]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/gnorb/gnorb-gnus.el
Merge commit '0cda39255827f283e7578cd469ae42daad9556a2' from js2-mode
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / gnorb / gnorb-gnus.el
1 ;;; gnorb-gnus.el --- The gnus-centric fuctions of gnorb
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net>
6 ;; Keywords:
8 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 ;; (at your option) any later version.
13 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 ;;; Commentary:
23 ;;
25 ;;; Code:
27 (require 'gnus)
28 (require 'gnorb-utils)
30 (declare-function org-gnus-article-link "org-gnus"
31 (group newsgroups message-id x-no-archive))
32 (declare-function org-gnus-follow-link "org-gnus"
33 (group article))
35 (defgroup gnorb-gnus nil
36 "The Gnus bits of Gnorb."
37 :tag "Gnorb Gnus"
38 :group 'gnorb)
41 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backends
42 '((notmuch (lambda (terms)
43 (mapconcat
44 (lambda (m)
45 (replace-regexp-in-string "\\." "\\\\." m))
46 terms " OR "))
47 notmuch-search)
48 (mairix (lambda (terms)
49 (mapconcat 'identity
50 terms ","))
51 mairix-search)
52 (namazu (lambda (terms)
53 (mapconcat 'identity
54 terms " or "))
55 namazu-search))
56 "Various backends for mail search.
58 An alist of backends, where each element consists of three parts:
59 the symbol name of the backend, a lambda form which receives a
60 list of email addresses and returns a properly-formatted search
61 string, and the symbol name of the function used to initiate the
62 search."
63 :group 'gnorb-gnus
64 :type 'list)
66 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backend nil
67 "Mail search backend currently in use. One of the three symbols
68 notmuch, namazu, or mairix."
69 :group 'gnorb-gnus
70 :type 'symbol)
72 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-capture-always-attach nil
73 "Always prompt about attaching attachments when capturing from
74 a Gnus message, even if the template being used hasn't
75 specified the :gnus-attachments key.
77 Basically behave as if all attachments have \":gnus-attachments t\"."
78 :group 'gnorb-gnus
79 :type 'boolean)
81 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key nil
82 "Key for the capture template to use when creating a new TODO
83 from an outgoing message."
84 :group 'gnorb-gnus
85 :type 'string)
87 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-article t
88 "When opening a gnus message, should gnorb let you know if the
89 message is relevant to an existing TODO?"
90 :group 'gnorb-gnus
91 :type 'boolean)
93 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter "g"
94 "Format letter to be used as part of your
95 `gnus-summary-line-format', to indicate in the *Summary* buffer
96 which articles might be relevant to TODOs. Since this is a user
97 format code, it should be prefixed with %u, eg %ug. It will
98 result in the insertion of the value of
99 `gnorb-gnus-summary-mark', for relevant messages, or
100 else a space."
101 :group 'gnorb-gnus
102 :type 'string)
104 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-summary-mark "ยก"
105 "Default mark to insert in the summary format line of articles
106 that are likely relevant to existing TODO headings."
107 :group 'gnorb-gnus
108 :type 'string)
110 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-summary-tracked-mark "&"
111 "Default mark to insert in the summary format line of articles
112 that are already tracked by TODO headings."
113 :group 'gnorb-gnus
114 :type 'string)
116 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-trigger-refile-targets
117 '((org-agenda-files :maxlevel . 4))
118 "A value to use as an equivalent of `org-refile-targets' (which
119 see) when offering trigger targets for
120 `gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo'."
121 :group 'gnorb-gnus
122 :type 'list)
124 (defcustom gnorb-gnus-sent-groups nil
125 "A list of strings indicating sent mail groups.
127 In some cases, Gnorb can't detect where your sent messages are
128 stored (ie if you're using IMAP sent mail folders instead of
129 local archiving. If you want Gnorb to be able to find sent
130 messages, this option can help it do that. It should be set to a
131 list of strings, which are assumed to be fully qualified
132 server+group combinations, ie \"nnimap+Server:[Gmail]/Sent
133 Mail\", or something similar. This only has to be done once for
134 each message."
135 :group 'gnorb-gnus
136 :type 'list)
138 (defvar gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments nil
139 "Holding place for attachment names during the capture
140 process.")
