]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/register-list/register-list.el
Merge commit '0cda39255827f283e7578cd469ae42daad9556a2' from js2-mode
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / register-list / register-list.el
1 ;;; register-list.el --- Interactively list/edit registers -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
2 ;;
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 ;;
5 ;; Filename: register-list.el
6 ;; Author: Bastien Guerry <bzg@gnu.org>
7 ;; Maintainer: Bastien Guerry <bzg@gnu.org>
8 ;; Keywords: register
9 ;; Description: List and edit the register
10 ;; Version: 0.1
11 ;;
12 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
15 ;; any later version.
16 ;;
17 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
21 ;;
22 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23 ;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
24 ;; Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
25 ;;
26 ;; This is not part of GNU Emacs.
27 ;;
28 ;;; Commentary:
29 ;;
30 ;; This library lets you list and edit registers. M-x `register-list'
31 ;; displays a list of currently set registers.
33 ;; This list is similar to that of `bookmark-bmenu-list': you can set
34 ;; registers to delete with `d' and delete them with `x'. If you want
35 ;; to concatenate the content of registers, mark them with `c' and
36 ;; process with `x'.
38 ;; You can also edit the register's key with `k' and its value with `v'
39 ;; Hitting RET on a value string will jump to the register's location or
40 ;; add the text to the kill ring. Hitting RET on a register's type will
41 ;; restrict the list to registers of this type.
42 ;;
43 ;; Put this file into your load-path and the following into your ~/.emacs:
44 ;; (require 'register-list)
45 ;;
46 ;;; Todo:
47 ;;
48 ;; - better sorting (interactive)
49 ;; - overlay register when deleting duplicates
50 ;; - more useful message when selecting a type
51 ;; - concatenation -> merge
52 ;; - support merging rectangles
53 ;; - add numbers when "merging" them
54 ;; - C-k to kill a register
55 ;;
56 ;;; History:
57 ;;
58 ;; - [2008-03-09] Released v0.1
59 ;; http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.sources/2832
60 ;;
61 ;;; Code:
63 (eval-when-compile
64 (require 'cl))
66 (defgroup register-list nil
67 "Interactively list/edit registers."
68 :tag "Register List"
69 :group 'register)
71 (defcustom register-list-string-width nil
72 "Maximum width for the register value string."
73 :type 'integer)
75 (defcustom register-list-preserve-fontification nil
76 "Non-nil means keep the value strings fontified."
77 :type 'integer)
79 (defcustom register-list-default-types "[FNMRSW]"
80 "A regexp matching the default register types to list.
82 The available types are: [F]rame [N]umber [M]arkers [R]ectangle
83 \[S]string and [W]window. [FW] will list markers, frame and
84 window configuration, [SM] will list strings and markers, etc."
85 :type 'regexp)
87 (defface register-list-off-rectangle
88 '((t (:inverse-video t)))
89 "Face used to show what falls out of a rectangle.")
91 ;;; Variables, map, mode
93 (defvar register-list-mode-map
94 (let ((map (make-keymap)))
95 (suppress-keymap map t)
96 (define-key map "q" 'quit-window)
97 (define-key map "Q" 'register-list-quit)
98 (define-key map [(tab)] 'register-list-tab)
99 (define-key map "d" 'register-list-mark-delete)
100 (define-key map "D" 'register-list-delete-duplicates)
101 (define-key map "c" 'register-list-mark-concat)
102 (define-key map "x" 'register-list-execute)
103 (define-key map "+" 'register-list-increment-key)
104 (define-key map "-" 'register-list-decrement-key)
105 (define-key map "e" 'register-list-edit-key)
106 (define-key map "E" 'register-list-edit-value)
107 (define-key map "f" 'register-list-toggle-fontification)
108 (define-key map " " 'next-line)
109 (define-key map "n" 'next-line)
110 (define-key map "p" 'previous-line)
111 (define-key map "u" 'register-list-unmark)
112 (define-key map "U" 'register-list-unmark-all)
113 (define-key map "g" 'register-list-refresh)
114 (define-key map "F"
115 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "F")))
116 (define-key map "N"
117 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "N")))
118 (define-key map "M"
119 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "M")))
120 (define-key map "R"
121 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "R")))
122 (define-key map "S"
123 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "S")))
124 (define-key map "W"
125 (lambda () (interactive) (register-list-refresh "W")))
126 (define-key map "G"
127 (lambda() (interactive) (register-list-refresh "[FNMRSW]")))
128 (define-key map "?" 'describe-mode)
130 (define-key map [follow-link] 'mouse-face)
131 (define-key map [mouse-2] 'register-list-call-handler-at-mouse)
132 (define-key map [(return)] 'register-list-call-handler-at-point)
133 map)
134 "Keymap for `register-list-mode'.")
