]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - company.el
company--posn-col-row: Fall back to posn-col-row
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / company.el
1 ;;; company.el --- Modular text completion framework -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
6 ;; Maintainer: Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru>
7 ;; URL: http://company-mode.github.io/
8 ;; Version: 0.9.0-cvs
9 ;; Keywords: abbrev, convenience, matching
10 ;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1") (cl-lib "0.5"))
12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
14 ;; GNU Emacs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
17 ;; (at your option) any later version.
19 ;; GNU Emacs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
24 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
25 ;; along with GNU Emacs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
27 ;;; Commentary:
28 ;;
29 ;; Company is a modular completion framework. Modules for retrieving completion
30 ;; candidates are called backends, modules for displaying them are frontends.
31 ;;
32 ;; Company comes with many backends, e.g. `company-etags'. These are
33 ;; distributed in separate files and can be used individually.
34 ;;
35 ;; Enable `company-mode' in all buffers with M-x global-company-mode. For
36 ;; further information look at the documentation for `company-mode' (C-h f
37 ;; company-mode RET).
38 ;;
39 ;; If you want to start a specific backend, call it interactively or use
40 ;; `company-begin-backend'. For example:
41 ;; M-x company-abbrev will prompt for and insert an abbrev.
42 ;;
43 ;; To write your own backend, look at the documentation for `company-backends'.
44 ;; Here is a simple example completing "foo":
45 ;;
46 ;; (defun company-my-backend (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
47 ;; (pcase command
48 ;; (`prefix (when (looking-back "foo\\>")
49 ;; (match-string 0)))
50 ;; (`candidates (list "foobar" "foobaz" "foobarbaz"))
51 ;; (`meta (format "This value is named %s" arg))))
52 ;;
53 ;; Sometimes it is a good idea to mix several backends together, for example to
54 ;; enrich gtags with dabbrev-code results (to emulate local variables). To do
55 ;; this, add a list with both backends as an element in `company-backends'.
56 ;;
57 ;;; Change Log:
58 ;;
59 ;; See NEWS.md in the repository.
61 ;;; Code:
63 (require 'cl-lib)
64 (require 'newcomment)
65 (require 'pcase)
67 ;; FIXME: Use `user-error'.
68 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^.* frontend cannot be used twice$")
69 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^Echo area cannot be used twice$")
70 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^No \\(document\\|loc\\)ation available$")
71 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^Company not ")
72 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^No candidate number ")
73 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^Cannot complete at point$")
74 (add-to-list 'debug-ignored-errors "^No other backend$")
76 ;;; Compatibility
77 (eval-and-compile
78 ;; `defvar-local' for Emacs 24.2 and below
79 (unless (fboundp 'defvar-local)
80 (defmacro defvar-local (var val &optional docstring)
81 "Define VAR as a buffer-local variable with default value VAL.
82 Like `defvar' but additionally marks the variable as being automatically
83 buffer-local wherever it is set."
84 (declare (debug defvar) (doc-string 3))
85 `(progn
86 (defvar ,var ,val ,docstring)
87 (make-variable-buffer-local ',var)))))
89 (defgroup company nil
90 "Extensible inline text completion mechanism"
91 :group 'abbrev
92 :group 'convenience
93 :group 'matching)
95 (defface company-tooltip
96 '((default :foreground "black")
97 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
98 (:background "cornsilk"))
99 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
100 (:background "yellow")))
101 "Face used for the tooltip.")
103 (defface company-tooltip-selection
104 '((((class color) (min-colors 88) (background light))
105 (:background "light blue"))
106 (((class color) (min-colors 88) (background dark))
107 (:background "orange1"))
108 (t (:background "green")))
109 "Face used for the selection in the tooltip.")
111 (defface company-tooltip-search
112 '((default :inherit company-tooltip-selection))
113 "Face used for the search string in the tooltip.")
115 (defface company-tooltip-mouse
116 '((default :inherit highlight))
117 "Face used for the tooltip item under the mouse.")
119 (defface company-tooltip-common
120 '((((background light))
121 :foreground "darkred")
122 (((background dark))
123 :foreground "red"))
124 "Face used for the common completion in the tooltip.")
126 (defface company-tooltip-common-selection
127 '((default :inherit company-tooltip-common))
128 "Face used for the selected common completion in the tooltip.")
130 (defface company-tooltip-annotation
131 '((((background light))
132 :foreground "firebrick4")
133 (((background dark))
134 :foreground "red4"))
135 "Face used for the completion annotation in the tooltip.")
137 (defface company-tooltip-annotation-selection
138 '((default :inherit company-tooltip-annotation))
139 "Face used for the selected completion annotation in the tooltip.")
141 (defface company-scrollbar-fg
142 '((((background light))
143 :background "darkred")
144 (((background dark))
145 :background "red"))
146 "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar thumb.")
148 (defface company-scrollbar-bg
149 '((((background light))
150 :background "wheat")
151 (((background dark))
152 :background "gold"))
153 "Face used for the tooltip scrollbar background.")
155 (defface company-preview
156 '((((background light))
157 :inherit (company-tooltip-selection company-tooltip))
158 (((background dark))
159 :background "blue4"
160 :foreground "wheat"))
161 "Face used for the completion preview.")
163 (defface company-preview-common
164 '((((background light))
165 :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection)
166 (((background dark))
167 :inherit company-preview
168 :foreground "red"))
169 "Face used for the common part of the completion preview.")
171 (defface company-preview-search
172 '((((background light))
173 :inherit company-tooltip-common-selection)
174 (((background dark))
175 :inherit company-preview
176 :background "blue1"))
177 "Face used for the search string in the completion preview.")
179 (defface company-echo nil
180 "Face used for completions in the echo area.")
182 (defface company-echo-common
183 '((((background dark)) (:foreground "firebrick1"))
184 (((background light)) (:background "firebrick4")))
185 "Face used for the common part of completions in the echo area.")
187 (defun company-frontends-set (variable value)
188 ;; Uniquify.
189 (let ((value (delete-dups (copy-sequence value))))
190 (and (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend value)
191 (memq 'company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend value)
192 (error "Pseudo tooltip frontend cannot be used twice"))
193 (and (memq 'company-preview-if-just-one-frontend value)
194 (memq 'company-preview-frontend value)
195 (error "Preview frontend cannot be used twice"))
196 (and (memq 'company-echo value)
197 (memq 'company-echo-metadata-frontend value)
198 (error "Echo area cannot be used twice"))
199 ;; Preview must come last.
200 (dolist (f '(company-preview-if-just-one-frontend company-preview-frontend))
201 (when (cdr (memq f value))
202 (setq value (append (delq f value) (list f)))))
203 (set variable value)))
205 (defcustom company-frontends '(company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend
206 company-preview-if-just-one-frontend
207 company-echo-metadata-frontend)
208 "The list of active frontends (visualizations).
209 Each frontend is a function that takes one argument. It is called with
210 one of the following arguments:
212 `show': When the visualization should start.
214 `hide': When the visualization should end.
216 `update': When the data has been updated.
218 `pre-command': Before every command that is executed while the
219 visualization is active.
221 `post-command': After every command that is executed while the
222 visualization is active.
224 The visualized data is stored in `company-prefix', `company-candidates',
225 `company-common', `company-selection', `company-point' and
226 `company-search-string'."
227 :set 'company-frontends-set
228 :type '(repeat (choice (const :tag "echo" company-echo-frontend)
229 (const :tag "echo, strip common"
230 company-echo-strip-common-frontend)
231 (const :tag "show echo meta-data in echo"
232 company-echo-metadata-frontend)
233 (const :tag "pseudo tooltip"
234 company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend)
235 (const :tag "pseudo tooltip, multiple only"
236 company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend)
237 (const :tag "preview" company-preview-frontend)
238 (const :tag "preview, unique only"
239 company-preview-if-just-one-frontend)
240 (function :tag "custom function" nil))))
242 (defcustom company-tooltip-limit 10
243 "The maximum number of candidates in the tooltip."
244 :type 'integer)
246 (defcustom company-tooltip-minimum 6
247 "The minimum height of the tooltip.
248 If this many lines are not available, prefer to display the tooltip above."
249 :type 'integer)
251 (defcustom company-tooltip-minimum-width 0
252 "The minimum width of the tooltip's inner area.
253 This doesn't include the margins and the scroll bar."
254 :type 'integer
255 :package-version '(company . "0.8.0"))
257 (defcustom company-tooltip-margin 1
258 "Width of margin columns to show around the toolip."
259 :type 'integer)
261 (defcustom company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar
262 "Method using which the tooltip displays scrolling position.
263 `scrollbar' means draw a scrollbar to the right of the items.
264 `lines' means wrap items in lines with \"before\" and \"after\" counters."
265 :type '(choice (const :tag "Scrollbar" scrollbar)
266 (const :tag "Two lines" lines)))
268 (defcustom company-tooltip-align-annotations nil
269 "When non-nil, align annotations to the right tooltip border."
270 :type 'boolean
271 :package-version '(company . "0.7.1"))
273 (defcustom company-tooltip-flip-when-above nil
274 "Whether to flip the tooltip when it's above the current line."
275 :type 'boolean
276 :package-version '(company . "0.8.1"))
278 (defvar company-safe-backends
279 '((company-abbrev . "Abbrev")
280 (company-bbdb . "BBDB")
281 (company-capf . "completion-at-point-functions")
282 (company-clang . "Clang")
283 (company-cmake . "CMake")
284 (company-css . "CSS")
285 (company-dabbrev . "dabbrev for plain text")
286 (company-dabbrev-code . "dabbrev for code")
287 (company-eclim . "Eclim (an Eclipse interface)")
288 (company-elisp . "Emacs Lisp")
289 (company-etags . "etags")
290 (company-files . "Files")
291 (company-gtags . "GNU Global")
292 (company-ispell . "Ispell")
293 (company-keywords . "Programming language keywords")
294 (company-nxml . "nxml")
295 (company-oddmuse . "Oddmuse")
296 (company-semantic . "Semantic")
297 (company-tempo . "Tempo templates")
298 (company-xcode . "Xcode")))
299 (put 'company-safe-backends 'risky-local-variable t)
301 (defun company-safe-backends-p (backends)
302 (and (consp backends)
303 (not (cl-dolist (backend backends)
304 (unless (if (consp backend)
305 (company-safe-backends-p backend)
306 (assq backend company-safe-backends))
307 (cl-return t))))))
309 (defcustom company-backends `(,@(unless (version< "24.3.51" emacs-version)
310 (list 'company-elisp))
311 company-bbdb
312 company-nxml company-css
313 company-eclim company-semantic company-clang
314 company-xcode company-cmake
315 company-capf
316 (company-dabbrev-code company-gtags company-etags
317 company-keywords)
318 company-oddmuse company-files company-dabbrev)
319 "The list of active backends (completion engines).
321 Only one backend is used at a time. The choice depends on the order of
322 the items in this list, and on the values they return in response to the
323 `prefix' command (see below). But a backend can also be a \"grouped\"
324 one (see below).
326 `company-begin-backend' can be used to start a specific backend,
327 `company-other-backend' will skip to the next matching backend in the list.
329 Each backend is a function that takes a variable number of arguments.
330 The first argument is the command requested from the backend. It is one
331 of the following:
333 `prefix': The backend should return the text to be completed. It must be
334 text immediately before point. Returning nil from this command passes
335 control to the next backend. The function should return `stop' if it
336 should complete but cannot (e.g. if it is in the middle of a string).
337 Instead of a string, the backend may return a cons where car is the prefix
338 and cdr is used instead of the actual prefix length in the comparison
339 against `company-minimum-prefix-length'. It must be either number or t,
340 and in the latter case the test automatically succeeds.
342 `candidates': The second argument is the prefix to be completed. The
343 return value should be a list of candidates that match the prefix.
345 Non-prefix matches are also supported (candidates that don't start with the
346 prefix, but match it in some backend-defined way). Backends that use this
347 feature must disable cache (return t to `no-cache') and might also want to
348 respond to `match'.
350 Optional commands
351 =================
353 `sorted': Return t here to indicate that the candidates are sorted and will
354 not need to be sorted again.
356 `duplicates': If non-nil, company will take care of removing duplicates
357 from the list.
359 `no-cache': Usually company doesn't ask for candidates again as completion
360 progresses, unless the backend returns t for this command. The second
361 argument is the latest prefix.
363 `ignore-case': Return t here if the backend returns case-insensitive
364 matches. This value is used to determine the longest common prefix (as
365 used in `company-complete-common'), and to filter completions when fetching
366 them from cache.
368 `meta': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a (short)
369 documentation string for it.
371 `doc-buffer': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a
372 buffer with documentation for it. Preferably use `company-doc-buffer'. If
373 not all buffer contents pertain to this candidate, return a cons of buffer
374 and window start position.
376 `location': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a cons
377 of buffer and buffer location, or of file and line number where the
378 completion candidate was defined.
380 `annotation': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return a
381 string to be displayed inline with the candidate in the popup. If
382 duplicates are removed by company, candidates with equal string values will
383 be kept if they have different annotations. For that to work properly,
384 backends should store the related information on candidates using text
385 properties.
387 `match': The second argument is a completion candidate. Return the index
388 after the end of text matching `prefix' within the candidate string. It
389 will be used when rendering the popup. This command only makes sense for
390 backends that provide non-prefix completion.
392 `require-match': If this returns t, the user is not allowed to enter
393 anything not offered as a candidate. Please don't use that value in normal
394 backends. The default value nil gives the user that choice with
395 `company-require-match'. Return value `never' overrides that option the
396 other way around.