142 ;;; What follows is a very careful copy-pasta of bits and pieces from
143 ;;; mm-decode.el and gnus-art.el. Voodoo was involved.
145 ;;;###autoload
146 (defun gnorb-gnus-article-org-attach (n)
147 "Save MIME part N, which is the numerical prefix, of the
148 article under point as an attachment to the specified org
149 heading."
150 (interactive "P")
151 (gnus-article-part-wrapper n 'gnorb-gnus-attach-part))
153 ;;;###autoload
154 (defun gnorb-gnus-mime-org-attach ()
155 "Save the MIME part under point as an attachment to the
156 specified org heading."
157 (interactive)
158 (gnus-article-check-buffer)
159 (let ((data (get-text-property (point) 'gnus-data)))
160 (when data
161 (gnorb-gnus-attach-part data))))
163 (defun gnorb-gnus-attach-part (handle &optional org-heading)
164 "Attach HANDLE to an existing org heading."
165 (let* ((filename (gnorb-gnus-save-part handle))
166 (org-refile-targets gnorb-gnus-trigger-refile-targets)
167 (headers (gnus-data-header
168 (gnus-data-find
169 (gnus-summary-article-number))))
170 (tracked-headings (gnorb-find-tracked-headings headers))
171 (target-heading
172 (gnorb-choose-trigger-heading tracked-headings)))
173 (require 'org-attach)
174 (save-window-excursion
175 (org-id-goto target-heading)
176 (org-attach-attach filename nil 'mv))))
178 (defun gnorb-gnus-save-part (handle)
179 (let ((filename (or (mail-content-type-get
180 (mm-handle-disposition handle) 'filename)
181 (mail-content-type-get
182 (mm-handle-type handle) 'name))))
183 (setq filename
184 (gnus-map-function mm-file-name-rewrite-functions
185 (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
186 (setq filename (expand-file-name filename gnorb-tmp-dir))
187 (mm-save-part-to-file handle filename)
188 filename))
190 (defun gnorb-gnus-collect-all-attachments (&optional capture-p store)
191 "Collect all the attachments from the message under point, and
192 save them into `gnorb-tmp-dir'."
193 (save-window-excursion
194 (when capture-p
195 (set-buffer (org-capture-get :original-buffer)))
196 (unless (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode))
197 (error "Only works in Gnus summary or article buffers"))
198 (let ((article (gnus-summary-article-number))
199 mime-handles)
200 (when (or (null gnus-current-article)
201 (null gnus-article-current)
202 (/= article (cdr gnus-article-current))
203 (not (equal (car gnus-article-current) gnus-newsgroup-name)))
204 (gnus-summary-display-article article))
205 (gnus-eval-in-buffer-window gnus-article-buffer
206 (setq mime-handles (cl-remove-if-not
207 (lambda (h)
208 (let ((disp (mm-handle-disposition (cdr h))))
209 (and (member (car disp)
210 '("inline" "attachment"))
211 (mail-content-type-get disp 'filename))))
212 gnus-article-mime-handle-alist)))
213 (when mime-handles
214 (dolist (h mime-handles)
215 (let ((filename
216 (gnorb-gnus-save-part (cdr h))))
217 (when (or capture-p store)
218 (push filename gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments))))))))
220 ;;; Make the above work in the capture process
222 (defun gnorb-gnus-capture-attach ()
223 (when (and (or gnorb-gnus-capture-always-attach
224 (org-capture-get :gnus-attachments))
225 (with-current-buffer
226 (org-capture-get :original-buffer)
227 (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode))))
228 (require 'org-attach)
229 (setq gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments nil)
230 (gnorb-gnus-collect-all-attachments t)
231 (map-y-or-n-p
232 (lambda (a)
233 (format "Attach %s to capture heading? "
234 (file-name-nondirectory a)))
235 (lambda (a) (org-attach-attach a nil 'mv))
236 gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments
237 '("file" "files" "attach"))
238 (setq gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments nil)))
240 (add-hook 'org-capture-mode-hook 'gnorb-gnus-capture-attach)
242 (defvar org-note-abort)
244 (defun gnorb-gnus-capture-abort-cleanup ()
245 (with-no-warnings ; For `org-note-abort'
246 (when (and org-note-abort
247 (or gnorb-gnus-capture-always-attach
248 (org-capture-get :gnus-attachments)))
249 (condition-case error
250 (progn (org-attach-delete-all)
251 (setq abort-note 'clean)
252 ;; remove any gnorb-mail-header values here
253 )
254 (error
255 (setq abort-note 'dirty))))))
257 (add-hook 'org-capture-prepare-finalize-hook
258 'gnorb-gnus-capture-abort-cleanup)
260 ;;; Storing, removing, and acting on Org headers in messages.