135 (defvar register-list-edit-value-mode-map
136 (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
137 (define-key map (kbd "C-c C-c") 'register-list-send-value)
138 map)
139 "Keymap for editing the value of a register.")
140 (defvar register-list-current-type nil
141 "The current type for the register menu.")
142 (defvar register-list-current-fontification nil
143 "Whether the value strings are currently fontified.")
144 (defvar register-list-temp-pos nil
145 "Temporary store the line the cursor is on.")
146 (defvar register-list-temp-window-cfg nil
147 "Temporary window configuration.
148 Saved before editing the value of a register.")
149 (defvar register-list-temp-register nil
150 "Temporary value of the edited register.")
151 (defvar register-list-edit-value-type nil
152 "The type of the edited value.")
153 (defvar register-list-rectangle-column nil
154 "End of a rectangle line.")
156 ;;; Marks
158 (defmacro register-list-preserve-pos (force-line &rest body)
159 "Preserve the position and execute BODY.
160 If FORCE-LINE is non-nil, force moving to this line."
161 (declare (debug t) (indent 1))
162 `(let (,@(unless force-line '((line (line-number-at-pos (point)))))
163 (col (current-column)))
164 ,@body
165 (goto-char (point-min))
166 (forward-line ,(or force-line '(1- line)))
167 (line-move-to-column col)))
169 (defmacro register-list-map-lines (let-vals &rest body)
170 "Execute BODY inside a let form with LET-VALS on all lines."
171 `(save-excursion
172 (goto-char (point-min))
173 (while (not (eobp))
174 (let* ,let-vals
175 ,@body
176 (forward-line 1)))))
178 (defvar register-list-concat-separator "\n"
179 "Default separator when merging.")
181 (defvar register-list-concat-key-select 'last)
183 ;; FIXME skip rectangle (or handle them separatly
184 (defun register-list-execute nil
185 "Delete/concatenate registers marker for deletion/concatenation."
186 (interactive)
187 (let ((line (line-number-at-pos (point))) newreg concat)
188 (goto-char (point-min))
189 (while (re-search-forward "^[DC]" nil t)
190 (let* ((reg-point (next-single-property-change (point) 'register))
191 (reg (get-text-property reg-point 'register)))
192 (if (string= (match-string 0) "D")
193 (setq register-alist (delete reg register-alist))
194 (push reg concat))))
195 (when concat
196 ;; set the new register
197 (setq newreg
198 (cons (cond ((eq register-list-concat-key-select 'first)
199 (caar concat))
200 ((eq register-list-concat-key-select 'last)
201 (caar (reverse concat)))
202 (t (read-char
203 (format "Key [%s]: "
204 (mapconcat (lambda(x) (char-to-string (car x)))
205 concat "")))))
206 (mapconcat (lambda (i) (cdr i)) (reverse concat)
207 (cond ((eq register-list-concat-separator 'ask)
208 (read-from-minibuffer "Separator: "))
209 ((stringp register-list-concat-separator)
210 register-list-concat-separator)
211 (t "")))))
212 ;; delete old registers
213 (dolist (r concat)
214 (setq register-alist (delete r register-alist)))
215 ;; push the new register
216 (push newreg register-alist))
217 (register-list register-list-current-type
218 register-list-current-fontification)
219 ;; move the cursor back
220 (goto-char (point-min))
221 (line-move (- line 2) t)))
223 (defconst register-list--intangible
224 (if (fboundp 'cursor-intangible-mode)
225 'cursor-intangible 'intangible))
227 (defun register-list-set-mark (mark)
228 "Set mark at the beginning of the line."