398 `init': Called once for each buffer. The backend can check for external
399 programs and files and load any required libraries. Raising an error here
400 will show up in message log once, and the backend will not be used for
401 completion.
403 `post-completion': Called after a completion candidate has been inserted
404 into the buffer. The second argument is the candidate. Can be used to
405 modify it, e.g. to expand a snippet.
407 The backend should return nil for all commands it does not support or
408 does not know about. It should also be callable interactively and use
409 `company-begin-backend' to start itself in that case.
411 Grouped backends
412 ================
414 An element of `company-backends' can also be a list of backends. The
415 completions from backends in such groups are merged, but only from those
416 backends which return the same `prefix'.
418 If a backend command takes a candidate as an argument (e.g. `meta'), the
419 call is dispatched to the backend the candidate came from. In other
420 cases (except for `duplicates' and `sorted'), the first non-nil value among
421 all the backends is returned.
423 The group can also contain keywords. Currently, `:with' and `:sorted'
424 keywords are defined. If the group contains keyword `:with', the backends
425 listed after this keyword are ignored for the purpose of the `prefix'
426 command. If the group contains keyword `:sorted', the final list of
427 candidates is not sorted after concatenation.
429 Asynchronous backends
430 =====================
432 The return value of each command can also be a cons (:async . FETCHER)
433 where FETCHER is a function of one argument, CALLBACK. When the data
434 arrives, FETCHER must call CALLBACK and pass it the appropriate return
435 value, as described above.
437 True asynchronous operation is only supported for command `candidates', and
438 only during idle completion. Other commands will block the user interface,
439 even if the backend uses the asynchronous calling convention."
440 :type `(repeat
441 (choice
442 :tag "backend"
443 ,@(mapcar (lambda (b) `(const :tag ,(cdr b) ,(car b)))
444 company-safe-backends)
445 (symbol :tag "User defined")
446 (repeat :tag "Merged backends"
447 (choice :tag "backend"
448 ,@(mapcar (lambda (b)
449 `(const :tag ,(cdr b) ,(car b)))
450 company-safe-backends)
451 (const :tag "With" :with)
452 (symbol :tag "User defined"))))))
454 (put 'company-backends 'safe-local-variable 'company-safe-backends-p)
456 (defcustom company-transformers nil
457 "Functions to change the list of candidates received from backends.
459 Each function gets called with the return value of the previous one.
460 The first one gets passed the list of candidates, already sorted and
461 without duplicates."
462 :type '(choice
463 (const :tag "None" nil)
464 (const :tag "Sort by occurrence" (company-sort-by-occurrence))
465 (const :tag "Sort by backend importance"
466 (company-sort-by-backend-importance))
467 (repeat :tag "User defined" (function))))
469 (defcustom company-completion-started-hook nil
470 "Hook run when company starts completing.
471 The hook is called with one argument that is non-nil if the completion was
472 started manually."
473 :type 'hook)
475 (defcustom company-completion-cancelled-hook nil
476 "Hook run when company cancels completing.
477 The hook is called with one argument that is non-nil if the completion was
478 aborted manually."
479 :type 'hook)
481 (defcustom company-completion-finished-hook nil
482 "Hook run when company successfully completes.
483 The hook is called with the selected candidate as an argument.
485 If you indend to use it to post-process candidates from a specific
486 backend, consider using the `post-completion' command instead."
487 :type 'hook)
489 (defcustom company-minimum-prefix-length 3
490 "The minimum prefix length for idle completion."
491 :type '(integer :tag "prefix length"))
493 (defcustom company-abort-manual-when-too-short nil
494 "If enabled, cancel a manually started completion when the prefix gets
495 shorter than both `company-minimum-prefix-length' and the length of the
496 prefix it was started from."
497 :type 'boolean
498 :package-version '(company . "0.8.0"))
500 (defcustom company-require-match 'company-explicit-action-p
501 "If enabled, disallow non-matching input.
502 This can be a function do determine if a match is required.
504 This can be overridden by the backend, if it returns t or `never' to
505 `require-match'. `company-auto-complete' also takes precedence over this."
506 :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
507 (function :tag "Predicate function")
508 (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place"
509 'company-explicit-action-p)
510 (const :tag "On" t)))
512 (defcustom company-auto-complete nil
513 "Determines when to auto-complete.
514 If this is enabled, all characters from `company-auto-complete-chars'
515 trigger insertion of the selected completion candidate.
516 This can also be a function."
517 :type '(choice (const :tag "Off" nil)
518 (function :tag "Predicate function")
519 (const :tag "On, if user interaction took place"
520 'company-explicit-action-p)
521 (const :tag "On" t)))
523 (defcustom company-auto-complete-chars '(?\ ?\) ?.)
524 "Determines which characters trigger auto-completion.
525 See `company-auto-complete'. If this is a string, each string character
526 tiggers auto-completion. If it is a list of syntax description characters (see
527 `modify-syntax-entry'), all characters with that syntax auto-complete.
529 This can also be a function, which is called with the new input and should
530 return non-nil if company should auto-complete.
532 A character that is part of a valid candidate never triggers auto-completion."
533 :type '(choice (string :tag "Characters")
534 (set :tag "Syntax"
535 (const :tag "Whitespace" ?\ )
536 (const :tag "Symbol" ?_)
537 (const :tag "Opening parentheses" ?\()
538 (const :tag "Closing parentheses" ?\))
539 (const :tag "Word constituent" ?w)
540 (const :tag "Punctuation." ?.)
541 (const :tag "String quote." ?\")
542 (const :tag "Paired delimiter." ?$)
543 (const :tag "Expression quote or prefix operator." ?\')
544 (const :tag "Comment starter." ?<)
545 (const :tag "Comment ender." ?>)
546 (const :tag "Character-quote." ?/)
547 (const :tag "Generic string fence." ?|)
548 (const :tag "Generic comment fence." ?!))
549 (function :tag "Predicate function")))
551 (defcustom company-idle-delay .5
552 "The idle delay in seconds until completion starts automatically.
553 The prefix still has to satisfy `company-minimum-prefix-length' before that
554 happens. The value of nil means no idle completion."
555 :type '(choice (const :tag "never (nil)" nil)
556 (const :tag "immediate (0)" 0)
557 (number :tag "seconds")))
559 (defcustom company-begin-commands '(self-insert-command
560 org-self-insert-command
561 orgtbl-self-insert-command
562 c-scope-operator
563 c-electric-colon
564 c-electric-lt-gt
565 c-electric-slash)
566 "A list of commands after which idle completion is allowed.
567 If this is t, it can show completions after any command except a few from a
568 pre-defined list. See `company-idle-delay'.
570 Alternatively, any command with a non-nil `company-begin' property is
571 treated as if it was on this list."
572 :type '(choice (const :tag "Any command" t)
573 (const :tag "Self insert command" '(self-insert-command))
574 (repeat :tag "Commands" function))
575 :package-version '(company . "0.8.4"))
577 (defcustom company-continue-commands '(not save-buffer save-some-buffers
578 save-buffers-kill-terminal
579 save-buffers-kill-emacs)
580 "A list of commands that are allowed during completion.
581 If this is t, or if `company-begin-commands' is t, any command is allowed.
582 Otherwise, the value must be a list of symbols. If it starts with `not',
583 the cdr is the list of commands that abort completion. Otherwise, all
584 commands except those in that list, or in `company-begin-commands', or
585 commands in the `company-' namespace, abort completion."
586 :type '(choice (const :tag "Any command" t)
587 (cons :tag "Any except"
588 (const not)
589 (repeat :tag "Commands" function))
590 (repeat :tag "Commands" function)))
592 (defcustom company-show-numbers nil
593 "If enabled, show quick-access numbers for the first ten candidates."
594 :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil)
595 (const :tag "on" t)))
597 (defcustom company-selection-wrap-around nil
598 "If enabled, selecting item before first or after last wraps around."
599 :type '(choice (const :tag "off" nil)
600 (const :tag "on" t)))
602 (defvar company-async-wait 0.03
603 "Pause between checks to see if the value's been set when turning an
604 asynchronous call into synchronous.")
606 (defvar company-async-timeout 2
607 "Maximum wait time for a value to be set during asynchronous call.")
609 ;;; mode ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
611 (defvar company-mode-map (make-sparse-keymap)
612 "Keymap used by `company-mode'.")
614 (defvar company-active-map
615 (let ((keymap (make-sparse-keymap)))
616 (define-key keymap "\e\e\e" 'company-abort)
617 (define-key keymap "\C-g" 'company-abort)
618 (define-key keymap (kbd "M-n") 'company-select-next)
619 (define-key keymap (kbd "M-p") 'company-select-previous)
620 (define-key keymap (kbd "<down>") 'company-select-next-or-abort)
621 (define-key keymap (kbd "<up>") 'company-select-previous-or-abort)
622 (define-key keymap [remap scroll-up-command] 'company-next-page)
623 (define-key keymap [remap scroll-down-command] 'company-previous-page)
624 (define-key keymap [down-mouse-1] 'ignore)
625 (define-key keymap [down-mouse-3] 'ignore)
626 (define-key keymap [mouse-1] 'company-complete-mouse)
627 (define-key keymap [mouse-3] 'company-select-mouse)
628 (define-key keymap [up-mouse-1] 'ignore)
629 (define-key keymap [up-mouse-3] 'ignore)
630 (define-key keymap [return] 'company-complete-selection)
631 (define-key keymap (kbd "RET") 'company-complete-selection)
632 (define-key keymap [tab] 'company-complete-common)
633 (define-key keymap (kbd "TAB") 'company-complete-common)
634 (define-key keymap (kbd "<f1>") 'company-show-doc-buffer)
635 (define-key keymap (kbd "C-h") 'company-show-doc-buffer)
636 (define-key keymap "\C-w" 'company-show-location)
637 (define-key keymap "\C-s" 'company-search-candidates)
638 (define-key keymap "\C-\M-s" 'company-filter-candidates)
639 (dotimes (i 10)
640 (define-key keymap (read-kbd-macro (format "M-%d" i)) 'company-complete-number))
641 keymap)
642 "Keymap that is enabled during an active completion.")
644 (defvar company--disabled-backends nil)
646 (defun company-init-backend (backend)
647 (and (symbolp backend)
648 (not (fboundp backend))
649 (ignore-errors (require backend nil t)))
650 (cond
651 ((symbolp backend)
652 (condition-case err
653 (progn
654 (funcall backend 'init)
655 (put backend 'company-init t))
656 (error
657 (put backend 'company-init 'failed)
658 (unless (memq backend company--disabled-backends)
659 (message "Company backend '%s' could not be initialized:\n%s"
660 backend (error-message-string err)))
661 (cl-pushnew backend company--disabled-backends)
662 nil)))
663 ;; No initialization for lambdas.
664 ((functionp backend) t)
665 (t ;; Must be a list.
666 (cl-dolist (b backend)
667 (unless (keywordp b)
668 (company-init-backend b))))))
670 (defcustom company-lighter-base "company"
671 "Base string to use for the `company-mode' lighter."
672 :type 'string
673 :package-version '(company . "0.8.10"))
675 (defvar company-lighter '(" "
676 (company-candidates
677 (:eval
678 (if (consp company-backend)
679 (company--group-lighter (nth company-selection
680 company-candidates)
681 company-lighter-base)
682 (symbol-name company-backend)))
683 company-lighter-base))
684 "Mode line lighter for Company.
686 The value of this variable is a mode line template as in
687 `mode-line-format'.")
689 (put 'company-lighter 'risky-local-variable t)
691 ;;;###autoload
692 (define-minor-mode company-mode
693 "\"complete anything\"; is an in-buffer completion framework.
694 Completion starts automatically, depending on the values
695 `company-idle-delay' and `company-minimum-prefix-length'.
697 Completion can be controlled with the commands:
698 `company-complete-common', `company-complete-selection', `company-complete',
699 `company-select-next', `company-select-previous'. If these commands are
700 called before `company-idle-delay', completion will also start.
702 Completions can be searched with `company-search-candidates' or
703 `company-filter-candidates'. These can be used while completion is
704 inactive, as well.
706 The completion data is retrieved using `company-backends' and displayed
707 using `company-frontends'. If you want to start a specific backend, call
708 it interactively or use `company-begin-backend'.
710 By default, the completions list is sorted alphabetically, unless the
711 backend chooses otherwise, or `company-transformers' changes it later.
713 regular keymap (`company-mode-map'):
715 \\{company-mode-map}
716 keymap during active completions (`company-active-map'):
718 \\{company-active-map}"
719 nil company-lighter company-mode-map
720 (if company-mode
721 (progn
722 (when (eq company-idle-delay t)
723 (setq company-idle-delay 0)
724 (warn "Setting `company-idle-delay' to t is deprecated. Set it to 0 instead."))
725 (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'company-pre-command nil t)
726 (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'company-post-command nil t)
727 (mapc 'company-init-backend company-backends))
728 (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'company-pre-command t)
729 (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'company-post-command t)
730 (company-cancel)
731 (kill-local-variable 'company-point)))
733 (defcustom company-global-modes t
734 "Modes for which `company-mode' mode is turned on by `global-company-mode'.
735 If nil, means no modes. If t, then all major modes have it turned on.
736 If a list, it should be a list of `major-mode' symbol names for which
737 `company-mode' should be automatically turned on. The sense of the list is
738 negated if it begins with `not'. For example:
739 (c-mode c++-mode)
740 means that `company-mode' is turned on for buffers in C and C++ modes only.
741 (not message-mode)
742 means that `company-mode' is always turned on except in `message-mode' buffers."