262 (defvar gnorb-gnus-message-info nil
263 "Place to store the To, Subject, Date, and Message-ID headers
264 of the currently-sending or last-sent message.")
266 (defun gnorb-gnus-check-outgoing-headers ()
267 "Save the value of the `gnorb-mail-header' for the current
268 message; multiple header values returned as a string. Also save
269 information about the outgoing message into
270 `gnorb-gnus-message-info'."
271 (save-restriction
272 (message-narrow-to-headers)
273 (setq gnorb-gnus-message-info nil)
274 (let* ((org-ids (mail-fetch-field gnorb-mail-header nil nil t))
275 (msg-id (mail-fetch-field "Message-ID"))
276 (refs (mail-fetch-field "References"))
277 (in-reply-to (mail-fetch-field "In-Reply-To"))
278 (to (if (message-news-p)
279 (mail-fetch-field "Newsgroups")
280 (mail-fetch-field "To")))
281 (from (mail-fetch-field "From"))
282 (subject (mail-fetch-field "Subject"))
283 (date (mail-fetch-field "Date"))
284 ;; If we can get a link, that's awesome.
285 (gcc (mail-fetch-field "Gcc"))
286 (link (or (and gcc
287 (org-store-link nil))
288 nil))
289 (group (ignore-errors (car (split-string link "#")))))
290 ;; If we can't make a real link, then save some information so
291 ;; we can fake it.
292 (when in-reply-to
293 (setq refs (concat refs " " in-reply-to)))
294 (when refs
295 (setq refs (gnus-extract-references refs)))
296 (setq gnorb-gnus-message-info
297 `(:subject ,subject :msg-id ,msg-id
298 :to ,to :from ,from
299 :link ,link :date ,date :refs ,refs
300 :group ,group))
301 (if org-ids
302 (progn
303 (require 'gnorb-org)
304 (setq gnorb-message-org-ids org-ids)
305 ;; `gnorb-org-setup-message' may have put this here, but
306 ;; if we're working from a draft, or triggering this from
307 ;; a reply, it might not be there yet.
308 (add-to-list 'message-send-actions
309 'gnorb-org-restore-after-send t))
310 (setq gnorb-message-org-ids nil)))))
312 (add-hook 'message-sent-hook 'gnorb-gnus-check-outgoing-headers t)
314 ;;;###autoload
315 (defun gnorb-gnus-outgoing-do-todo (&optional arg)
316 "Use this command to use the message currently being composed
317 as an email todo action.
319 If it's a new message, or a reply to a message that isn't
320 referenced by any TODOs, a new TODO will be created.
322 If it references an existing TODO, you'll be prompted to trigger
323 a state-change or a note on that TODO after the message is sent.
325 You can call it with a prefix arg to force choosing an Org
326 subtree to associate with.
328 If you've already called this command, but realize you made a
329 mistake, you can call this command with a double prefix to reset
330 the association.
332 If a new todo is made, it needs a capture template: set
333 `gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key' to the string key for the
334 appropriate capture template. If you're using a gnus-based
335 archive method (ie you have `gnus-message-archive-group' set to
336 something, and your outgoing messages have a \"Fcc\" header),
337 then a real link will be made to the outgoing message, and all
338 the gnus-type escapes will be available (see the Info
339 manual (org) Template expansion section). If you don't, then the
340 %:subject, %:to, %:toname, %:toaddress, and %:date escapes for
341 the outgoing message will still be available -- nothing else will
342 work."
343 (interactive "P")
344 (let ((org-refile-targets gnorb-gnus-trigger-refile-targets)
345 (compose-marker (make-marker))
346 header-ids ref-ids rel-headings
347 gnorb-window-conf in-reply-to)
348 (when (equal arg '(4))
349 (setq rel-headings
350 (org-refile-get-location "Trigger action on" nil t))
351 (setq rel-headings
352 (list (list (save-window-excursion
353 (find-file (nth 1 rel-headings))
354 (goto-char (nth 3 rel-headings))
355 (org-id-get-create))))))
356 (if (not (eq major-mode 'message-mode))
357 ;; The message is already sent, so we're relying on whatever was
358 ;; stored into `gnorb-gnus-message-info'.