229 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
230 (beginning-of-line)
231 (unless (get-text-property (point) register-list--intangible)
232 (delete-char 1)
233 (save-excursion (insert mark))
234 (unless (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (eobp))
235 (forward-line 1)))))
237 (defun register-list-mark-delete nil
238 "Mark the register at point for deletion."
239 (interactive)
240 (register-list-set-mark "D"))
242 (defun register-list-mark-concat nil
243 "Mark the register at point for further concatenation."
244 (interactive)
245 (register-list-set-mark "C"))
247 (defun register-list-unmark nil
248 "Unmark the register at point."
249 (interactive)
250 (register-list-set-mark " "))
252 (defun register-list-unmark-all nil
253 "Unmark all registers."
254 (interactive)
255 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
256 (save-excursion
257 (goto-char (point-min))
258 (forward-line 1)
259 (while (and (forward-line 1) (not (eobp)))
260 (delete-char 1)
261 (insert " ")))))
263 (defun register-list-refresh (&optional type)
264 "Refresh the list of registers.
265 An optional TYPE argument restrict the list these types."
266 (interactive "P")
267 (register-list-preserve-pos nil
268 (register-list (or type register-list-current-type)
269 register-list-current-fontification)))
271 (defun register-list-quit nil
272 "Quit the register list and kill its buffer."
273 (interactive)
274 (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))
276 (defun register-list-toggle-fontification nil
277 "Toggle fontification of the value strings."
278 (interactive)
279 (register-list-preserve-pos nil
280 (setq register-list-current-fontification
281 (not register-list-current-fontification))
282 (register-list register-list-current-type
283 register-list-current-fontification)))
285 (define-derived-mode register-list-mode special-mode "Register List"
286 "Major mode for editing a list of register keys.
288 Each line is of the form:
290 \[Delete-flag] Key Type Value
292 The leftmost column displays a `D' character if the register key
293 is flagged for further deletion. You can add such flag by hitting
294 \\[register-list-delete].
296 The Key column displays the character used for this register.
297 Hitting \\[register-list-call-handler-at-point] on the key will
298 prompt for a replacement.
300 The Type column displays the type of the register, either [F]rame
301 \[N]umber [M]arkers [R]ectangle [S]string or [W]window. Hitting
302 \\[register-list-call-handler-at-point] on this column will
303 restrict the register list to this type of registers. To quickly
304 list a specific type, hit the type character among [FNMRSW].
306 The Value column displays information about the value of the
307 register: either a string if the register's value is a string, a
308 number or a rectangle, or the location of the marker or some
309 information about window and frame configuration. Hitting
310 \\[register-list-call-handler-at-point] on this column will
311 copy the string to the kill ring or jump to the location.
313 \\[register-list-edit-key] -- edit the key for this register.
314 \\[register-list-edit-value] -- edit the value for this register.
315 \\[register-list-increment-key] -- increment key at point.
316 \\[register-list-decrement-key] -- decrement key at point.
317 \\[register-list-mark-delete] -- mark the register at point for deletion.
318 \\[register-list-mark-concat] -- mark the register at point for concatenation.
319 \\[register-list-unmark] -- unmark the register at point.
320 \\[register-list-unmark-all] -- unmark all registers.
321 \\[register-list-execute] -- execute deletions or concatenations.
322 \\[register-list-toggle-fontification] -- toggle fontification of value strings.
323 \\[register-list-refresh] -- refresh the register menu display.
324 \\[register-list-tab] -- cycle between the key, the type and the value.
325 \\[register-list-quit] -- quit the register menu."
326 (setq truncate-lines t)
327 (if (fboundp 'cursor-intangible-mode) (cursor-intangible-mode 1))
328 (setq buffer-read-only t))
330 ;;\\[register-list-edit-key-or-value] -- edit the key for this register.
332 (defun register-list-tab nil
333 "Cycle between the register key, the type and the value."