743 :type '(choice (const :tag "none" nil)
744 (const :tag "all" t)
745 (set :menu-tag "mode specific" :tag "modes"
746 :value (not)
747 (const :tag "Except" not)
748 (repeat :inline t (symbol :tag "mode")))))
750 ;;;###autoload
751 (define-globalized-minor-mode global-company-mode company-mode company-mode-on)
753 (defun company-mode-on ()
754 (when (and (not (or noninteractive (eq (aref (buffer-name) 0) ?\s)))
755 (cond ((eq company-global-modes t)
756 t)
757 ((eq (car-safe company-global-modes) 'not)
758 (not (memq major-mode (cdr company-global-modes))))
759 (t (memq major-mode company-global-modes))))
760 (company-mode 1)))
762 (defsubst company-assert-enabled ()
763 (unless company-mode
764 (company-uninstall-map)
765 (error "Company not enabled")))
767 ;;; keymaps ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
769 (defvar-local company-my-keymap nil)
771 (defvar company-emulation-alist '((t . nil)))
773 (defsubst company-enable-overriding-keymap (keymap)
774 (company-uninstall-map)
775 (setq company-my-keymap keymap))
777 (defun company-ensure-emulation-alist ()
778 (unless (eq 'company-emulation-alist (car emulation-mode-map-alists))
779 (setq emulation-mode-map-alists
780 (cons 'company-emulation-alist
781 (delq 'company-emulation-alist emulation-mode-map-alists)))))
783 (defun company-install-map ()
784 (unless (or (cdar company-emulation-alist)
785 (null company-my-keymap))
786 (setf (cdar company-emulation-alist) company-my-keymap)))
788 (defun company-uninstall-map ()
789 (setf (cdar company-emulation-alist) nil))
791 ;; Hack:
792 ;; Emacs calculates the active keymaps before reading the event. That means we
793 ;; cannot change the keymap from a timer. So we send a bogus command.
794 ;; XXX: Even in Emacs 24.4, seems to be needed in the terminal.
795 (defun company-ignore ()
796 (interactive)
797 (setq this-command last-command))
799 (global-set-key '[company-dummy-event] 'company-ignore)
801 (defun company-input-noop ()
802 (push 'company-dummy-event unread-command-events))
804 (defun company--posn-col-row (posn)
805 (let ((col (car (posn-col-row posn)))
806 ;; `posn-col-row' doesn't work well with lines of different height.
807 ;; `posn-actual-col-row' doesn't handle multiple-width characters.
808 (row (cdr (or (posn-actual-col-row posn)
809 ;; When position is non-visible for some reason.
810 (posn-col-row posn)))))
811 (when (and header-line-format (version< emacs-version ""))
812 ;; http://debbugs.gnu.org/18384
813 (cl-decf row))
814 (cons (+ col (window-hscroll)) row)))
816 (defun company--col-row (&optional pos)
817 (company--posn-col-row (posn-at-point pos)))
819 (defun company--row (&optional pos)
820 (cdr (company--col-row pos)))
822 ;;; backends ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
824 (defvar-local company-backend nil)
826 (defun company-grab (regexp &optional expression limit)
827 (when (looking-back regexp limit)
828 (or (match-string-no-properties (or expression 0)) "")))
830 (defun company-grab-line (regexp &optional expression)
831 "Return a match string for REGEXP if it matches text before point.
832 If EXPRESSION is non-nil, return the match string for the respective
833 parenthesized expression in REGEXP.
834 Matching is limited to the current line."
835 (company-grab regexp expression (point-at-bol)))
837 (defun company-grab-symbol ()
838 "If point is at the end of a symbol, return it.
839 Otherwise, if point is not inside a symbol, return an empty string."
840 (if (looking-at "\\_>")
841 (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "w_")
842 (point)))
843 (unless (and (char-after) (memq (char-syntax (char-after)) '(?w ?_)))
844 "")))
846 (defun company-grab-word ()
847 "If point is at the end of a word, return it.
848 Otherwise, if point is not inside a symbol, return an empty string."
849 (if (looking-at "\\>")
850 (buffer-substring (point) (save-excursion (skip-syntax-backward "w")
851 (point)))
852 (unless (and (char-after) (eq (char-syntax (char-after)) ?w))
853 "")))
855 (defun company-grab-symbol-cons (idle-begin-after-re &optional max-len)
856 "Return a string SYMBOL or a cons (SYMBOL . t).
857 SYMBOL is as returned by `company-grab-symbol'. If the text before poit
858 matches IDLE-BEGIN-AFTER-RE, return it wrapped in a cons."
859 (let ((symbol (company-grab-symbol)))
860 (when symbol
861 (save-excursion
862 (forward-char (- (length symbol)))
863 (if (looking-back idle-begin-after-re (if max-len
864 (- (point) max-len)
865 (line-beginning-position)))
866 (cons symbol t)
867 symbol)))))
869 (defun company-in-string-or-comment ()
870 "Return non-nil if point is within a string or comment."
871 (let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
872 (or (car (setq ppss (nthcdr 3 ppss)))
873 (car (setq ppss (cdr ppss)))
874 (nth 3 ppss))))
876 (defun company-call-backend (&rest args)
877 (company--force-sync #'company-call-backend-raw args company-backend))
879 (defun company--force-sync (fun args backend)
880 (let ((value (apply fun args)))
881 (if (not (eq (car-safe value) :async))
882 value
883 (let ((res 'trash)
884 (start (time-to-seconds)))
885 (funcall (cdr value)
886 (lambda (result) (setq res result)))
887 (while (eq res 'trash)
888 (if (> (- (time-to-seconds) start) company-async-timeout)
889 (error "Company: backend %s async timeout with args %s"
890 backend args)
891 (sleep-for company-async-wait)))
892 res))))
894 (defun company-call-backend-raw (&rest args)
895 (condition-case-unless-debug err
896 (if (functionp company-backend)
897 (apply company-backend args)
898 (apply #'company--multi-backend-adapter company-backend args))
899 (error (error "Company: backend %s error \"%s\" with args %s"
900 company-backend (error-message-string err) args))))
902 (defun company--multi-backend-adapter (backends command &rest args)
903 (let ((backends (cl-loop for b in backends
904 when (not (and (symbolp b)
905 (eq 'failed (get b 'company-init))))
906 collect b)))
908 (when (eq command 'prefix)
909 (setq backends (butlast backends (length (member :with backends)))))
911 (unless (memq command '(sorted))
912 (setq backends (cl-delete-if #'keywordp backends)))
914 (pcase command
915 (`candidates
916 (company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates backends (car args)))
917 (`sorted (memq :sorted backends))
918 (`duplicates t)
919 ((or `prefix `ignore-case `no-cache `require-match)
920 (let (value)
921 (cl-dolist (backend backends)
922 (when (setq value (company--force-sync
923 backend (cons command args) backend))
924 (cl-return value)))))
925 (_
926 (let ((arg (car args)))
927 (when (> (length arg) 0)
928 (let ((backend (or (get-text-property 0 'company-backend arg)
929 (car backends))))
930 (apply backend command args))))))))
932 (defun company--multi-backend-adapter-candidates (backends prefix)
933 (let ((pairs (cl-loop for backend in (cdr backends)
934 when (equal (company--prefix-str
935 (funcall backend 'prefix))
936 prefix)
937 collect (cons (funcall backend 'candidates prefix)
938 (let ((b backend))
939 (lambda (candidates)
940 (mapcar
941 (lambda (str)
942 (propertize str 'company-backend b))
943 candidates)))))))
944 (when (equal (company--prefix-str (funcall (car backends) 'prefix)) prefix)
945 ;; Small perf optimization: don't tag the candidates received
946 ;; from the first backend in the group.
947 (push (cons (funcall (car backends) 'candidates prefix)
948 'identity)
949 pairs))
950 (company--merge-async pairs (lambda (values) (apply #'append values)))))
952 (defun company--merge-async (pairs merger)
953 (let ((async (cl-loop for pair in pairs
954 thereis
955 (eq :async (car-safe (car pair))))))
956 (if (not async)
957 (funcall merger (cl-loop for (val . mapper) in pairs
958 collect (funcall mapper val)))
959 (cons
960 :async
961 (lambda (callback)
962 (let* (lst
963 (pending (mapcar #'car pairs))
964 (finisher (lambda ()
965 (unless pending
966 (funcall callback
967 (funcall merger
968 (nreverse lst)))))))
969 (dolist (pair pairs)
970 (push nil lst)
971 (let* ((cell lst)
972 (val (car pair))
973 (mapper (cdr pair))
974 (this-finisher (lambda (res)
975 (setq pending (delq val pending))
976 (setcar cell (funcall mapper res))
977 (funcall finisher))))
978 (if (not (eq :async (car-safe val)))
979 (funcall this-finisher val)
980 (let ((fetcher (cdr val)))
981 (funcall fetcher this-finisher)))))))))))
983 (defun company--prefix-str (prefix)
984 (or (car-safe prefix) prefix))
986 ;;; completion mechanism ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
988 (defvar-local company-prefix nil)
990 (defvar-local company-candidates nil)
992 (defvar-local company-candidates-length nil)
994 (defvar-local company-candidates-cache nil)
996 (defvar-local company-candidates-predicate nil)
998 (defvar-local company-common nil)
1000 (defvar-local company-selection 0)
1002 (defvar-local company-selection-changed nil)
1004 (defvar-local company--manual-action nil
1005 "Non-nil, if manual completion took place.")
1007 (defvar-local company--manual-prefix nil)
1009 (defvar company--auto-completion nil
1010 "Non-nil when current candidate is being inserted automatically.
1011 Controlled by `company-auto-complete'.")
1013 (defvar-local company--point-max nil)
1015 (defvar-local company-point nil)
1017 (defvar company-timer nil)
1019 (defsubst company-strip-prefix (str)
1020 (substring str (length company-prefix)))
1022 (defun company--insert-candidate (candidate)
1023 (when (> (length candidate) 0)
1024 (setq candidate (substring-no-properties candidate))
1025 ;; XXX: Return value we check here is subject to change.
1026 (if (eq (company-call-backend 'ignore-case) 'keep-prefix)
1027 (insert (company-strip-prefix candidate))
1028 (unless (equal company-prefix candidate)
1029 (delete-region (- (point) (length company-prefix)) (point))
1030 (insert candidate)))))
1032 (defmacro company-with-candidate-inserted (candidate &rest body)
1033 "Evaluate BODY with CANDIDATE temporarily inserted.
1034 This is a tool for backends that need candidates inserted before they
1035 can retrieve meta-data for them."
1036 (declare (indent 1))
1037 `(let ((inhibit-modification-hooks t)
1038 (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
1039 (modified-p (buffer-modified-p)))
1040 (company--insert-candidate ,candidate)
1041 (unwind-protect
1042 (progn ,@body)
1043 (delete-region company-point (point))
1044 (set-buffer-modified-p modified-p))))
1046 (defun company-explicit-action-p ()
1047 "Return whether explicit completion action was taken by the user."
1048 (or company--manual-action
1049 company-selection-changed))
1051 (defun company-reformat (candidate)
1052 ;; company-ispell needs this, because the results are always lower-case
1053 ;; It's mory efficient to fix it only when they are displayed.
1054 ;; FIXME: Adopt the current text's capitalization instead?
1055 (if (eq (company-call-backend 'ignore-case) 'keep-prefix)
1056 (concat company-prefix (substring candidate (length company-prefix)))
1057 candidate))
1059 (defun company--should-complete ()
1060 (and (eq company-idle-delay 'now)
1061 (not (or buffer-read-only overriding-terminal-local-map
1062 overriding-local-map))
1063 ;; Check if in the middle of entering a key combination.
1064 (or (equal (this-command-keys-vector) [])
1065 (not (keymapp (key-binding (this-command-keys-vector)))))
1066 (not (and transient-mark-mode mark-active))))
1068 (defun company--should-continue ()
1069 (or (eq t company-begin-commands)
1070 (eq t company-continue-commands)
1071 (if (eq 'not (car company-continue-commands))
1072 (not (memq this-command (cdr company-continue-commands)))
1073 (or (memq this-command company-begin-commands)
1074 (memq this-command company-continue-commands)
1075 (and (symbolp this-command)
1076 (string-match-p "\\`company-" (symbol-name this-command)))))))
1078 (defun company-call-frontends (command)
1079 (dolist (frontend company-frontends)
1080 (condition-case-unless-debug err
1081 (funcall frontend command)
1082 (error (error "Company: frontend %s error \"%s\" on command %s"
1083 frontend (error-message-string err) command)))))
1085 (defun company-set-selection (selection &optional force-update)
1086 (setq selection
1087 (if company-selection-wrap-around
1088 (mod selection company-candidates-length)
1089 (max 0 (min (1- company-candidates-length) selection))))
1090 (when (or force-update (not (equal selection company-selection)))
1091 (setq company-selection selection
1092 company-selection-changed t)
1093 (company-call-frontends 'update)))
1095 (defun company--group-lighter (candidate base)
1096 (let ((backend (or (get-text-property 0 'company-backend candidate)
1097 (car company-backend))))
1098 (when (and backend (symbolp backend))
1099 (let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "company-\\|-company" ""
1100 (symbol-name backend))))
1101 (format "%s-<%s>" base name)))))
1103 (defun company-update-candidates (candidates)
1104 (setq company-candidates-length (length candidates))
1105 (if company-selection-changed
1106 ;; Try to restore the selection
1107 (let ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
1108 (setq company-selection 0
1109 company-candidates candidates)
1110 (when selected
1111 (catch 'found
1112 (while candidates
1113 (let ((candidate (pop candidates)))
1114 (when (and (string= candidate selected)
1115 (equal (company-call-backend 'annotation candidate)
1116 (company-call-backend 'annotation selected)))
1117 (throw 'found t)))
1118 (cl-incf company-selection))
1119 (setq company-selection 0
1120 company-selection-changed nil))))
1121 (setq company-selection 0
1122 company-candidates candidates))
1123 ;; Calculate common.