359 (if (equal arg '(16))
360 (user-error "A double prefix is only useful with an
361 unsent message.")
362 (if arg
363 (progn
364 (push (car rel-headings) gnorb-message-org-ids)
365 (gnorb-org-restore-after-send))
366 (setq ref-ids (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :refs))
367 (if ref-ids
368 ;; the message might be relevant to some TODO
369 ;; heading(s). But if there had been org-id
370 ;; headers, they would already have been
371 ;; handled when the message was sent.
372 (progn
373 (setq rel-headings (gnorb-find-visit-candidates ref-ids))
374 (if (not rel-headings)
375 (gnorb-gnus-outgoing-make-todo-1)
376 (dolist (h rel-headings)
377 (push h gnorb-message-org-ids))
378 (gnorb-org-restore-after-send)))
379 ;; not relevant, just make a new TODO
380 (gnorb-gnus-outgoing-make-todo-1))))
381 ;; We are still in the message composition buffer, so let's see
382 ;; what we've got.
384 (if (equal arg '(16))
385 ;; Double prefix arg means delete the association we already
386 ;; made.
387 (save-excursion
388 (save-restriction
389 (widen)
390 (setq message-send-actions
391 (remove 'gnorb-gnus-outgoing-make-todo-1
392 message-send-actions))
393 (message-narrow-to-headers-or-head)
394 (message-remove-header
395 gnorb-mail-header)
396 (message "Message associations have been reset")))
397 ;; Save-excursion won't work, because point will move if we
398 ;; insert headings.
399 (move-marker compose-marker (point))
400 (save-restriction
401 (widen)
402 (message-narrow-to-headers-or-head)
403 (setq header-ids (mail-fetch-field gnorb-mail-header nil nil t))
404 ;; With a prefix arg we do not check references, because the
405 ;; whole point is to add new references. We still want to know
406 ;; what org id headers are present, though, so we don't add
407 ;; duplicates.
408 (setq ref-ids (unless arg (mail-fetch-field "References" t)))
409 (setq in-reply-to (unless arg (mail-fetch-field "In-Reply-to" t)))
410 (when in-reply-to
411 (setq ref-ids (concat ref-ids " " in-reply-to)))
412 (when ref-ids
413 ;; if the References header points to any message ids that are
414 ;; tracked by TODO headings...
415 (setq rel-headings (gnorb-find-visit-candidates ref-ids)))
416 (when rel-headings
417 (goto-char (point-min))
418 (dolist (h (delete-dups rel-headings))
419 ;; then get the org-ids of those headings, and insert
420 ;; them into this message as headers. If the id was
421 ;; already present in a header, don't add it again.
422 (unless (member h header-ids)
423 (goto-char (point-at-bol))
424 (open-line 1)
425 (message-insert-header
426 (intern gnorb-mail-header)
427 h)
428 ;; tell the rest of the function that this is a relevant
429 ;; message
430 (push h header-ids)))))
431 (goto-char compose-marker)
432 (unless header-ids
433 (add-to-list 'message-send-actions
434 'gnorb-gnus-outgoing-make-todo-1 t))
435 (message
436 (if header-ids
437 "Message will trigger TODO state-changes after sending"
438 "A TODO will be made from this message after it's sent"))))))
440 (defvar org-capture-link-is-already-stored)
442 (defun gnorb-gnus-outgoing-make-todo-1 ()
443 (unless gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key
444 (error "No capture template key set, customize gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key"))
445 (let* ((link (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :link))
446 (group (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :group))
447 (date (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :date))
448 (date-ts (and date
449 (ignore-errors
450 (format-time-string
451 (org-time-stamp-format t)
452 (date-to-time date)))))
453 (date-ts-ia (and date
454 (ignore-errors
455 (format-time-string
456 (org-time-stamp-format t t)
457 (date-to-time date)))))
458 (msg-id (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :msg-id))
459 (sender (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :from))
460 (subject (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :subject))
461 ;; Convince Org we already have a link stored, even if we
462 ;; don't.
