]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/osc/osc.el
Merge commit '0cda39255827f283e7578cd469ae42daad9556a2' from js2-mode
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / osc / osc.el
1 ;;; osc.el --- Open Sound Control protocol library
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Mario Lang <mlang@delysid.org>
6 ;; Version: 0.1
7 ;; Keywords: comm, processes, multimedia
9 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12 ;; (at your option) any later version.
14 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
19 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 ;;; Commentary:
24 ;; OpenSound Control ("OSC") is a protocol for communication among
25 ;; computers, sound synthesizers, and other multimedia devices that is
26 ;; optimized for modern networking technology and has been used in many
27 ;; application areas.
29 ;; This package implements low-level functionality for OSC clients and servers.
30 ;; In particular:
31 ;; * `osc-make-client' and `osc-make-server' can be used to create process objects.
32 ;; * `osc-send-message' encodes and sends OSC messages from a client process.
33 ;; * `osc-server-set-handler' can be used to change handlers for particular
34 ;; OSC paths on a server process object on the fly.
36 ;; BUGS/TODO:
37 ;;
38 ;; * Timetags and binary blobs are not supported yet.
40 ;; Usage:
41 ;;
42 ;; Client: (setq my-client (osc-make-client "localhost" 7770))
43 ;; (osc-send-message my-client "/osc/path" 1.5 1.0 5 "done")
44 ;; (delete-process my-client)
45 ;;
46 ;; Server: (setq my-server (osc-make-server "localhost" 7770
47 ;; (lambda (path &rest args)
48 ;; (message "OSC %s: %S" path args))))
50 ;;; Code:
52 (require 'cl-lib)
54 (defun osc-insert-string (string)
55 (insert string 0 (make-string (- 3 (% (length string) 4)) 0)))
57 (defun osc-insert-float32 (value)
58 (let (s (e 0) f)
59 (cond
60 ((string= (format "%f" value) (format "%f" -0.0))
61 (setq s 1 f 0))
62 ((string= (format "%f" value) (format "%f" 0.0))
63 (setq s 0 f 0))
64 ((= value 1.0e+INF)
65 (setq s 0 e 255 f (1- (expt 2 23))))
66 ((= value -1.0e+INF)
67 (setq s 1 e 255 f (1- (expt 2 23))))
68 ((string= (format "%f" value) (format "%f" 0.0e+NaN))
69 (setq s 0 e 255 f 1))
70 (t
71 (setq s (if (>= value 0.0)
72 (progn (setq f value) 0)
73 (setq f (* -1 value)) 1))
74 (while (>= (* f (expt 2.0 e)) 2.0) (setq e (1- e)))
75 (if (= e 0) (while (< (* f (expt 2.0 e)) 1.0) (setq e (1+ e))))
76 (setq f (round (* (1- (* f (expt 2.0 e))) (expt 2 23)))
77 e (+ (* -1 e) 127))))
78 (insert (+ (lsh s 7) (lsh (logand e #XFE) -1))
79 (+ (lsh (logand e #X01) 7) (lsh (logand f #X7F0000) -16))
80 (lsh (logand f #XFF00) -8)
81 (logand f #XFF))))
83 (defun osc-insert-int32 (value)
84 (let (bytes)
85 (dotimes (i 4)
86 (push (% value 256) bytes)
87 (setq value (/ value 256)))
88 (dolist (byte bytes)
89 (insert byte))))
91 ;;;###autoload
92 (defun osc-make-client (host port)
93 "Create an OSC client process which talks to HOST and PORT."
94 (make-network-process
95 :name "OSCclient"
96 :coding 'binary
97 :host host
98 :service port
99 :type 'datagram))
101 ;;;###autoload
102 (defun osc-send-message (client path &rest args)
103 "Send an OSC message from CLIENT to the specified PATH with ARGS."