1124 (let ((completion-ignore-case (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
1125 ;; We want to support non-prefix completion, so filtering is the
1126 ;; responsibility of each respective backend, not ours.
1127 ;; On the other hand, we don't want to replace non-prefix input in
1128 ;; `company-complete-common', unless there's only one candidate.
1129 (setq company-common
1130 (if (cdr company-candidates)
1131 (let ((common (try-completion "" company-candidates)))
1132 (when (string-prefix-p company-prefix common
1133 completion-ignore-case)
1134 common))
1135 (car company-candidates)))))
1137 (defun company-calculate-candidates (prefix)
1138 (let ((candidates (cdr (assoc prefix company-candidates-cache)))
1139 (ignore-case (company-call-backend 'ignore-case)))
1140 (or candidates
1141 (when company-candidates-cache
1142 (let ((len (length prefix))
1143 (completion-ignore-case ignore-case)
1144 prev)
1145 (cl-dotimes (i (1+ len))
1146 (when (setq prev (cdr (assoc (substring prefix 0 (- len i))
1147 company-candidates-cache)))
1148 (setq candidates (all-completions prefix prev))
1149 (cl-return t)))))
1150 (progn
1151 ;; No cache match, call the backend.
1152 (setq candidates (company--preprocess-candidates
1153 (company--fetch-candidates prefix)))
1154 ;; Save in cache.
1155 (push (cons prefix candidates) company-candidates-cache)))
1156 ;; Only now apply the predicate and transformers.
1157 (setq candidates (company--postprocess-candidates candidates))
1158 (when candidates
1159 (if (or (cdr candidates)
1160 (not (eq t (compare-strings (car candidates) nil nil
1161 prefix nil nil ignore-case))))
1162 candidates
1163 ;; Already completed and unique; don't start.
1164 t))))
1166 (defun company--fetch-candidates (prefix)
1167 (let ((c (if company--manual-action
1168 (company-call-backend 'candidates prefix)
1169 (company-call-backend-raw 'candidates prefix)))
1170 res)
1171 (if (not (eq (car c) :async))
1172 c
1173 (let ((buf (current-buffer))
1174 (win (selected-window))
1175 (tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
1176 (pt (point))
1177 (backend company-backend))
1178 (funcall
1179 (cdr c)
1180 (lambda (candidates)
1181 (if (not (and candidates (eq res 'done)))
1182 ;; There's no completions to display,
1183 ;; or the fetcher called us back right away.
1184 (setq res candidates)
1185 (setq company-backend backend
1186 company-candidates-cache
1187 (list (cons prefix
1188 (company--preprocess-candidates candidates))))
1189 (company-idle-begin buf win tick pt)))))
1190 ;; FIXME: Relying on the fact that the callers
1191 ;; will interpret nil as "do nothing" is shaky.
1192 ;; A throw-catch would be one possible improvement.
1193 (or res
1194 (progn (setq res 'done) nil)))))
1196 (defun company--preprocess-candidates (candidates)
1197 (unless (company-call-backend 'sorted)
1198 (setq candidates (sort candidates 'string<)))
1199 (when (company-call-backend 'duplicates)
1200 (setq candidates (company--strip-duplicates candidates)))
1201 candidates)
1203 (defun company--postprocess-candidates (candidates)
1204 (when (or company-candidates-predicate company-transformers)
1205 (setq candidates (copy-sequence candidates)))
1206 (when company-candidates-predicate
1207 (setq candidates (cl-delete-if-not company-candidates-predicate candidates)))
1208 (company--transform-candidates candidates))
1210 (defun company--strip-duplicates (candidates)
1211 (let* ((annos 'unk)
1212 (str (car candidates))
1213 (ref (cdr candidates))
1214 res str2 anno2)
1215 (while ref
1216 (setq str2 (pop ref))
1217 (if (not (equal str str2))
1218 (progn
1219 (push str res)
1220 (setq str str2)
1221 (setq annos 'unk))
1222 (setq anno2 (company-call-backend
1223 'annotation str2))
1224 (cond
1225 ((null anno2)) ; Skip it.
1226 ((when (eq annos 'unk)
1227 (let ((ann1 (company-call-backend 'annotation str)))
1228 (if (null ann1)
1229 ;; No annotation on the earlier element, drop it.
1230 t
1231 (setq annos (list ann1))
1232 nil)))
1233 (setq annos (list anno2))
1234 (setq str str2))
1235 ((member anno2 annos)) ; Also skip.
1236 (t
1237 (push anno2 annos)
1238 (push str res) ; Maintain ordering.
1239 (setq str str2)))))
1240 (when str (push str res))
1241 (nreverse res)))
1243 (defun company--transform-candidates (candidates)
1244 (let ((c candidates))
1245 (dolist (tr company-transformers)
1246 (setq c (funcall tr c)))
1247 c))
1249 (defcustom company-occurrence-weight-function
1250 #'company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above
1251 "Function to weigh matches in `company-sort-by-occurrence'.
1252 It's called with three arguments: cursor position, the beginning and the
1253 end of the match."
1254 :type '(choice
1255 (const :tag "First above point, then below point"
1256 company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above)
1257 (const :tag "Prefer closest in any direction"
1258 company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest)))
1260 (defun company-occurrence-prefer-closest-above (pos match-beg match-end)
1261 "Give priority to the matches above point, then those below point."
1262 (if (< match-beg pos)
1263 (- pos match-end)
1264 (- match-beg (window-start))))
1266 (defun company-occurrence-prefer-any-closest (pos _match-beg match-end)
1267 "Give priority to the matches closest to the point."
1268 (abs (- pos match-end)))
1270 (defun company-sort-by-occurrence (candidates)
1271 "Sort CANDIDATES according to their occurrences.
1272 Searches for each in the currently visible part of the current buffer and
1273 prioritizes the matches according to `company-occurrence-weight-function'.
1274 The rest of the list is appended unchanged.
1275 Keywords and function definition names are ignored."
1276 (let* ((w-start (window-start))
1277 (w-end (window-end))
1278 (start-point (point))
1279 occurs
1280 (noccurs
1281 (save-excursion
1282 (cl-delete-if
1283 (lambda (candidate)
1284 (when (catch 'done
1285 (goto-char w-start)
1286 (while (search-forward candidate w-end t)
1287 (when (and (not (eq (point) start-point))
1288 (save-match-data
1289 (company--occurrence-predicate)))
1290 (throw 'done t))))
1291 (push
1292 (cons candidate
1293 (funcall company-occurrence-weight-function
1294 start-point
1295 (match-beginning 0)
1296 (match-end 0)))
1297 occurs)
1298 t))
1299 candidates))))
1300 (nconc
1301 (mapcar #'car (sort occurs (lambda (e1 e2) (<= (cdr e1) (cdr e2)))))
1302 noccurs)))
1304 (defun company--occurrence-predicate ()
1305 (let ((beg (match-beginning 0))
1306 (end (match-end 0)))
1307 (save-excursion
1308 (goto-char end)
1309 (and (not (memq (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'face)
1310 '(font-lock-function-name-face
1311 font-lock-keyword-face)))
1312 (let ((prefix (company--prefix-str
1313 (company-call-backend 'prefix))))
1314 (and (stringp prefix)
1315 (= (length prefix) (- end beg))))))))
1317 (defun company-sort-by-backend-importance (candidates)
1318 "Sort CANDIDATES as two priority groups.
1319 If `company-backend' is a function, do nothing. If it's a list, move
1320 candidates from backends before keyword `:with' to the front. Candidates
1321 from the rest of the backends in the group, if any, will be left at the end."
1322 (if (functionp company-backend)
1323 candidates
1324 (let ((low-priority (cdr (memq :with company-backend))))
1325 (if (null low-priority)
1326 candidates
1327 (sort candidates
1328 (lambda (c1 c2)
1329 (and
1330 (let ((b2 (get-text-property 0 'company-backend c2)))
1331 (and b2 (memq b2 low-priority)))
1332 (let ((b1 (get-text-property 0 'company-backend c1)))
1333 (or (not b1) (not (memq b1 low-priority)))))))))))
1335 (defun company-idle-begin (buf win tick pos)
1336 (and (eq buf (current-buffer))
1337 (eq win (selected-window))
1338 (eq tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
1339 (eq pos (point))
1340 (when (company-auto-begin)
1341 (company-input-noop)
1342 (let ((this-command 'company-idle-begin))
1343 (company-post-command)))))
1345 (defun company-auto-begin ()
1346 (and company-mode
1347 (not company-candidates)
1348 (let ((company-idle-delay 'now))
1349 (condition-case-unless-debug err
1350 (progn
1351 (company--perform)
1352 ;; Return non-nil if active.
1353 company-candidates)
1354 (error (message "Company: An error occurred in auto-begin")
1355 (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
1356 (company-cancel))
1357 (quit (company-cancel))))))
1359 (defun company-manual-begin ()
1360 (interactive)
1361 (company-assert-enabled)
1362 (setq company--manual-action t)
1363 (unwind-protect
1364 (let ((company-minimum-prefix-length 0))
1365 (or company-candidates
1366 (company-auto-begin)))
1367 (unless company-candidates
1368 (setq company--manual-action nil))))
1370 (defun company-other-backend (&optional backward)
1371 (interactive (list current-prefix-arg))
1372 (company-assert-enabled)
1373 (let* ((after (if company-backend
1374 (cdr (member company-backend company-backends))
1375 company-backends))
1376 (before (cdr (member company-backend (reverse company-backends))))
1377 (next (if backward
1378 (append before (reverse after))
1379 (append after (reverse before)))))
1380 (company-cancel)
1381 (cl-dolist (backend next)
1382 (when (ignore-errors (company-begin-backend backend))
1383 (cl-return t))))
1384 (unless company-candidates
1385 (error "No other backend")))
1387 (defun company-require-match-p ()
1388 (let ((backend-value (company-call-backend 'require-match)))
1389 (or (eq backend-value t)
1390 (and (not (eq backend-value 'never))
1391 (if (functionp company-require-match)
1392 (funcall company-require-match)
1393 (eq company-require-match t))))))
1395 (defun company-auto-complete-p (input)
1396 "Return non-nil, if input starts with punctuation or parentheses."
1397 (and (if (functionp company-auto-complete)
1398 (funcall company-auto-complete)
1399 company-auto-complete)
1400 (if (functionp company-auto-complete-chars)
1401 (funcall company-auto-complete-chars input)
1402 (if (consp company-auto-complete-chars)
1403 (memq (char-syntax (string-to-char input))
1404 company-auto-complete-chars)
1405 (string-match (substring input 0 1) company-auto-complete-chars)))))
1407 (defun company--incremental-p ()
1408 (and (> (point) company-point)
1409 (> (point-max) company--point-max)
1410 (not (eq this-command 'backward-delete-char-untabify))
1411 (equal (buffer-substring (- company-point (length company-prefix))
1412 company-point)
1413 company-prefix)))
1415 (defun company--continue-failed (new-prefix)
1416 (let ((input (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) company-point)))
1417 (cond
1418 ((company-auto-complete-p input)
1419 ;; auto-complete
1420 (save-excursion
1421 (goto-char company-point)
1422 (let ((company--auto-completion t))
1423 (company-complete-selection))
1424 nil))
1425 ((and (or (not (company-require-match-p))
1426 ;; Don't require match if the new prefix
1427 ;; doesn't continue the old one, and the latter was a match.
1428 (not (stringp new-prefix))
1429 (<= (length new-prefix) (length company-prefix)))
1430 (member company-prefix company-candidates))
1431 ;; Last input was a success,
1432 ;; but we're treating it as an abort + input anyway,
1433 ;; like the `unique' case below.
1434 (company-cancel 'non-unique))
1435 ((company-require-match-p)
1436 ;; Wrong incremental input, but required match.
1437 (delete-char (- (length input)))
1438 (ding)
1439 (message "Matching input is required")
1440 company-candidates)
1441 (t (company-cancel)))))
1443 (defun company--good-prefix-p (prefix)
1444 (and (stringp (company--prefix-str prefix)) ;excludes 'stop
1445 (or (eq (cdr-safe prefix) t)
1446 (let ((len (or (cdr-safe prefix) (length prefix))))
1447 (if company--manual-prefix
1448 (or (not company-abort-manual-when-too-short)
1449 ;; Must not be less than minimum or initial length.
1450 (>= len (min company-minimum-prefix-length
1451 (length company--manual-prefix))))
1452 (>= len company-minimum-prefix-length))))))
1454 (defun company--continue ()
1455 (when (company-call-backend 'no-cache company-prefix)
1456 ;; Don't complete existing candidates, fetch new ones.
1457 (setq company-candidates-cache nil))
1458 (let* ((new-prefix (company-call-backend 'prefix))
1459 (c (when (and (company--good-prefix-p new-prefix)
1460 (setq new-prefix (company--prefix-str new-prefix))
1461 (= (- (point) (length new-prefix))
1462 (- company-point (length company-prefix))))
1463 (company-calculate-candidates new-prefix))))
1464 (cond
1465 ((eq c t)
1466 ;; t means complete/unique.
1467 ;; Handle it like completion was aborted, to differentiate from user
1468 ;; calling one of Company's commands to insert the candidate,
1469 ;; not to trigger template expansion, etc.
