]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - packages/gnorb/gnorb-bbdb.el
Merge commit '37c46180280f10fa5120a017acd04f7022d124e4'
[gnu-emacs-elpa] / packages / gnorb / gnorb-bbdb.el
1 ;;; gnorb-bbdb.el --- The BBDB-centric functions of gnorb
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 ;; Author: Eric Abrahamsen <eric@ericabrahamsen.net>
6 ;; Keywords:
8 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 ;; (at your option) any later version.
13 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
18 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 ;;; Commentary:
23 ;;
25 ;;; Code:
27 (require 'bbdb nil t)
28 (require 'gnorb-utils)
29 (require 'cl-lib)
31 (defgroup gnorb-bbdb nil
32 "The BBDB bits of gnorb."
33 :tag "Gnorb BBDB"
34 :group 'gnorb)
36 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field 'org-tags
37 "The name (as a symbol) of the field to use for org tags."
38 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
39 :type 'symbol)
41 (when (boundp 'bbdb-separator-alist) ;Allow compilation if BBDB is absent!
42 (unless (assoc gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field bbdb-separator-alist)
43 (push `(,gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field ":" ":") bbdb-separator-alist)))
45 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-messages-field 'messages
46 "The name (as a symbol) of the field where links to recent gnus
47 messages from this record are stored.
49 \\<bbdb-mode-map>Records that do not have this field defined
50 will not collect links to messages: you have to call
51 \"\\[gnorb-bbdb-open-link]\" on the record once -- after that,
52 message links will be collected and updated automatically."
53 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
54 :type 'symbol)
56 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-collect-N-messages 5
57 "For records with a `gnorb-bbdb-messages-field' defined,
58 collect links to a maximum of this many messages."
59 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
60 :type 'integer)
62 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-define-recent 'seen
63 "For records with a `gnorb-bbdb-message-tag-field' defined,
64 this variable controls how gnorb defines a \"recent\" message.
65 Setting it to the symbol seen will collect the messages most
66 recently opened and viewed. The symbol received means gnorb will
67 collect the most recent messages by Date header.
69 In other words, if this variable is set to 'received, and a
70 record's messages field is already full of recently-received
71 messages, opening a five-year-old message (for instance) from
72 this record will not push a link to the message into the field."
73 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
74 :type '(choice (const :tag "Most recently seen" 'seen)
75 (const :tag "Most recently received" 'received)))
77 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-multi "%:count. %D: %:subject"
78 "How a single message is formatted in the list of recent messages.
79 This format string is used in multi-line record display.
81 Available information for each message includes the subject, the
82 date, and the message's count in the list, as an integer. You can
83 access subject and count using the %:subject and %:count escapes.
84 The message date can be formatted using any of the escapes
85 mentioned in the docstring of `format-time-string', which see."
86 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
87 :type 'string)
89 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-one "%:count"
90 "How a single message is formatted in the list of recent messages.
91 This format string is used in single-line display -- note that by
92 default, no user-created xfields are displayed in the 'one-line
93 layout found in `bbdb-layout-alist'. If you want this field to
94 appear there, put its name in the \"order\" list of the 'one-line
95 layout.
97 Available information for each message includes the subject, the
98 date, and the message's count in the list, as an integer. You can
99 access subject and count using the %:subject and %:count escapes.
100 The message date can be formatted using any of the escapes
101 mentioned in the docstring of `format-time-string', which see."
102 :group 'gnorb-bbdb
103 :type 'string)
105 (defface gnorb-bbdb-link (org-compatible-face 'org-link nil)
106 "Custom face for displaying message links in the *BBDB* buffer.
107 Defaults to org-link."
108 :group 'gnorb-bbdb)
110 (cl-defstruct gnorb-bbdb-link
111 subject date group id)
113 (defcustom gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles nil
114 "An alist of styles to use when composing messages to the BBDB
115 record(s) under point. This is entirely analogous to
116 `gnus-posting-styles', it simply works by examining record fields
117 rather than group names.
119 When composing a message to multiple contacts (using the \"*\"
120 prefix), the records will be scanned in order, with the record
121 initially under point (if any) set aside for last. That means
122 that, in the case of conflicting styles, the record under point
123 will override the others.