334 (interactive)
335 (let* ((eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
336 (m-f-chg (next-single-property-change (point) 'mouse-face nil eol))
337 (m-f-pos (text-property-any m-f-chg eol 'mouse-face 'highlight))
338 (r-f-chg (next-single-property-change (point) 'register nil eol))
339 (r-f-prop (get-text-property r-f-chg 'register)) point)
340 (cond (r-f-prop (goto-char r-f-chg))
341 (m-f-pos (goto-char m-f-pos))
342 (t (beginning-of-line 2)
343 (if (setq point (next-single-property-change
344 (point) 'register))
345 (goto-char point))))))
347 ;;;###autoload
348 (defun register-list (&optional type fontify)
349 "Display a list of registers.
350 An optional argument TYPE defines a regexp to restrict the
351 register menu to. A second optional argument FONTIFICATION
352 decides if the display preserves original fontification for
353 values.
355 The default types are defined in `register-list-default-types',
356 which see.
358 The list is displayed in a buffer named `*Register List*' in
359 `register-list-mode', which see."
360 (interactive)
361 (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Register List*"))
362 (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
363 (setq type (or type register-list-default-types))
364 (setq register-list-current-fontification
365 (or fontify register-list-preserve-fontification))
366 (setq register-list-current-type type)
368 (setq register-alist ;; TODO better sorting.
369 (sort register-alist (lambda (a b) (< (car a) (car b)))))
370 (erase-buffer)
371 ;; FIXME: Why intangible?
372 (insert (concat (propertize "% Key Type Value\n"
373 'face 'font-lock-type-face
374 register-list--intangible t) ;; 'front-sticky t)
375 (propertize "- --- ---- -----\n"
376 register-list--intangible t
377 'face 'font-lock-comment-delimiter-face)))
378 (dolist (register register-alist)
379 (let* ((key (char-to-string (car register)))
380 (val (cdr register))
381 (typ (register-list-get-type val))
382 (hdl (register-list-get-handler register typ)))
383 (when (string-match typ type)
384 (insert
385 (format " %s %s %s\n"
386 (propertize key 'face 'bold 'register register
387 'register-handler hdl)
388 (propertize (concat "[" typ "]")
389 'mouse-face 'highlight
390 'help-echo "mouse-2: restrict to this type"
391 'register-handler
392 (lambda ()
393 (register-list-preserve-pos nil
394 (register-list
395 typ register-list-current-fontification))))
396 (propertize (register-list-prepare-string
397 (register-list-value-to-string val typ) fontify)
398 'mouse-face 'highlight
399 'register-handler hdl
400 'help-echo "mouse-2: use this register")))))))
401 (register-list-mode)
402 (goto-char (point-min))
403 (line-move 2 t)
404 (if (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
405 (message "[d]elete [e/E]dit key/value RET:jump/copy [FNRSW]:select type ?:help")
406 (message "Register type: %s" register-list-current-type)))
408 (defun register-list-call-handler-at-mouse (ev)
409 "Call the register handler at point.
410 See `register-list-call-handler-at-point' for details."
411 (interactive "e")
412 (mouse-set-point ev)
413 (register-list-call-handler-at-point))
415 (defun register-list-call-handler-at-point nil
416 "Call the register handler at point.
417 If the point is on a register key, edit the key. If the point is
418 on a register type, rebuild the list restricting to registers of
419 this type. If the point is on a register value, either jump to
420 the register or copy its value into the kill ring."
421 (interactive)
422 (let ((handler (get-text-property (point) 'register-handler)))
423 (if handler
424 (condition-case nil
425 (funcall (get-text-property (point) 'register-handler))
426 (error (message "Can't jump to register location"))))))
428 (defun register-list-get-handler (register type)
429 "Return a handler function for a REGISTER with TYPE."
430 (cond ((string= "?" type)
431 `(lambda() (message "No action with this type")))
432 ((string= "S" type)
433 `(lambda()
434 (kill-new ,(cdr register))
435 (message "String copied to the kill ring")))
436 ((string= "N" type)
437 `(lambda()
438 (kill-new ,(number-to-string (cdr register)))
439 (message "Number copied to the kill ring as a string")))
440 ((string= "R" type)
441 `(lambda()
442 (kill-new ,(mapconcat 'identity (cdr register) "\n"))
443 (message "Rectangle copied to the kill ring")))
444 ((string-match "[FMW]" type)
445 `(lambda()
446 (jump-to-register ,(car register))
447 (message (format "Jumped to register %s"
448 ,(char-to-string (car register))))))))
450 (defun register-list-value-to-string (value type)
451 "Convert a register VALUE into a string according to its TYPE."