1470 (company-cancel 'unique))
1471 ((consp c)
1472 ;; incremental match
1473 (setq company-prefix new-prefix)
1474 (company-update-candidates c)
1475 c)
1476 ((not (company--incremental-p))
1477 (company-cancel))
1478 (t (company--continue-failed new-prefix)))))
1480 (defun company--begin-new ()
1481 (let (prefix c)
1482 (cl-dolist (backend (if company-backend
1483 ;; prefer manual override
1484 (list company-backend)
1485 company-backends))
1486 (setq prefix
1487 (if (or (symbolp backend)
1488 (functionp backend))
1489 (when (or (not (symbolp backend))
1490 (eq t (get backend 'company-init))
1491 (unless (get backend 'company-init)
1492 (company-init-backend backend)))
1493 (funcall backend 'prefix))
1494 (company--multi-backend-adapter backend 'prefix)))
1495 (when prefix
1496 (when (company--good-prefix-p prefix)
1497 (setq company-prefix (company--prefix-str prefix)
1498 company-backend backend
1499 c (company-calculate-candidates company-prefix))
1500 (if (not (consp c))
1501 (progn
1502 (when company--manual-action
1503 (message "No completion found"))
1504 (when (eq c t)
1505 ;; t means complete/unique.
1506 ;; Run the hooks anyway, to e.g. clear the cache.
1507 (company-cancel 'unique)))
1508 (when company--manual-action
1509 (setq company--manual-prefix prefix))
1510 (company-update-candidates c)
1511 (run-hook-with-args 'company-completion-started-hook
1512 (company-explicit-action-p))
1513 (company-call-frontends 'show)))
1514 (cl-return c)))))
1516 (defun company--perform ()
1517 (or (and company-candidates (company--continue))
1518 (and (company--should-complete) (company--begin-new)))
1519 (if (not company-candidates)
1520 (setq company-backend nil)
1521 (setq company-point (point)
1522 company--point-max (point-max))
1523 (company-ensure-emulation-alist)
1524 (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-active-map)
1525 (company-call-frontends 'update)))
1527 (defun company-cancel (&optional result)
1528 (unwind-protect
1529 (progn
1530 (when company-timer
1531 (cancel-timer company-timer))
1532 (company-echo-cancel t)
1533 (company-search-mode 0)
1534 (company-call-frontends 'hide)
1535 (company-enable-overriding-keymap nil)
1536 (when company-prefix
1537 (if (stringp result)
1538 (progn
1539 (company-call-backend 'pre-completion result)
1540 (run-hook-with-args 'company-completion-finished-hook result)
1541 (company-call-backend 'post-completion result))
1542 (run-hook-with-args 'company-completion-cancelled-hook result))))
1543 (setq company-backend nil
1544 company-prefix nil
1545 company-candidates nil
1546 company-candidates-length nil
1547 company-candidates-cache nil
1548 company-candidates-predicate nil
1549 company-common nil
1550 company-selection 0
1551 company-selection-changed nil
1552 company--manual-action nil
1553 company--manual-prefix nil
1554 company--point-max nil
1555 company-point nil))
1556 ;; Make return value explicit.
1557 nil)
1559 (defun company-abort ()
1560 (interactive)
1561 (company-cancel 'abort))
1563 (defun company-finish (result)
1564 (company--insert-candidate result)
1565 (company-cancel result))
1567 (defsubst company-keep (command)
1568 (and (symbolp command) (get command 'company-keep)))
1570 (defun company-pre-command ()
1571 (unless (company-keep this-command)
1572 (condition-case-unless-debug err
1573 (when company-candidates
1574 (company-call-frontends 'pre-command)
1575 (unless (company--should-continue)
1576 (company-abort)))
1577 (error (message "Company: An error occurred in pre-command")
1578 (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
1579 (company-cancel))))
1580 (when company-timer
1581 (cancel-timer company-timer)
1582 (setq company-timer nil))
1583 (company-echo-cancel t)
1584 (company-uninstall-map))
1586 (defun company-post-command ()
1587 (when (null this-command)
1588 ;; Happens when the user presses `C-g' while inside
1589 ;; `flyspell-post-command-hook', for example.
1590 ;; Or any other `post-command-hook' function that can call `sit-for',
1591 ;; or any quittable timer function.
1592 (company-abort)
1593 (setq this-command 'company-abort))
1594 (unless (company-keep this-command)
1595 (condition-case-unless-debug err
1596 (progn
1597 (unless (equal (point) company-point)
1598 (let (company-idle-delay) ; Against misbehavior while debugging.
1599 (company--perform)))
1600 (if company-candidates
1601 (company-call-frontends 'post-command)
1602 (and (numberp company-idle-delay)
1603 (not defining-kbd-macro)
1604 (company--should-begin)
1605 (setq company-timer
1606 (run-with-timer company-idle-delay nil
1607 'company-idle-begin
1608 (current-buffer) (selected-window)
1609 (buffer-chars-modified-tick) (point))))))
1610 (error (message "Company: An error occurred in post-command")
1611 (message "%s" (error-message-string err))
1612 (company-cancel))))
1613 (company-install-map))
1615 (defvar company--begin-inhibit-commands '(company-abort
1616 company-complete-mouse
1617 company-complete
1618 company-complete-common
1619 company-complete-selection
1620 company-complete-number)
1621 "List of commands after which idle completion is (still) disabled when
1622 `company-begin-commands' is t.")
1624 (defun company--should-begin ()
1625 (if (eq t company-begin-commands)
1626 (not (memq this-command company--begin-inhibit-commands))
1627 (or
1628 (memq this-command company-begin-commands)
1629 (and (symbolp this-command) (get this-command 'company-begin)))))
1631 ;;; search ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1633 (defcustom company-search-regexp-function #'regexp-quote
1634 "Function to construct the search regexp from input.
1635 It's called with one argument, the current search input. It must return
1636 either a regexp without groups, or one where groups don't intersect and
1637 each one wraps a part of the input string."
1638 :type '(choice
1639 (const :tag "Exact match" regexp-quote)
1640 (const :tag "Words separated with spaces" company-search-words-regexp)
1641 (const :tag "Words separated with spaces, in any order"
1642 company-search-words-in-any-order-regexp)))
1644 (defvar-local company-search-string "")
1646 (defvar company-search-lighter '(" "
1647 (company-search-filtering "Filter" "Search")
1648 ": \""
1649 company-search-string
1650 "\""))
1652 (defvar-local company-search-filtering nil
1653 "Non-nil to filter the completion candidates by the search string")
1655 (defvar-local company--search-old-selection 0)
1657 (defvar-local company--search-old-changed nil)
1659 (defun company-search-words-regexp (input)
1660 (mapconcat (lambda (word) (format "\\(%s\\)" (regexp-quote word)))
1661 (split-string input " +" t) ".*"))
1663 (defun company-search-words-in-any-order-regexp (input)
1664 (let* ((words (mapcar (lambda (word) (format "\\(%s\\)" (regexp-quote word)))
1665 (split-string input " +" t)))
1666 (permutations (company--permutations words)))
1667 (mapconcat (lambda (words)
1668 (mapconcat #'identity words ".*"))
1669 permutations
1670 "\\|")))
1672 (defun company--permutations (lst)
1673 (if (not lst)
1674 '(nil)
1675 (cl-mapcan
1676 (lambda (e)
1677 (mapcar (lambda (perm) (cons e perm))
1678 (company--permutations (cl-remove e lst :count 1))))
1679 lst)))
1681 (defun company--search (text lines)
1682 (let ((re (funcall company-search-regexp-function text))
1683 (i 0))
1684 (cl-dolist (line lines)
1685 (when (string-match-p re line (length company-prefix))
1686 (cl-return i))
1687 (cl-incf i))))
1689 (defun company-search-keypad ()
1690 (interactive)
1691 (let* ((name (symbol-name last-command-event))
1692 (last-command-event (aref name (1- (length name)))))
1693 (company-search-printing-char)))
1695 (defun company-search-printing-char ()
1696 (interactive)
1697 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1698 (let ((ss (concat company-search-string (string last-command-event))))
1699 (when company-search-filtering
1700 (company--search-update-predicate ss))
1701 (company--search-update-string ss)))
1703 (defun company--search-update-predicate (ss)
1704 (let* ((re (funcall company-search-regexp-function ss))
1705 (company-candidates-predicate
1706 (and (not (string= re ""))
1707 company-search-filtering
1708 (lambda (candidate) (string-match re candidate))))
1709 (cc (company-calculate-candidates company-prefix)))
1710 (unless cc (error "No match"))
1711 (company-update-candidates cc)))
1713 (defun company--search-update-string (new)
1714 (let* ((pos (company--search new (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))))
1715 (if (null pos)
1716 (ding)
1717 (setq company-search-string new)
1718 (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos) t))))
1720 (defun company--search-assert-input ()
1721 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1722 (when (string= company-search-string "")
1723 (error "Empty search string")))
1725 (defun company-search-repeat-forward ()
1726 "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates forward."
1727 (interactive)
1728 (company--search-assert-input)
1729 (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
1730 (cdr (nthcdr company-selection
1731 company-candidates)))))
1732 (if (null pos)
1733 (ding)
1734 (company-set-selection (+ company-selection pos 1) t))))
1736 (defun company-search-repeat-backward ()
1737 "Repeat the incremental search in completion candidates backwards."
1738 (interactive)
1739 (company--search-assert-input)
1740 (let ((pos (company--search company-search-string
1741 (nthcdr (- company-candidates-length
1742 company-selection)
1743 (reverse company-candidates)))))
1744 (if (null pos)
1745 (ding)
1746 (company-set-selection (- company-selection pos 1) t))))
1748 (defun company-search-toggle-filtering ()
1749 "Toggle `company-search-filtering'."
1750 (interactive)
1751 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1752 (setq company-search-filtering (not company-search-filtering))
1753 (let ((ss company-search-string))
1754 (company--search-update-predicate ss)
1755 (company--search-update-string ss)))
1757 (defun company-search-abort ()
1758 "Abort searching the completion candidates."
1759 (interactive)
1760 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1761 (company-search-mode 0)
1762 (company-set-selection company--search-old-selection t)
1763 (setq company-selection-changed company--search-old-changed))
1765 (defun company-search-other-char ()
1766 (interactive)
1767 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1768 (company-search-mode 0)
1769 (company--unread-last-input))
1771 (defun company-search-delete-char ()
1772 (interactive)
1773 (company--search-assert-enabled)
1774 (if (string= company-search-string "")
1775 (ding)
1776 (let ((ss (substring company-search-string 0 -1)))
1777 (when company-search-filtering
1778 (company--search-update-predicate ss))
1779 (company--search-update-string ss))))
1781 (defvar company-search-map
1782 (let ((i 0)
1783 (keymap (make-keymap)))
1784 (if (fboundp 'max-char)
1785 (set-char-table-range (nth 1 keymap) (cons #x100 (max-char))
1786 'company-search-printing-char)
1787 (with-no-warnings
1788 ;; obsolete in Emacs 23
1789 (let ((l (generic-character-list))
1790 (table (nth 1 keymap)))
1791 (while l
1792 (set-char-table-default table (car l) 'company-search-printing-char)
1793 (setq l (cdr l))))))
1794 (define-key keymap [t] 'company-search-other-char)
1795 (while (< i ?\s)
1796 (define-key keymap (make-string 1 i) 'company-search-other-char)
1797 (cl-incf i))
1798 (while (< i 256)
1799 (define-key keymap (vector i) 'company-search-printing-char)
1800 (cl-incf i))
1801 (dotimes (i 10)
1802 (define-key keymap (read (format "[kp-%s]" i)) 'company-search-keypad))
1803 (let ((meta-map (make-sparse-keymap)))
1804 (define-key keymap (char-to-string meta-prefix-char) meta-map)
1805 (define-key keymap [escape] meta-map))
1806 (define-key keymap (vector meta-prefix-char t) 'company-search-other-char)
1807 (define-key keymap (kbd "M-n") 'company-select-next)
1808 (define-key keymap (kbd "M-p") 'company-select-previous)
1809 (define-key keymap (kbd "<down>") 'company-select-next-or-abort)
1810 (define-key keymap (kbd "<up>") 'company-select-previous-or-abort)
1811 (define-key keymap "\e\e\e" 'company-search-other-char)
1812 (define-key keymap [escape escape escape] 'company-search-other-char)
1813 (define-key keymap (kbd "DEL") 'company-search-delete-char)
1814 (define-key keymap [backspace] 'company-search-delete-char)
1815 (define-key keymap "\C-g" 'company-search-abort)
1816 (define-key keymap "\C-s" 'company-search-repeat-forward)
1817 (define-key keymap "\C-r" 'company-search-repeat-backward)
1818 (define-key keymap "\C-o" 'company-search-toggle-filtering)
1819 (dotimes (i 10)
1820 (define-key keymap (read-kbd-macro (format "M-%d" i)) 'company-complete-number))
1821 keymap)
1822 "Keymap used for incrementally searching the completion candidates.")
1824 (define-minor-mode company-search-mode
1825 "Search mode for completion candidates.
1826 Don't start this directly, use `company-search-candidates' or
1827 `company-filter-candidates'."
1828 nil company-search-lighter nil
1829 (if company-search-mode
1830 (if (company-manual-begin)
1831 (progn
1832 (setq company--search-old-selection company-selection
1833 company--search-old-changed company-selection-changed)
1834 (company-call-frontends 'update)
1835 (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-search-map))
1836 (setq company-search-mode nil))
1837 (kill-local-variable 'company-search-string)
1838 (kill-local-variable 'company-search-filtering)
1839 (kill-local-variable 'company--search-old-selection)
1840 (kill-local-variable 'company--search-old-changed)
1841 (when company-backend
1842 (company--search-update-predicate "")
1843 (company-call-frontends 'update))
1844 (company-enable-overriding-keymap company-active-map)))
1846 (defun company--search-assert-enabled ()
1847 (company-assert-enabled)
1848 (unless company-search-mode
1849 (company-uninstall-map)
1850 (error "Company not in search mode")))
1852 (defun company-search-candidates ()
1853 "Start searching the completion candidates incrementally.