125 In order not to be too intrusive, this option has no effect on
126 the usual `bbdb-mail' command. Instead, the wrapper command
127 `gnorb-bbdb-mail' is provided, which consults this option and
128 then hands off to `bbdb-compose-mail'. If you'd always like to
129 use `gnorb-bbdb-mail', you can simply bind it to \"m\" in the
130 `bbdb-mode-map'.
132 The value of the option should be a list of sexps, each one
133 matching a single field. The first element should match a field
134 name: one of the built-in fields like lastname, or an xfield.
135 Field names should be given as symbols.
137 The second element is a regexp used to match against the value of
138 the field (non-string field values will be cast to strings, if
139 possible). It can also be a cons of two strings, the first of
140 which matches the field label, the second the field value.
142 Alternately, the first element can be the name of a custom
143 function that is called with the record as its only argument, and
144 returns either t or nil. In this case, the second element of the
145 list is disregarded.
147 All following elements should be field setters for the message to
148 be composed, just as in `gnus-posting-styles'.
150 An example value might look like:"
151 :group 'gnorb-bbdb)
153 (when (fboundp 'bbdb-record-xfield-string)
154 (fset (intern (format "bbdb-read-xfield-%s"
155 gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field))
156 (lambda (&optional init)
157 (gnorb-bbdb-read-org-tags init)))
159 (fset (intern (format "bbdb-display-%s-multi-line"
160 gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field))
161 (lambda (record)
162 (gnorb-bbdb-display-org-tags record))))
164 (defun gnorb-bbdb-read-org-tags (&optional init)
165 "Read Org mode tags, with `completing-read-multiple'."
166 (if (string< "24.3" (substring emacs-version 0 4))
167 (let ((crm-separator
168 (concat "[ \t\n]*"
169 (cadr (assq gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field
170 bbdb-separator-alist))
171 "[ \t\n]*"))
172 (crm-local-completion-map bbdb-crm-local-completion-map)
173 (table (cl-mapcar #'car
174 (org-global-tags-completion-table
175 (org-agenda-files))))
176 (init (if (consp init)
177 (bbdb-join init
178 (nth 2 (assq gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field
179 bbdb-separator-alist)))
180 init)))
181 (completing-read-multiple
182 "Tags: " table
183 nil nil init))
184 (bbdb-split gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field
185 (bbdb-read-string "Tags: " init))))
187 (defun gnorb-bbdb-display-org-tags (record)
188 "Display the Org tags associated with the record.
190 Org tags are stored in the `gnorb-bbdb-org-tags-field'."
191 (let ((full-field (assq gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field
192 (bbdb-record-xfields record)))
193 (val (bbdb-record-xfield
194 record
195 gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field)))
196 (when val
197 ;; We already know that `fmt' and `indent' are dynamically
198 ;; bound, shut up about it.
199 (with-no-warnings
200 (bbdb-display-text (format fmt gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field)
201 `(xfields ,full-field field-label)
202 'bbdb-field-name)
203 (if (consp val)
204 (bbdb-display-list val gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field "\n")
205 (insert
206 (bbdb-indent-string (concat val "\n") indent)))))))
208 (defvar message-mode-hook)
210 ;;;###autoload
211 (defun gnorb-bbdb-mail (records &optional subject n verbose)
212 "\\<bbdb-mode-map>Acts just like `bbdb-mail', except runs
213 RECORDS through `gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles', allowing
214 customization of message styles for certain records. From the
215 `bbdb-mail' docstring:
217 Compose a mail message to RECORDS (optional: using SUBJECT).
218 Interactively, use BBDB prefix \\[bbdb-do-all-records], see
219 `bbdb-do-all-records'. By default, the first mail addresses of
220 RECORDS are used. If prefix N is a number, use Nth mail address
221 of RECORDS (starting from 1). If prefix N is C-u (t
222 noninteractively) use all mail addresses of RECORDS. If VERBOSE
223 is non-nil (as in interactive calls) be verbose."
224 ;; see the function `gnus-configure-posting-styles' for tips on how
225 ;; to actually do this.