452 (cond ((string= "M" type)
453 (cond ((marker-position value)
454 (format "[Marker at point %d in buffer %s]"
455 (marker-position value)
456 (buffer-name (marker-buffer value))))
457 ((marker-buffer value)
458 (format "[Marker in buffer %s]"
459 (buffer-name (marker-buffer value))))
460 (t (format "[Marker gone?]"))))
461 ((string= "N" type)
462 (format "Number: %s" (number-to-string value)))
463 ((string= "S" type)
464 (replace-regexp-in-string "[\n\r\t]" " " value))
465 ((string= "R" type)
466 (mapconcat 'identity value "\\ "))
467 ((string= "W" type)
468 (format "[Window configuration in frame \"%s\"]"
469 (frame-parameter
470 (window-configuration-frame (car value)) 'name)))
471 ((string= "F" type)
472 (format "[Frame configuration]"))
473 (t "[Error: unknow type]")))
475 (defun register-list-get-type (key)
476 "Get the type for register's KEY."
477 (if (atom key)
478 (cond ((stringp key) "S")
479 ((markerp key) "M")
480 ((numberp key) "N")
481 (t "error"))
482 (cond ((window-configuration-p (car key)) "W")
483 ((frame-configuration-p (car key)) "F")
484 ((stringp (car key)) "R")
485 ((string= "Unprintable entity" (car key)) "?")
486 (t "error"))))
488 ;;; Edit key/value of the register
490 ;; FIXME delete?
491 ;; (defun register-list-edit-key-or-value nil
492 ;; "Edit the register key or value depending on the point."
493 ;; (interactive)
494 ;; (if (get-text-property (point) 'register)
495 ;; (register-list-edit-key)
496 ;; (register-list-edit-value)))
498 (defun register-list-edit-key nil
499 "Edit the key of the register at point."
500 (interactive)
501 (register-list-set-key
502 (lambda (v) (read-char (format "New key (%s): "
503 (char-to-string v))))))
505 (defun register-list-increment-key nil
506 "Increment the key of the register at point."
507 (interactive)
508 (register-list-set-key '1+))
510 (defun register-list-delete-duplicates nil
511 "Interactively delete duplicates."
512 (interactive)
513 (mapc (lambda (r)
514 (mapc (lambda(rr)
515 (if (and (eq (car r) (car rr))
516 (y-or-n-p
517 (format "Delete register with key `%s'? "
518 (char-to-string (car rr)))))
519 (setq register-alist (delete rr register-alist))))
520 (cdr (member r register-alist))))
521 register-alist))
523 ;; (defun register-list- (register)
524 ;; "Overline the register with KEY."
525 ;; (save-excursion
526 ;; (goto-char (point-min))
527 ;; (while (re-search-forward (concat "^[ DC]" (char-to-string key)) nil t)
528 ;; (goto-char
529 ;; (while (next-single-property-change (point) 'register)
531 (defun register-list-decrement-key nil
532 "Decrement the key of the register at point."
533 (interactive)
534 (register-list-set-key '1-))
536 (defun register-list-set-key (function)
537 "Update the regsiter key by applying FUNCTION."
538 (register-list-preserve-pos
539 2 ;; go back to top of the sorted list
540 (beginning-of-line)
541 (let* ((reg-point (next-single-property-change (point) 'register))
542 (reg (get-text-property reg-point 'register))
543 (val (car reg)))
544 (setq register-alist (delete reg register-alist))
545 (add-to-list 'register-alist
546 (cons (setcar reg (funcall function val)) (cdr reg)))
547 (register-list register-list-current-type
548 register-list-current-fontification))))
550 (defun register-list-edit-value nil
551 "Edit the value of the register at point."