1855 \\<company-search-map>Search can be controlled with the commands:
1856 - `company-search-repeat-forward' (\\[company-search-repeat-forward])
1857 - `company-search-repeat-backward' (\\[company-search-repeat-backward])
1858 - `company-search-abort' (\\[company-search-abort])
1859 - `company-search-delete-char' (\\[company-search-delete-char])
1861 Regular characters are appended to the search string.
1863 Customize `company-search-regexp-function' to change how the input
1864 is interpreted when searching.
1866 The command `company-search-toggle-filtering' (\\[company-search-toggle-filtering])
1867 uses the search string to filter the completion candidates."
1868 (interactive)
1869 (company-search-mode 1))
1871 (defvar company-filter-map
1872 (let ((keymap (make-keymap)))
1873 (define-key keymap [remap company-search-printing-char]
1874 'company-filter-printing-char)
1875 (set-keymap-parent keymap company-search-map)
1876 keymap)
1877 "Keymap used for incrementally searching the completion candidates.")
1879 (defun company-filter-candidates ()
1880 "Start filtering the completion candidates incrementally.
1881 This works the same way as `company-search-candidates' immediately
1882 followed by `company-search-toggle-filtering'."
1883 (interactive)
1884 (company-search-mode 1)
1885 (setq company-search-filtering t))
1887 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1889 (defun company-select-next (&optional arg)
1890 "Select the next candidate in the list.
1892 With ARG, move by that many elements."
1893 (interactive "p")
1894 (when (company-manual-begin)
1895 (company-set-selection (+ (or arg 1) company-selection))))
1897 (defun company-select-previous (&optional arg)
1898 "Select the previous candidate in the list.
1900 With ARG, move by that many elements."
1901 (interactive "p")
1902 (company-select-next (if arg (- arg) -1)))
1904 (defun company-select-next-or-abort (&optional arg)
1905 "Select the next candidate if more than one, else abort
1906 and invoke the normal binding.
1908 With ARG, move by that many elements."
1909 (interactive "p")
1910 (if (> company-candidates-length 1)
1911 (company-select-next arg)
1912 (company-abort)
1913 (company--unread-last-input)))
1915 (defun company-select-previous-or-abort (&optional arg)
1916 "Select the previous candidate if more than one, else abort
1917 and invoke the normal binding.
1919 With ARG, move by that many elements."
1920 (interactive "p")
1921 (if (> company-candidates-length 1)
1922 (company-select-previous arg)
1923 (company-abort)
1924 (company--unread-last-input)))
1926 (defun company-next-page ()
1927 "Select the candidate one page further."
1928 (interactive)
1929 (when (company-manual-begin)
1930 (company-set-selection (+ company-selection
1931 company-tooltip-limit))))
1933 (defun company-previous-page ()
1934 "Select the candidate one page earlier."
1935 (interactive)
1936 (when (company-manual-begin)
1937 (company-set-selection (- company-selection
1938 company-tooltip-limit))))
1940 (defvar company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
1942 (defvar company-tooltip-offset)
1944 (defun company--inside-tooltip-p (event-col-row row height)
1945 (let* ((ovl company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
1946 (column (overlay-get ovl 'company-column))
1947 (width (overlay-get ovl 'company-width))
1948 (evt-col (car event-col-row))
1949 (evt-row (cdr event-col-row)))
1950 (and (>= evt-col column)
1951 (< evt-col (+ column width))
1952 (if (> height 0)
1953 (and (> evt-row row)
1954 (<= evt-row (+ row height) ))
1955 (and (< evt-row row)
1956 (>= evt-row (+ row height)))))))
1958 (defun company--event-col-row (event)
1959 (company--posn-col-row (event-start event)))
1961 (defun company-select-mouse (event)
1962 "Select the candidate picked by the mouse."
1963 (interactive "e")
1964 (let ((event-col-row (company--event-col-row event))
1965 (ovl-row (company--row))
1966 (ovl-height (and company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
1967 (min (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
1968 'company-height)
1969 company-candidates-length))))
1970 (if (and ovl-height
1971 (company--inside-tooltip-p event-col-row ovl-row ovl-height))
1972 (progn
1973 (company-set-selection (+ (cdr event-col-row)
1974 (1- company-tooltip-offset)
1975 (if (and (eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
1976 (not (zerop company-tooltip-offset)))
1977 -1 0)
1978 (- ovl-row)
1979 (if (< ovl-height 0)
1980 (- 1 ovl-height)
1981 0)))
1982 t)
1983 (company-abort)
1984 (company--unread-last-input)
1985 nil)))
1987 (defun company-complete-mouse (event)
1988 "Insert the candidate picked by the mouse."
1989 (interactive "e")
1990 (when (company-select-mouse event)
1991 (company-complete-selection)))
1993 (defun company-complete-selection ()
1994 "Insert the selected candidate."
1995 (interactive)
1996 (when (company-manual-begin)
1997 (let ((result (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
1998 (company-finish result))))
2000 (defun company-complete-common ()
2001 "Insert the common part of all candidates."
2002 (interactive)
2003 (when (company-manual-begin)
2004 (if (and (not (cdr company-candidates))
2005 (equal company-common (car company-candidates)))
2006 (company-complete-selection)
2007 (company--insert-candidate company-common))))
2009 (defun company-complete-common-or-cycle (&optional arg)
2010 "Insert the common part of all candidates, or select the next one.
2012 With ARG, move by that many elements."
2013 (interactive "p")
2014 (when (company-manual-begin)
2015 (let ((tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
2016 (call-interactively 'company-complete-common)
2017 (when (eq tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
2018 (let ((company-selection-wrap-around t)
2019 (current-prefix-arg arg))
2020 (call-interactively 'company-select-next))))))
2022 (defun company-indent-or-complete-common ()
2023 "Indent the current line or region, or complete the common part."
2024 (interactive)
2025 (cond
2026 ((use-region-p)
2027 (indent-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))
2028 ((let ((old-point (point))
2029 (old-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))
2030 (tab-always-indent t))
2031 (call-interactively #'indent-for-tab-command)
2032 (when (and (eq old-point (point))
2033 (eq old-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
2034 (company-complete-common))))))
2036 (defun company-complete ()
2037 "Insert the common part of all candidates or the current selection.
2038 The first time this is called, the common part is inserted, the second
2039 time, or when the selection has been changed, the selected candidate is
2040 inserted."
2041 (interactive)
2042 (when (company-manual-begin)
2043 (if (or company-selection-changed
2044 (eq last-command 'company-complete-common))
2045 (call-interactively 'company-complete-selection)
2046 (call-interactively 'company-complete-common)
2047 (setq this-command 'company-complete-common))))
2049 (defun company-complete-number (n)
2050 "Insert the Nth candidate visible in the tooltip.
2051 To show the number next to the candidates in some backends, enable
2052 `company-show-numbers'. When called interactively, uses the last typed
2053 character, stripping the modifiers. That character must be a digit."
2054 (interactive
2055 (list (let* ((type (event-basic-type last-command-event))
2056 (char (if (characterp type)
2057 ;; Number on the main row.
2058 type
2059 ;; Keypad number, if bound directly.
2060 (car (last (string-to-list (symbol-name type))))))
2061 (n (- char ?0)))
2062 (if (zerop n) 10 n))))
2063 (when (company-manual-begin)
2064 (and (or (< n 1) (> n (- company-candidates-length
2065 company-tooltip-offset)))
2066 (error "No candidate number %d" n))
2067 (cl-decf n)
2068 (company-finish (nth (+ n company-tooltip-offset)
2069 company-candidates))))
2071 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2073 (defconst company-space-strings-limit 100)
2075 (defconst company-space-strings
2076 (let (lst)
2077 (dotimes (i company-space-strings-limit)
2078 (push (make-string (- company-space-strings-limit 1 i) ?\ ) lst))
2079 (apply 'vector lst)))
2081 (defun company-space-string (len)
2082 (if (< len company-space-strings-limit)
2083 (aref company-space-strings len)
2084 (make-string len ?\ )))
2086 (defun company-safe-substring (str from &optional to)
2087 (if (> from (string-width str))
2088 ""
2089 (with-temp-buffer
2090 (insert str)
2091 (move-to-column from)
2092 (let ((beg (point)))
2093 (if to
2094 (progn
2095 (move-to-column to)
2096 (concat (buffer-substring beg (point))
2097 (let ((padding (- to (current-column))))
2098 (when (> padding 0)
2099 (company-space-string padding)))))
2100 (buffer-substring beg (point-max)))))))
2102 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2104 (defvar-local company-last-metadata nil)
2106 (defun company-fetch-metadata ()
2107 (let ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
2108 (unless (eq selected (car company-last-metadata))
2109 (setq company-last-metadata
2110 (cons selected (company-call-backend 'meta selected))))
2111 (cdr company-last-metadata)))
2113 (defun company-doc-buffer (&optional string)
2114 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*company-documentation*")
2115 (erase-buffer)
2116 (when string
2117 (save-excursion
2118 (insert string)))
2119 (current-buffer)))
2121 (defvar company--electric-commands
2122 '(scroll-other-window scroll-other-window-down mwheel-scroll)
2123 "List of Commands that won't break out of electric commands.")
2125 (defmacro company--electric-do (&rest body)
2126 (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
2127 `(when (company-manual-begin)
2128 (save-window-excursion
2129 (let ((height (window-height))
2130 (row (company--row))
2131 cmd)
2132 ,@body
2133 (and (< (window-height) height)
2134 (< (- (window-height) row 2) company-tooltip-limit)
2135 (recenter (- (window-height) row 2)))
2136 (while (memq (setq cmd (key-binding (read-key-sequence-vector nil)))
2137 company--electric-commands)
2138 (condition-case err
2139 (call-interactively cmd)
2140 ((beginning-of-buffer end-of-buffer)
2141 (message (error-message-string err)))))
2142 (company--unread-last-input)))))
2144 (defun company--unread-last-input ()
2145 (when last-input-event
2146 (clear-this-command-keys t)
2147 (setq unread-command-events (list last-input-event))))
2149 (defun company-show-doc-buffer ()
2150 "Temporarily show the documentation buffer for the selection."
2151 (interactive)
2152 (let (other-window-scroll-buffer)
2153 (company--electric-do
2154 (let* ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates))
2155 (doc-buffer (or (company-call-backend 'doc-buffer selected)
2156 (error "No documentation available")))
2157 start)
2158 (when (consp doc-buffer)
2159 (setq start (cdr doc-buffer)
2160 doc-buffer (car doc-buffer)))
2161 (setq other-window-scroll-buffer (get-buffer doc-buffer))
2162 (let ((win (display-buffer doc-buffer t)))
2163 (set-window-start win (if start start (point-min))))))))
2164 (put 'company-show-doc-buffer 'company-keep t)
2166 (defun company-show-location ()
2167 "Temporarily display a buffer showing the selected candidate in context."
2168 (interactive)
2169 (let (other-window-scroll-buffer)
2170 (company--electric-do
2171 (let* ((selected (nth company-selection company-candidates))
2172 (location (company-call-backend 'location selected))
2173 (pos (or (cdr location) (error "No location available")))
2174 (buffer (or (and (bufferp (car location)) (car location))
2175 (find-file-noselect (car location) t))))
2176 (setq other-window-scroll-buffer (get-buffer buffer))
2177 (with-selected-window (display-buffer buffer t)
2178 (save-restriction
2179 (widen)
2180 (if (bufferp (car location))
2181 (goto-char pos)
2182 (goto-char (point-min))
2183 (forward-line (1- pos))))
2184 (set-window-start nil (point)))))))
2185 (put 'company-show-location 'company-keep t)
2187 ;;; package functions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2189 (defvar-local company-callback nil)
2191 (defun company-remove-callback (&optional ignored)
2192 (remove-hook 'company-completion-finished-hook company-callback t)
2193 (remove-hook 'company-completion-cancelled-hook 'company-remove-callback t)
2194 (remove-hook 'company-completion-finished-hook 'company-remove-callback t))
2196 (defun company-begin-backend (backend &optional callback)
2197 "Start a completion at point using BACKEND."
2198 (interactive (let ((val (completing-read "Company backend: "
2199 obarray
2200 'functionp nil "company-")))
2201 (when val
2202 (list (intern val)))))
2203 (when (setq company-callback callback)
2204 (add-hook 'company-completion-finished-hook company-callback nil t))
2205 (add-hook 'company-completion-cancelled-hook 'company-remove-callback nil t)
2206 (add-hook 'company-completion-finished-hook 'company-remove-callback nil t)
2207 (setq company-backend backend)
2208 ;; Return non-nil if active.
2209 (or (company-manual-begin)
2210 (error "Cannot complete at point")))
2212 (defun company-begin-with (candidates
2213 &optional prefix-length require-match callback)
2214 "Start a completion at point.
2215 CANDIDATES is the list of candidates to use and PREFIX-LENGTH is the length
2216 of the prefix that already is in the buffer before point.
2217 It defaults to 0.
2219 CALLBACK is a function called with the selected result if the user
2220 successfully completes the input.