104 (with-temp-buffer
105 (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
106 (osc-insert-string path)
107 (osc-insert-string
108 (apply 'concat "," (mapcar (lambda (arg)
109 (cond
110 ((floatp arg) "f")
111 ((integerp arg) "i")
112 ((stringp arg) "s")
113 (t (error "Invalid argument: %S" arg))))
114 args)))
115 (dolist (arg args)
116 (cond
117 ((floatp arg) (osc-insert-float32 arg))
118 ((integerp arg) (osc-insert-int32 arg))
119 ((stringp arg) (osc-insert-string arg))))
120 (process-send-string client (buffer-string))))
122 (defun osc-read-string ()
123 (let ((pos (point)) string)
124 (while (not (= (following-char) 0)) (forward-char 1))
125 (setq string (buffer-substring-no-properties pos (point)))
126 (forward-char (- 4 (% (length string) 4)))
127 string))
129 (defun osc-read-int32 ()
130 (let ((value 0))
131 (dotimes (i 4)
132 (setq value (logior (* value 256) (following-char)))
133 (forward-char 1))
134 value))
136 (defun osc-read-float32 ()
137 (let ((s (lsh (logand (following-char) #X80) -7))
138 (e (+ (lsh (logand (following-char) #X7F) 1)
139 (lsh (logand (progn (forward-char) (following-char)) #X80) -7)))
140 (f (+ (lsh (logand (following-char) #X7F) 16)
141 (lsh (progn (forward-char) (following-char)) 8)
142 (prog1 (progn (forward-char) (following-char)) (forward-char)))))
143 (cond
144 ((and (= e 0) (= f 0))
145 (* 0.0 (expt -1 s)))
146 ((and (= e 255) (or (= f (1- (expt 2 23))) (= f 0)))
147 (* 1.0e+INF (expt -1 s)))
148 ((and (= e 255) (not (or (= f 0) (= f (1- (expt 2 23))))))
149 0.0e+NaN)
150 (t
151 (* (expt -1 s)
152 (expt 2.0 (- e 127))
153 (1+ (/ f (expt 2.0 23))))))))
155 (defun osc-server-set-handler (server path handler)
156 "Set HANDLER for PATH on SERVER.
157 IF HANDLER is nil, remove previously defined handler and fallback to
158 the generic handler for SERVER."
159 (let* ((handlers (plist-get (process-plist server) :handlers))
160 (slot (assoc-string path handlers)))
161 (if slot
162 (setcdr slot handler)
163 (plist-put
164 (process-plist server)
165 :handlers (nconc (list (cons path handler)) handlers)))))
167 (defun osc-server-get-handler (server path)
168 (or (cdr (assoc path (plist-get (process-plist server) :handlers)))
169 (plist-get (process-plist server) :generic)))
171 (defun osc-filter (proc string)
172 (when (= (% (length string) 4) 0)
173 (with-temp-buffer
174 (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
175 (insert string)
176 (goto-char (point-min))
177 (let ((path (osc-read-string)))
178 (if (not (string= path "#bundle"))
179 (when (looking-at ",")
180 (save-excursion
181 (apply (osc-server-get-handler proc path)
182 path
183 (mapcar
184 (lambda (type)
185 (cl-case type
186 (?f (osc-read-float32))
187 (?i (osc-read-int32))
188 (?s (osc-read-string))))
189 (string-to-list (substring (osc-read-string) 1))))))
190 (forward-char 8) ;skip 64-bit timetag
191 (while (not (eobp))
192 (let ((size (osc-read-int32)))
193 (osc-filter proc
194 (buffer-substring
195 (point) (progn (forward-char size) (point)))))))))))
197 ;;;###autoload
198 (defun osc-make-server (host port default-handler)
199 "Create an OSC server which listens on HOST and PORT.
200 DEFAULT-HANDLER is a function with arguments (path &rest args) which is called
201 when a new OSC message arrives. See `osc-server-set-handler' for more
202 fine grained control.
203 A process object is returned which can be dicarded with `delete-process'."
204 (make-network-process
205 :name "OSCserver"
206 :filter #'osc-filter
207 :host host
208 :service port
209 :server t
210 :type 'datagram
211 :plist (list :generic default-handler)))
213 (defun osc--test-transport-equality (value)
214 "Test if transporting a certain VALUE via OSC results in equality.
215 This is mostly for testing the implementation robustness."
216 (let* ((osc-test-value value)
217 (osc-test-func (cond ((or (floatp value) (integerp value)) '=)
218 ((stringp value) 'string=)))
219 (osc-test-done nil)
220 (osc-test-ok nil)
221 (server (osc-make-server
222 "localhost" t
223 (lambda (_path v)
224 (setq osc-test-done t
225 osc-test-ok (list v (funcall osc-test-func
226 osc-test-value v))))))
227 (client (osc-make-client
228 (nth 0 (process-contact server)) (nth 1 (process-contact server)))))
229 (osc-send-message client
230 "/test" osc-test-value)
231 (while (not osc-test-done)
232 (accept-process-output server 0 500))
233 (delete-process server) (delete-process client)
234 osc-test-ok))
236 (provide 'osc)
237 ;;; osc.el ends here