552 (interactive)
553 (let* ((reg-at-point
554 (save-excursion
555 (beginning-of-line)
556 (next-single-property-change (point) 'register)))
557 (reg (get-text-property reg-at-point 'register))
558 (val (cdr reg)))
559 (if (not (or (stringp val) (numberp val)
560 (and (listp val) (stringp (car val)))))
561 (message "Can't edit this type of register")
562 (setq register-list-temp-window-cfg (current-window-configuration))
563 (setq register-list-temp-register reg)
564 (setq register-list-temp-pos
565 (cons (line-number-at-pos (point)) (current-column)))
566 (setq register-list-edit-value-type
567 (cond ((numberp val) 'number)
568 ((listp val) 'rectangle)
569 (t 'string)))
570 (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Register Edit*"))
571 (erase-buffer)
572 (insert (cond ((numberp val) (number-to-string val))
573 ((listp val) (mapconcat 'identity val "\n"))
574 (t val)))
575 (setq register-list-rectangle-column
576 (if (eq register-list-edit-value-type 'rectangle)
577 (length (car val)) nil))
578 (register-list-edit-value-mode)
579 (message "Press C-c C-c when you're done"))))
581 (define-derived-mode register-list-edit-value-mode text-mode
582 "Edit Register Value"
583 "Mode for editing the value of a register.
584 When you are done editing the value, store it with \\[register-list-send-string].
586 \\{register-list-edit-value-mode-map}")
588 (defun register-list-add-rectangle-overlays (column)
589 "Add overlays to display strings beyond COLUMN.
590 Do this on all lines in the current buffer."
591 (register-list-map-lines
592 ((beg (progn (forward-char column) (point)))
593 (end (progn (end-of-line) (point))))
594 (unless (eq beg end)
595 (overlay-put (make-overlay beg end)
596 'face 'register-list-off-rectangle))))
598 (defun register-list-add-trailing-whitespace (column)
599 "Add trailing whitespaces to fill to COLUMN.
600 Do this on all lines in the current buffer."
601 (register-list-map-lines
602 ((eol (save-excursion (end-of-line) (point)))
603 (rem (% eol (1+ column))))
604 (if (and (not (eq rem 0))
605 (< eol (* (1+ column) (line-number-at-pos (point)))))
606 (save-excursion
607 (end-of-line)
608 (insert (make-string (- (1+ column) rem) 32))))))
610 (defun register-list-send-value nil
611 "Use the buffer to store the new value of a register.
612 Convert the buffer to a number or a rectangle if required."
613 (interactive)
614 (catch 'cancel
615 (when register-list-rectangle-column
616 ;; fix whitespace before sending a rectangle
617 (register-list-add-trailing-whitespace
618 register-list-rectangle-column)
619 ;; cut off trailing string before sending a rectangle
620 (register-list-add-rectangle-overlays
621 register-list-rectangle-column)
622 (if (and (delq nil (overlay-lists))
623 (not (y-or-n-p "Cut off the fontified part of the rectangle? ")))
624 (throw 'cancel (message "Back to editing"))))
625 ;; now send the value
626 (set-register (car register-list-temp-register)
627 (cond ((eq register-list-edit-value-type 'number)
628 (string-to-number (buffer-string)))
629 ((eq register-list-edit-value-type 'rectangle)
630 (mapcar (lambda (l) (truncate-string-to-width
631 l register-list-rectangle-column
632 0 32))
633 (split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))
634 (t (buffer-string))))
635 (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
636 (register-list register-list-current-type
637 register-list-current-fontification)
638 (set-window-configuration register-list-temp-window-cfg)
639 (line-move (1- (car register-list-temp-pos)) t)
640 (line-move-to-column (cdr register-list-temp-pos)))
641 ;; remove overlays if sending was cancelled
642 (mapc (lambda(ovs) (mapc (lambda(o) (delete-overlay o)) ovs))
643 (overlay-lists))
644 (message "New value stored"))
646 (defun register-list-prepare-string (string &optional fontify)
647 "Prepare STRING for the register list.
648 An optional argument FONTIFY takes precedence over
649 `register-list-preserve-fontification' to decide whether the
650 string should keep its original fontification. Also shorten the
651 output string to `register-list-string-width'."
652 (if (and register-list-string-width
653 (> (length string) register-list-string-width))
654 (setq string (substring string 0 register-list-string-width)))
655 (when (or fontify register-list-preserve-fontification)
656 (remove-text-properties 0 (length string) '(face nil) string))
657 string)
659 (provide 'register-list)
661 ;;; register-list.el ends here