2222 Example: \(company-begin-with '\(\"foo\" \"foobar\" \"foobarbaz\"\)\)"
2223 (let ((begin-marker (copy-marker (point) t)))
2224 (company-begin-backend
2225 (lambda (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
2226 (pcase command
2227 (`prefix
2228 (when (equal (point) (marker-position begin-marker))
2229 (buffer-substring (- (point) (or prefix-length 0)) (point))))
2230 (`candidates
2231 (all-completions arg candidates))
2232 (`require-match
2233 require-match)))
2234 callback)))
2236 (declare-function find-library-name "find-func")
2237 (declare-function lm-version "lisp-mnt")
2239 (defun company-version (&optional show-version)
2240 "Get the Company version as string.
2242 If SHOW-VERSION is non-nil, show the version in the echo area."
2243 (interactive (list t))
2244 (with-temp-buffer
2245 (require 'find-func)
2246 (insert-file-contents (find-library-name "company"))
2247 (require 'lisp-mnt)
2248 (if show-version
2249 (message "Company version: %s" (lm-version))
2250 (lm-version))))
2252 (defun company-diag ()
2253 "Pop a buffer with information about completions at point."
2254 (interactive)
2255 (let* ((bb company-backends)
2256 backend
2257 (prefix (cl-loop for b in bb
2258 thereis (let ((company-backend b))
2259 (setq backend b)
2260 (company-call-backend 'prefix))))
2261 cc annotations)
2262 (when (stringp prefix)
2263 (let ((company-backend backend))
2264 (setq cc (company-call-backend 'candidates prefix)
2265 annotations
2266 (mapcar
2267 (lambda (c) (cons c (company-call-backend 'annotation c)))
2268 cc))))
2269 (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*company-diag*"))
2270 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
2271 (erase-buffer)
2272 (insert (format "Emacs %s (%s) of %s on %s"
2273 emacs-version system-configuration
2274 (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" emacs-build-time)
2275 emacs-build-system))
2276 (insert "\nCompany " (company-version) "\n\n")
2277 (insert "company-backends: " (pp-to-string bb))
2278 (insert "\n")
2279 (insert "Used backend: " (pp-to-string backend))
2280 (insert "\n")
2281 (insert "Prefix: " (pp-to-string prefix))
2282 (insert "\n")
2283 (insert (message "Completions:"))
2284 (unless cc (insert " none"))
2285 (save-excursion
2286 (dolist (c annotations)
2287 (insert "\n " (prin1-to-string (car c)))
2288 (when (cdr c)
2289 (insert " " (prin1-to-string (cdr c))))))
2290 (special-mode)))
2292 ;;; pseudo-tooltip ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2294 (defvar-local company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay nil)
2296 (defvar-local company-tooltip-offset 0)
2298 (defun company-tooltip--lines-update-offset (selection num-lines limit)
2299 (cl-decf limit 2)
2300 (setq company-tooltip-offset
2301 (max (min selection company-tooltip-offset)
2302 (- selection -1 limit)))
2304 (when (<= company-tooltip-offset 1)
2305 (cl-incf limit)
2306 (setq company-tooltip-offset 0))
2308 (when (>= company-tooltip-offset (- num-lines limit 1))
2309 (cl-incf limit)
2310 (when (= selection (1- num-lines))
2311 (cl-decf company-tooltip-offset)
2312 (when (<= company-tooltip-offset 1)
2313 (setq company-tooltip-offset 0)
2314 (cl-incf limit))))
2316 limit)
2318 (defun company-tooltip--simple-update-offset (selection _num-lines limit)
2319 (setq company-tooltip-offset
2320 (if (< selection company-tooltip-offset)
2321 selection
2322 (max company-tooltip-offset
2323 (- selection limit -1)))))
2325 ;;; propertize
2327 (defsubst company-round-tab (arg)
2328 (* (/ (+ arg tab-width) tab-width) tab-width))
2330 (defun company-plainify (str)
2331 (let ((prefix (get-text-property 0 'line-prefix str)))
2332 (when prefix ; Keep the original value unmodified, for no special reason.
2333 (setq str (concat prefix str))
2334 (remove-text-properties 0 (length str) '(line-prefix) str)))
2335 (let* ((pieces (split-string str "\t"))
2336 (copy pieces))
2337 (while (cdr copy)
2338 (setcar copy (company-safe-substring
2339 (car copy) 0 (company-round-tab (string-width (car copy)))))
2340 (pop copy))
2341 (apply 'concat pieces)))
2343 (defun company-fill-propertize (value annotation width selected left right)
2344 (let* ((margin (length left))
2345 (common (or (company-call-backend 'match value)
2346 (if company-common
2347 (string-width company-common)
2348 0)))
2349 (_ (setq value (company--pre-render value)
2350 annotation (and annotation (company--pre-render annotation t))))
2351 (ann-ralign company-tooltip-align-annotations)
2352 (ann-truncate (< width
2353 (+ (length value) (length annotation)
2354 (if ann-ralign 1 0))))
2355 (ann-start (+ margin
2356 (if ann-ralign
2357 (if ann-truncate
2358 (1+ (length value))
2359 (- width (length annotation)))
2360 (length value))))
2361 (ann-end (min (+ ann-start (length annotation)) (+ margin width)))
2362 (line (concat left
2363 (if (or ann-truncate (not ann-ralign))
2364 (company-safe-substring
2365 (concat value
2366 (when (and annotation ann-ralign) " ")
2367 annotation)
2368 0 width)
2369 (concat
2370 (company-safe-substring value 0
2371 (- width (length annotation)))
2372 annotation))
2373 right)))
2374 (setq common (+ (min common width) margin))
2375 (setq width (+ width margin (length right)))
2377 (font-lock-append-text-property 0 width 'mouse-face
2378 'company-tooltip-mouse
2379 line)
2380 (when (< ann-start ann-end)
2381 (font-lock-append-text-property ann-start ann-end 'face
2382 (if selected
2383 'company-tooltip-annotation-selection
2384 'company-tooltip-annotation)
2385 line))
2386 (font-lock-prepend-text-property margin common 'face
2387 (if selected
2388 'company-tooltip-common-selection
2389 'company-tooltip-common)
2390 line)
2391 (when selected
2392 (if (let ((re (funcall company-search-regexp-function
2393 company-search-string)))
2394 (and (not (string= re ""))
2395 (string-match re value (length company-prefix))))
2396 (pcase-dolist (`(,mbeg . ,mend) (company--search-chunks))
2397 (let ((beg (+ margin mbeg))
2398 (end (+ margin mend))
2399 (width (- width (length right))))
2400 (when (< beg width)
2401 (font-lock-prepend-text-property beg (min end width)
2402 'face 'company-tooltip-search
2403 line))))
2404 (font-lock-append-text-property 0 width 'face
2405 'company-tooltip-selection
2406 line)))
2407 (font-lock-append-text-property 0 width 'face
2408 'company-tooltip
2409 line)
2410 line))
2412 (defun company--search-chunks ()
2413 (let ((md (match-data t))
2414 res)
2415 (if (<= (length md) 2)
2416 (push (cons (nth 0 md) (nth 1 md)) res)
2417 (while (setq md (nthcdr 2 md))
2418 (when (car md)
2419 (push (cons (car md) (cadr md)) res))))
2420 res))
2422 (defun company--pre-render (str &optional annotation-p)
2423 (or (company-call-backend 'pre-render str annotation-p)
2424 (progn
2425 (when (or (text-property-not-all 0 (length str) 'face nil str)
2426 (text-property-not-all 0 (length str) 'mouse-face nil str))
2427 (setq str (copy-sequence str))
2428 (remove-text-properties 0 (length str)
2429 '(face nil font-lock-face nil mouse-face nil)
2430 str))
2431 str)))
2433 (defun company--clean-string (str)
2434 (replace-regexp-in-string
2435 "\\([^[:graph:] ]\\)\\|\\(\ufeff\\)\\|[[:multibyte:]]"
2436 (lambda (match)
2437 (cond
2438 ((match-beginning 1)
2439 ;; FIXME: Better char for 'non-printable'?
2440 ;; We shouldn't get any of these, but sometimes we might.
2441 "\u2017")
2442 ((match-beginning 2)
2443 ;; Zero-width non-breakable space.
2444 "")
2445 ((> (string-width match) 1)
2446 (concat
2447 (make-string (1- (string-width match)) ?\ufeff)
2448 match))
2449 (t match)))
2450 str))
2452 ;;; replace
2454 (defun company-buffer-lines (beg end)
2455 (goto-char beg)
2456 (let (lines lines-moved)
2457 (while (and (not (eobp)) ; http://debbugs.gnu.org/19553
2458 (> (setq lines-moved (vertical-motion 1)) 0)
2459 (<= (point) end))
2460 (let ((bound (min end (point))))
2461 ;; A visual line can contain several physical lines (e.g. with outline's
2462 ;; folding overlay). Take only the first one.
2463 (push (buffer-substring beg
2464 (save-excursion
2465 (goto-char beg)
2466 (re-search-forward "$" bound 'move)
2467 (point)))
2468 lines))
2469 ;; One physical line can be displayed as several visual ones as well:
2470 ;; add empty strings to the list, to even the count.
2471 (dotimes (_ (1- lines-moved))
2472 (push "" lines))
2473 (setq beg (point)))
2474 (unless (eq beg end)
2475 (push (buffer-substring beg end) lines))
2476 (nreverse lines)))
2478 (defun company-modify-line (old new offset)
2479 (concat (company-safe-substring old 0 offset)
2480 new
2481 (company-safe-substring old (+ offset (length new)))))
2483 (defsubst company--length-limit (lst limit)
2484 (if (nthcdr limit lst)
2485 limit
2486 (length lst)))
2488 (defsubst company--window-height ()
2489 (if (fboundp 'window-screen-lines)
2490 (floor (window-screen-lines))
2491 (window-body-height)))
2493 (defun company--window-width ()
2494 (let ((ww (window-body-width)))
2495 ;; Account for the line continuation column.
2496 (when (zerop (cadr (window-fringes)))
2497 (cl-decf ww))
2498 (unless (or (display-graphic-p)
2499 (version< "24.3.1" emacs-version))
2500 ;; Emacs 24.3 and earlier included margins
2501 ;; in window-width when in TTY.
2502 (cl-decf ww
2503 (let ((margins (window-margins)))
2504 (+ (or (car margins) 0)
2505 (or (cdr margins) 0)))))
2506 (when (and word-wrap
2507 (version< emacs-version ""))
2508 ;; http://debbugs.gnu.org/19300
2509 (cl-decf ww))
2510 ;; whitespace-mode with newline-mark
2511 (when (and buffer-display-table
2512 (aref buffer-display-table ?\n))
2513 (cl-decf ww (1- (length (aref buffer-display-table ?\n)))))
2514 ww))
2516 (defun company--replacement-string (lines old column nl &optional align-top)
2517 (cl-decf column company-tooltip-margin)
2519 (when (and align-top company-tooltip-flip-when-above)
2520 (setq lines (reverse lines)))
2522 (let ((width (length (car lines)))
2523 (remaining-cols (- (+ (company--window-width) (window-hscroll))
2524 column)))
2525 (when (> width remaining-cols)
2526 (cl-decf column (- width remaining-cols))))
2528 (let ((offset (and (< column 0) (- column)))
2529 new)
2530 (when offset
2531 (setq column 0))
2532 (when align-top
2533 ;; untouched lines first
2534 (dotimes (_ (- (length old) (length lines)))
2535 (push (pop old) new)))
2536 ;; length into old lines.
2537 (while old
2538 (push (company-modify-line (pop old)
2539 (company--offset-line (pop lines) offset)
2540 column)
2541 new))
2542 ;; Append whole new lines.
2543 (while lines
2544 (push (concat (company-space-string column)
2545 (company--offset-line (pop lines) offset))
2546 new))
2548 (let ((str (concat (when nl " \n")
2549 (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse new) "\n")
2550 "\n")))
2551 (font-lock-append-text-property 0 (length str) 'face 'default str)
2552 (when nl (put-text-property 0 1 'cursor t str))
2553 str)))
2555 (defun company--offset-line (line offset)
2556 (if (and offset line)
2557 (substring line offset)
2558 line))
2560 (defun company--create-lines (selection limit)
2561 (let ((len company-candidates-length)
2562 (window-width (company--window-width))
2563 lines
2564 width
2565 lines-copy
2566 items
2567 previous
2568 remainder
2569 scrollbar-bounds)
2571 ;; Maybe clear old offset.
2572 (when (< len (+ company-tooltip-offset limit))
2573 (setq company-tooltip-offset 0))
2575 ;; Scroll to offset.
2576 (if (eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
2577 (setq limit (company-tooltip--lines-update-offset selection len limit))
2578 (company-tooltip--simple-update-offset selection len limit))
2580 (cond
2581 ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'scrollbar)
2582 (setq scrollbar-bounds (company--scrollbar-bounds company-tooltip-offset
2583 limit len)))
2584 ((eq company-tooltip-offset-display 'lines)
2585 (when (> company-tooltip-offset 0)
2586 (setq previous (format "...(%d)" company-tooltip-offset)))
2587 (setq remainder (- len limit company-tooltip-offset)
2588 remainder (when (> remainder 0)
2589 (setq remainder (format "...(%d)" remainder))))))
2591 (cl-decf selection company-tooltip-offset)
2592 (setq width (max (length previous) (length remainder))
2593 lines (nthcdr company-tooltip-offset company-candidates)
2594 len (min limit len)
2595 lines-copy lines)
2597 (cl-decf window-width (* 2 company-tooltip-margin))
2598 (when scrollbar-bounds (cl-decf window-width))
2600 (dotimes (_ len)
2601 (let* ((value (pop lines-copy))
2602 (annotation (company-call-backend 'annotation value)))
2603 (setq value (company--clean-string (company-reformat value)))
2604 (when annotation
2605 (when company-tooltip-align-annotations
2606 ;; `lisp-completion-at-point' adds a space.