463 (org-capture-link-is-already-stored t))
464 (if link
465 ;; Even if you make a link to not-yet-sent messages, even if
466 ;; you've saved the draft and it has a Date header, that
467 ;; header isn't saved into the link plist. So fake that, too.
468 (org-add-link-props
469 :date date
470 :date-timestamp date-ts
471 :date-timestamp-inactive date-ts-ia
472 :annotation link)
473 (org-store-link-props
474 :subject (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :subject)
475 :to (plist-get gnorb-gnus-message-info :to)
476 :date date
477 :date-timestamp date-ts
478 :date-timestamp-inactive date-ts-ia
479 :message-id msg-id
480 :annotation link))
481 (org-capture nil gnorb-gnus-new-todo-capture-key)
482 (when msg-id
483 (org-entry-put (point) gnorb-org-msg-id-key msg-id)
484 (gnorb-registry-make-entry msg-id sender subject (org-id-get-create) group))))
486 ;;; If an incoming message should trigger state-change for a Org todo,
487 ;;; call this function on it.
489 ;;;###autoload
490 (defun gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo (arg &optional id)
491 "Call this function from a received gnus message to store a
492 link to the message, prompt for a related Org heading, visit the
493 heading, and trigger an action on it \(see
494 `gnorb-org-trigger-actions'\).
496 If you've set up message tracking \(with
497 `gnorb-tracking-initialize'\), Gnorb can guess which Org heading
498 you probably want to trigger, which can save some time. It does
499 this by looking in the References header, and seeing if any of
500 the messages referenced there are already being tracked by any
501 headings.
503 If you mark several messages before calling this function, or
504 call it with a numerical prefix arg, those messages will be
505 \"bulk associated\" with the chosen Org heading: associations
506 will be made, but you won't be prompted to trigger an action, and
507 you'll stay in the Gnus summary buffer."
508 (interactive "P")
509 (when (not (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode)))
510 (user-error "Only works in gnus summary or article mode"))
511 ;; We should only store a link if it's not already at the head of
512 ;; `org-stored-links'. There's some duplicate storage, at
513 ;; present. Take a look at calling it non-interactively.
514 (setq gnorb-window-conf (current-window-configuration))
515 (move-marker gnorb-return-marker (point))
516 (setq gnorb-gnus-message-info nil)
517 (let* ((articles (gnus-summary-work-articles arg))
518 (art-no (gnus-summary-article-number))
519 (headers (gnus-data-header
520 (gnus-data-find art-no)))
521 (msg-id (mail-header-id headers))
522 (from (mail-header-from headers))
523 (subject (mail-header-subject headers))
524 (date (mail-header-date headers))
525 (to (cdr (assoc 'To (mail-header-extra headers))))
526 (group (gnorb-get-real-group-name
527 gnus-newsgroup-name
528 art-no))
529 (link (call-interactively 'org-store-link))
530 (org-refile-targets gnorb-gnus-trigger-refile-targets)
531 (ref-msg-ids (concat (mail-header-references headers) " "
532 msg-id))
533 (related-headings
534 (when (and (null id) ref-msg-ids)
535 ;; Specifically ask for zombies, so the user has chance to
536 ;; flush them out.
537 (gnorb-find-tracked-headings headers t)))
538 targ)
539 (setq gnorb-gnus-message-info
540 `(:subject ,subject :msg-id ,msg-id
541 :to ,to :from ,from
542 :link ,link :date ,date :refs ,ref-msg-ids
543 :group ,group))
544 (gnorb-gnus-collect-all-attachments nil t)
545 (condition-case err
546 (if id
547 (progn
548 (delete-other-windows)
549 (gnorb-trigger-todo-action nil id))
550 ;; Flush out zombies (dead associations).
551 (setq related-headings
552 (cl-remove-if
553 (lambda (h)
554 (when (null (org-id-find-id-file h))
555 (when (y-or-n-p
556 (format
557 "ID %s no longer exists, disassociate message?"
558 h))
559 (gnorb-delete-association msg-id h))))
560 related-headings))
561 ;; See if one of the related headings is chosen.
562 (unless (catch 'target
563 (dolist (h related-headings nil)
564 (when (yes-or-no-p
565 (format "Trigger action on %s"
566 (gnorb-pretty-outline h)))
567 (throw 'target (setq targ h)))))
568 ;; If not, use the refile interface to choose one.
