propertize
535 (apply #'string (reverse path))
536 'face 'aw-mode-line-face)))))
538 (provide 'ace-window)
540 ;;; ace-window.el ends here