2607 (setq annotation (comment-string-strip annotation t nil)))
2608 (setq annotation (company--clean-string annotation)))
2609 (push (cons value annotation) items)
2610 (setq width (max (+ (length value)
2611 (if (and annotation company-tooltip-align-annotations)
2612 (1+ (length annotation))
2613 (length annotation)))
2614 width))))
2616 (setq width (min window-width
2617 (max company-tooltip-minimum-width
2618 (if company-show-numbers
2619 (+ 2 width)
2620 width))))
2622 (let ((items (nreverse items))
2623 (numbered (if company-show-numbers 0 99999))
2624 new)
2625 (when previous
2626 (push (company--scrollpos-line previous width) new))
2628 (dotimes (i len)
2629 (let* ((item (pop items))
2630 (str (car item))
2631 (annotation (cdr item))
2632 (right (company-space-string company-tooltip-margin))
2633 (width width))
2634 (when (< numbered 10)
2635 (cl-decf width 2)
2636 (cl-incf numbered)
2637 (setq right (concat (format " %d" (mod numbered 10)) right)))
2638 (push (concat
2639 (company-fill-propertize str annotation
2640 width (equal i selection)
2641 (company-space-string
2642 company-tooltip-margin)
2643 right)
2644 (when scrollbar-bounds
2645 (company--scrollbar i scrollbar-bounds)))
2646 new)))
2648 (when remainder
2649 (push (company--scrollpos-line remainder width) new))
2651 (nreverse new))))
2653 (defun company--scrollbar-bounds (offset limit length)
2654 (when (> length limit)
2655 (let* ((size (ceiling (* limit (float limit)) length))
2656 (lower (floor (* limit (float offset)) length))
2657 (upper (+ lower size -1)))
2658 (cons lower upper))))
2660 (defun company--scrollbar (i bounds)
2661 (propertize " " 'face
2662 (if (and (>= i (car bounds)) (<= i (cdr bounds)))
2663 'company-scrollbar-fg
2664 'company-scrollbar-bg)))
2666 (defun company--scrollpos-line (text width)
2667 (propertize (concat (company-space-string company-tooltip-margin)
2668 (company-safe-substring text 0 width)
2669 (company-space-string company-tooltip-margin))
2670 'face 'company-tooltip))
2672 ;; show
2674 (defun company--pseudo-tooltip-height ()
2675 "Calculate the appropriate tooltip height.
2676 Returns a negative number if the tooltip should be displayed above point."
2677 (let* ((lines (company--row))
2678 (below (- (company--window-height) 1 lines)))
2679 (if (and (< below (min company-tooltip-minimum company-candidates-length))
2680 (> lines below))
2681 (- (max 3 (min company-tooltip-limit lines)))
2682 (max 3 (min company-tooltip-limit below)))))
2684 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-show (row column selection)
2685 (company-pseudo-tooltip-hide)
2686 (save-excursion
2688 (let* ((height (company--pseudo-tooltip-height))
2689 above)
2691 (when (< height 0)
2692 (setq row (+ row height -1)
2693 above t))
2695 (let* ((nl (< (move-to-window-line row) row))
2696 (beg (point))
2697 (end (save-excursion
2698 (move-to-window-line (+ row (abs height)))
2699 (point)))
2700 (ov (make-overlay beg end nil t))
2701 (args (list (mapcar 'company-plainify
2702 (company-buffer-lines beg end))
2703 column nl above)))
2705 (setq company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay ov)
2706 (overlay-put ov 'company-replacement-args args)
2708 (let ((lines (company--create-lines selection (abs height))))
2709 (overlay-put ov 'company-display
2710 (apply 'company--replacement-string lines args))
2711 (overlay-put ov 'company-width (string-width (car lines))))
2713 (overlay-put ov 'company-column column)
2714 (overlay-put ov 'company-height height)))))
2716 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (pos column-offset)
2717 (let* ((col-row (company--col-row pos))
2718 (col (- (car col-row) column-offset)))
2719 (when (< col 0) (setq col 0))
2720 (company-pseudo-tooltip-show (1+ (cdr col-row)) col company-selection)))
2722 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-edit (selection)
2723 (let* ((height (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-height))
2724 (lines (company--create-lines selection (abs height))))
2725 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-width
2726 (string-width (car lines)))
2727 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'company-display
2728 (apply 'company--replacement-string
2729 lines
2730 (overlay-get company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
2731 'company-replacement-args)))))
2733 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-hide ()
2734 (when company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
2735 (delete-overlay company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2736 (setq company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay nil)))
2738 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-hide-temporarily ()
2739 (when (overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2740 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'invisible nil)
2741 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'line-prefix nil)
2742 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'after-string nil)
2743 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay 'display nil)))
2745 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-unhide ()
2746 (when company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
2747 (let* ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2748 (disp (overlay-get ov 'company-display)))
2749 ;; Beat outline's folding overlays, at least.
2750 (overlay-put ov 'priority 1)
2751 ;; No (extra) prefix for the first line.
2752 (overlay-put ov 'line-prefix "")
2753 ;; `display' is better
2754 ;; (http://debbugs.gnu.org/18285, http://debbugs.gnu.org/20847),
2755 ;; but it doesn't work on 0-length overlays.
2756 (if (< (overlay-start ov) (overlay-end ov))
2757 (overlay-put ov 'display disp)
2758 (overlay-put ov 'after-string disp)
2759 (overlay-put ov 'invisible t))
2760 (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window)))))
2762 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-guard ()
2763 (cons
2764 (save-excursion (beginning-of-visual-line))
2765 (let ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2766 (overhang (save-excursion (end-of-visual-line)
2767 (- (line-end-position) (point)))))
2768 (when (>= (overlay-get ov 'company-height) 0)
2769 (cons
2770 (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (overlay-start ov))
2771 (when (>= overhang 0) overhang))))))
2773 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend (command)
2774 "`company-mode' frontend similar to a tooltip but based on overlays."
2775 (cl-case command
2776 (pre-command (company-pseudo-tooltip-hide-temporarily))
2777 (post-command
2778 (unless (when (overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2779 (let* ((ov company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2780 (old-height (overlay-get ov 'company-height))
2781 (new-height (company--pseudo-tooltip-height)))
2782 (and
2783 (>= (* old-height new-height) 0)
2784 (>= (abs old-height) (abs new-height))
2785 (equal (company-pseudo-tooltip-guard)
2786 (overlay-get ov 'company-guard)))))
2787 ;; Redraw needed.
2788 (company-pseudo-tooltip-show-at-point (point) (length company-prefix))
2789 (overlay-put company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay
2790 'company-guard (company-pseudo-tooltip-guard)))
2791 (company-pseudo-tooltip-unhide))
2792 (hide (company-pseudo-tooltip-hide)
2793 (setq company-tooltip-offset 0))
2794 (update (when (overlayp company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2795 (company-pseudo-tooltip-edit company-selection)))))
2797 (defun company-pseudo-tooltip-unless-just-one-frontend (command)
2798 "`company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend', but not shown for single candidates."
2799 (unless (and (eq command 'post-command)
2800 (company--show-inline-p))
2801 (company-pseudo-tooltip-frontend command)))
2803 ;;; overlay ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2805 (defvar-local company-preview-overlay nil)
2807 (defun company-preview-show-at-point (pos)
2808 (company-preview-hide)
2810 (let ((completion (nth company-selection company-candidates)))
2811 (setq completion (copy-sequence (company--pre-render completion)))
2812 (font-lock-append-text-property 0 (length completion)
2813 'face 'company-preview
2814 completion)
2815 (font-lock-prepend-text-property 0 (length company-common)
2816 'face 'company-preview-common
2817 completion)
2819 ;; Add search string
2820 (and (string-match (funcall company-search-regexp-function
2821 company-search-string)
2822 completion)
2823 (pcase-dolist (`(,mbeg . ,mend) (company--search-chunks))
2824 (font-lock-prepend-text-property mbeg mend
2825 'face 'company-preview-search
2826 completion)))
2828 (setq completion (company-strip-prefix completion))
2830 (and (equal pos (point))
2831 (not (equal completion ""))
2832 (add-text-properties 0 1 '(cursor 1) completion))
2834 (let* ((beg pos)
2835 (pto company-pseudo-tooltip-overlay)
2836 (ptf-workaround (and
2837 pto
2838 (char-before pos)
2839 (eq pos (overlay-start pto)))))
2840 ;; Try to accomodate for the pseudo-tooltip overlay,
2841 ;; which may start at the same position if it's at eol.
2842 (when ptf-workaround
2843 (cl-decf beg)
2844 (setq completion (concat (buffer-substring beg pos) completion)))
2846 (setq company-preview-overlay (make-overlay beg pos))
2848 (let ((ov company-preview-overlay))
2849 (overlay-put ov (if ptf-workaround 'display 'after-string)
2850 completion)
2851 (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))))))
2853 (defun company-preview-hide ()
2854 (when company-preview-overlay
2855 (delete-overlay company-preview-overlay)
2856 (setq company-preview-overlay nil)))
2858 (defun company-preview-frontend (command)
2859 "`company-mode' frontend showing the selection as if it had been inserted."
2860 (pcase command
2861 (`pre-command (company-preview-hide))
2862 (`post-command (company-preview-show-at-point (point)))
2863 (`hide (company-preview-hide))))
2865 (defun company-preview-if-just-one-frontend (command)
2866 "`company-preview-frontend', but only shown for single candidates."
2867 (when (or (not (eq command 'post-command))
2868 (company--show-inline-p))
2869 (company-preview-frontend command)))
2871 (defun company--show-inline-p ()
2872 (and (not (cdr company-candidates))
2873 company-common
2874 (or (eq (company-call-backend 'ignore-case) 'keep-prefix)
2875 (string-prefix-p company-prefix company-common))))
2877 ;;; echo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2879 (defvar-local company-echo-last-msg nil)
2881 (defvar company-echo-timer nil)
2883 (defvar company-echo-delay .01)
2885 (defun company-echo-show (&optional getter)
2886 (when getter
2887 (setq company-echo-last-msg (funcall getter)))
2888 (let ((message-log-max nil))
2889 (if company-echo-last-msg
2890 (message "%s" company-echo-last-msg)
2891 (message ""))))
2893 (defun company-echo-show-soon (&optional getter)
2894 (company-echo-cancel)
2895 (setq company-echo-timer (run-with-timer 0 nil 'company-echo-show getter)))
2897 (defun company-echo-cancel (&optional unset)
2898 (when company-echo-timer
2899 (cancel-timer company-echo-timer))
2900 (when unset
2901 (setq company-echo-timer nil)))
2903 (defun company-echo-show-when-idle (&optional getter)
2904 (company-echo-cancel)
2905 (setq company-echo-timer
2906 (run-with-idle-timer company-echo-delay nil 'company-echo-show getter)))
2908 (defun company-echo-format ()
2910 (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
2911 (len -1)
2912 ;; Roll to selection.
2913 (candidates (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))
2914 (i (if company-show-numbers company-selection 99999))
2915 comp msg)
2917 (while candidates
2918 (setq comp (company-reformat (pop candidates))
2919 len (+ len 1 (length comp)))
2920 (if (< i 10)
2921 ;; Add number.
2922 (progn
2923 (setq comp (propertize (format "%d: %s" i comp)
2924 'face 'company-echo))
2925 (cl-incf len 3)
2926 (cl-incf i)
2927 (add-text-properties 3 (+ 3 (length company-common))
2928 '(face company-echo-common) comp))
2929 (setq comp (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo))
2930 (add-text-properties 0 (length company-common)
2931 '(face company-echo-common) comp))
2932 (if (>= len limit)
2933 (setq candidates nil)
2934 (push comp msg)))
2936 (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) " ")))
2938 (defun company-echo-strip-common-format ()
2940 (let ((limit (window-body-width (minibuffer-window)))
2941 (len (+ (length company-prefix) 2))
2942 ;; Roll to selection.
2943 (candidates (nthcdr company-selection company-candidates))
2944 (i (if company-show-numbers company-selection 99999))
2945 msg comp)
2947 (while candidates
2948 (setq comp (company-strip-prefix (pop candidates))
2949 len (+ len 2 (length comp)))
2950 (when (< i 10)
2951 ;; Add number.
2952 (setq comp (format "%s (%d)" comp i))
2953 (cl-incf len 4)
2954 (cl-incf i))
2955 (if (>= len limit)
2956 (setq candidates nil)
2957 (push (propertize comp 'face 'company-echo) msg)))
2959 (concat (propertize company-prefix 'face 'company-echo-common) "{"
2960 (mapconcat 'identity (nreverse msg) ", ")
2961 "}")))
2963 (defun company-echo-hide ()
2964 (unless (null company-echo-last-msg)
2965 (setq company-echo-last-msg nil)
2966 (company-echo-show)))
2968 (defun company-echo-frontend (command)
2969 "`company-mode' frontend showing the candidates in the echo area."
2970 (pcase command
2971 (`post-command (company-echo-show-soon 'company-echo-format))
2972 (`hide (company-echo-hide))))
2974 (defun company-echo-strip-common-frontend (command)
2975 "`company-mode' frontend showing the candidates in the echo area."
2976 (pcase command
2977 (`post-command (company-echo-show-soon 'company-echo-strip-common-format))
2978 (`hide (company-echo-hide))))
2980 (defun company-echo-metadata-frontend (command)
2981 "`company-mode' frontend showing the documentation in the echo area."
2982 (pcase command
2983 (`post-command (company-echo-show-when-idle 'company-fetch-metadata))
2984 (`hide (company-echo-hide))))
2986 (provide 'company)
2987 ;;; company.el ends here