569 (setq targ (org-refile-get-location
570 "Trigger heading" nil t))
571 (setq targ
572 (save-window-excursion
573 (find-file (nth 1 targ))
574 (goto-char (nth 3 targ))
575 (org-id-get-create))))
576 ;; Either bulk associate multiple messages...
577 (if (> (length articles) 1)
578 (progn
579 (dolist (a articles)
580 (gnorb-registry-make-entry
581 (mail-header-id
582 (gnus-data-header
583 (gnus-data-find a)))
584 from subject targ group)
585 (gnus-summary-remove-process-mark a))
586 (message "Associated %d messages with %s"
587 (length articles) (gnorb-pretty-outline targ)))
588 ;; ...or just trigger the one.
589 (delete-other-windows)
590 (gnorb-trigger-todo-action nil targ)))
591 (error
592 ;; If these are left populated after an error, it plays hell
593 ;; with future trigger processes.
594 (setq gnorb-gnus-message-info nil)
595 (setq gnorb-gnus-capture-attachments nil)
596 (signal (car err) (cdr err))))))
598 ;;;###autoload
599 (defun gnorb-gnus-quick-reply ()
600 "Compose a reply to the message under point, and associate both
601 the original message and the reply with the selected heading.
602 Take no other action.
604 Use this when you want to compose a reply to a message on the
605 spot, and track both messages, without having to go through the
606 hassle of triggering an action on a heading, and then starting a
607 reply."
608 (interactive)
609 (when (not (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode)))
610 (user-error "Only works in gnus summary or article mode"))
611 (let* ((art-no (gnus-summary-article-number))
612 (headers (gnus-data-header
613 (gnus-data-find art-no)))
614 (msg-id (mail-header-id headers))
615 (from (mail-header-from headers))
616 (subject (mail-header-subject headers))
617 (group (gnorb-get-real-group-name
618 gnus-newsgroup-name
619 art-no))
620 (ref-msg-ids (concat (mail-header-references headers) " "
621 msg-id))
622 (related-headings
623 (when ref-msg-ids
624 (gnorb-find-tracked-headings headers t)))
625 (targ (car-safe related-headings)))
626 (if targ
627 (let ((ret (make-marker)))
628 (setq gnorb-window-conf (current-window-configuration))
629 (move-marker gnorb-return-marker (point))
630 ;; Assume the first heading is the one we want.
631 (gnorb-registry-make-entry
632 msg-id from subject targ group)
633 (gnus-summary-wide-reply-with-original 1)
634 (move-marker ret (point))
635 (save-restriction
636 (widen)
637 (message-narrow-to-headers-or-head)
638 (goto-char (point-min))
639 (open-line 1)
640 (message-insert-header
641 (intern gnorb-mail-header) targ))
642 (goto-char ret)
643 (message
644 (format "Original message and reply will be associated with %s"
645 (gnorb-pretty-outline targ))))
646 (message "No associated headings found"))))
648 ;;;###autoload
649 (defun gnorb-gnus-search-messages (str persist &optional head-text ret)
650 "Initiate a search for gnus message links in an org subtree.
651 The arg STR can be one of two things: an Org heading id value
652 \(IDs should be prefixed with \"id+\"\), in which case links will
653 be collected from that heading, or a string corresponding to an
654 Org tags search, in which case links will be collected from all
655 matching headings.
657 In either case, once a collection of links have been made, they
658 will all be displayed in an ephemeral group on the \"nngnorb\"
659 server. There must be an active \"nngnorb\" server for this to
660 work."
661 (interactive)
662 (require 'nnir)
663 (let ((nnir-address
664 (or (gnus-method-to-server '(nngnorb))
665 (user-error
666 "Please add a \"nngnorb\" backend to your gnus installation.")))
667 name method spec)
668 (when (version= "5.13" gnus-version-number)
669 (with-no-warnings ; All these variables are available.
670 (setq nnir-current-query nil
671 nnir-current-server nil
672 nnir-current-group-marked nil
673 nnir-artlist nil)))
674 ;; In 24.4, the group name is mostly decorative, but in 24.3, the
675 ;; actual query is held there.
676 (setq name (if (version= "5.13" gnus-version-number)
677 (concat "nnir:" (prin1-to-string `((query ,str))))
678 (if persist
679 (read-string
680 (format "Name for group (default %s): " head-text)
681 nil head-text t)
682 (concat "gnorb-" str))))
683 (setq method (if (version= "5.13" gnus-version-number)
684 (list 'nnir nnir-address)
685 (list 'nnir "Gnorb")))
686 (setq spec
687 (list
688 (cons 'nnir-specs (list (cons 'nnir-query-spec `((query . ,str)))
689 (cons 'nnir-group-spec `((,nnir-address nil)))))
690 (cons 'nnir-artlist nil)))
691 (if persist
692 (progn
693 (switch-to-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
694 (gnus-group-make-group name method nil spec)
695 (gnus-group-select-group))
696 (gnus-group-read-ephemeral-group name method nil ret nil nil spec))))
698 (defun gnorb-gnus-summary-mode-hook ()
699 "Check if we've entered a Gnorb-generated group, and activate
700 `gnorb-summary-minor-mode', if so."
701 (let ((method (gnus-find-method-for-group gnus-newsgroup-name)))
702 (when (string-match-p "Gnorb" (cadr method))
703 (gnorb-summary-minor-mode))))
705 (add-hook 'gnus-summary-mode-hook #'gnorb-gnus-summary-mode-hook)
707 ;;; Automatic noticing of relevant messages
709 ;; likely hooks for the summary buffer include:
710 ;; `gnus-parse-headers-hook'
712 ;; BBDB puts its notice stuff in the `gnus-article-prepare-hook',
713 ;; which seems as good a spot as any.
715 (defun gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-message ()
716 "When opening an article buffer, check the message to see if it
717 is relevant to any existing TODO headings. If so, flash a message
718 to that effect. This function is added to the
719 `gnus-article-prepare-hook'. It will only do anything if the
720 option `gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-article' is non-nil."
721 (when (and gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-article
722 (not (memq (car (gnus-find-method-for-group
723 gnus-newsgroup-name))
724 '(nnvirtual nnir))))
725 (let* ((headers
726 (gnus-data-header
727 (gnus-data-find
728 (gnus-summary-article-number))))
729 (assoc-heading
730 (gnus-registry-get-id-key
731 (gnus-fetch-original-field "message-id") 'gnorb-ids))
732 (tracked-headings (gnorb-find-tracked-headings headers))
733 (key
734 (where-is-internal 'gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo
735 nil t)))
736 (cond (assoc-heading
737 (message "Message is associated with %s"
738 (gnorb-pretty-outline (car assoc-heading) t)))
739 (tracked-headings
740 (message "Possible relevant todo %s, trigger with %s"
741 (gnorb-pretty-outline (car tracked-headings) t)
742 (if key
743 (key-description key)
744 "M-x gnorb-gnus-incoming-do-todo")))
745 (t nil)))))
747 (add-hook 'gnus-article-prepare-hook 'gnorb-gnus-hint-relevant-message)
749 (defun gnorb-gnus-insert-format-letter-maybe (header)
750 (if (not (memq (car (gnus-find-method-for-group
751 gnus-newsgroup-name))
752 '(nnvirtual nnir)))
753 (cond ((gnus-registry-get-id-key
754 (mail-header-message-id header) 'gnorb-ids)
755 gnorb-gnus-summary-tracked-mark)
756 ((gnorb-find-tracked-headings header)
757 gnorb-gnus-summary-mark)
758 (t " "))
759 " "))
761 (fset (intern (concat "gnus-user-format-function-"
762 gnorb-gnus-summary-mark-format-letter))
763 (lambda (header)
764 (gnorb-gnus-insert-format-letter-maybe header)))
766 ;;;###autoload
767 (defun gnorb-gnus-view ()
768 "Display the first relevant TODO heading for the message under point"
769 (interactive)
770 (let* ((headers (gnus-data-header
771 (gnus-data-find
772 (gnus-summary-article-number))))
773 (tracked-headings
774 (gnorb-find-tracked-headings headers)))
775 (when tracked-headings
776 (setq gnorb-window-conf (current-window-configuration))
777 (move-marker gnorb-return-marker (point))
778 (delete-other-windows)
779 (org-id-goto (car tracked-headings)))))
781 (provide 'gnorb-gnus)
782 ;;; gnorb-gnus.el ends here