226 (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records) nil
227 (or (consp current-prefix-arg)
228 current-prefix-arg)
229 t))
230 (setq records (bbdb-record-list records))
231 (if (not records)
232 (user-error "No records displayed")
233 (let ((head (bbdb-current-record))
234 (to (bbdb-mail-address records n nil verbose))
235 (message-mode-hook (copy-sequence message-mode-hook)))
236 (setq records (remove head records))
237 (when gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles
238 (add-hook 'message-mode-hook
239 `(lambda ()
240 (gnorb-bbdb-configure-posting-styles (quote ,records))
241 (gnorb-bbdb-configure-posting-styles (list ,head)))))
242 (bbdb-compose-mail to subject))))
244 (defun gnorb-bbdb-configure-posting-styles (recs)
245 ;; My most magnificent work of copy pasta!
246 (dolist (r recs)
247 (let (field val label rec-val element filep
248 element v value results name address)
249 (dolist (style gnorb-bbdb-posting-styles)
250 (setq field (pop style)
251 val (pop style))
252 (when (consp val) ;; (label value)
253 (setq label (pop val)
254 val (pop val)))
255 (unless (fboundp field)
256 ;; what's the record's existing value for this field?
257 (setq rec-val (bbdb-record-field r field)))
258 (when (catch 'match
259 (cond
260 ((eq field 'address)
261 (dolist (a rec-val)
262 (unless (and label
263 (not (string-match label (car a))))
264 (when
265 (string-match-p
266 val
267 (bbdb-format-address-default a))
268 (throw 'match t)))))
269 ((eq field 'phone)
270 (dolist (p rec-val)
271 (unless (and label
272 (not (string-match label (car p))))
273 (when
274 (string-match-p val (bbdb-phone-string p))
275 (throw 'match t)))))
276 ((consp rec-val)
277 (dolist (f rec-val)
278 (when (string-match-p val f)
279 (throw 'match t))))
280 ((fboundp field)
281 (when (string-match-p (funcall field r))
282 (throw 'match t)))
283 ((stringp rec-val)
284 (when (string-match-p val rec-val)
285 (throw 'match t)))))
286 ;; there are matches, run through the field setters in last
287 ;; element of the sexp
288 (dolist (attribute style)
289 (setq element (pop attribute)
290 filep nil)
291 (setq value
292 (cond
293 ((eq (car attribute) :file)
294 (setq filep t)
295 (cadr attribute))
296 ((eq (car attribute) :value)
297 (cadr attribute))
298 (t
299 (car attribute))))
300 ;; We get the value.
301 (setq v
302 (cond
303 ((stringp value)
304 value)
305 ((or (symbolp value)
306 (functionp value))
307 (cond ((functionp value)
308 (funcall value))
309 ((boundp value)
310 (symbol-value value))))
311 ((listp value)
312 (eval value))))
313 ;; Post-processing for the signature posting-style:
314 (and (eq element 'signature) filep
315 message-signature-directory
316 ;; don't actually use the signature directory
317 ;; if message-signature-file contains a path.
318 (not (file-name-directory v))
319 (setq v (nnheader-concat message-signature-directory v)))
320 ;; Get the contents of file elems.
321 (when (and filep v)
322 (setq v (with-temp-buffer
323 (insert-file-contents v)
324 (buffer-substring
325 (point-min)
326 (progn
327 (goto-char (point-max))
328 (if (zerop (skip-chars-backward "\n"))
329 (point)
330 (1+ (point))))))))
331 (setq results (delq (assoc element results) results))
332 (push (cons element v) results))))
333 (setq name (assq 'name results)
334 address (assq 'address results))
335 (setq results (delq name (delq address results)))
336 (gnus-make-local-hook 'message-setup-hook)
337 (setq results (sort results (lambda (x y)
338 (string-lessp (car x) (car y)))))
339 (dolist (result results)
340 (add-hook 'message-setup-hook
341 (cond
342 ((eq 'eval (car result))
343 'ignore)
344 ((eq 'body (car result))
345 `(lambda ()
346 (save-excursion
347 (message-goto-body)
348 (insert ,(cdr result)))))
349 ((eq 'signature (car result))
350 (set (make-local-variable 'message-signature) nil)
351 (set (make-local-variable 'message-signature-file) nil)
352 (if (not (cdr result))
353 'ignore
354 `(lambda ()
355 (save-excursion
356 (let ((message-signature ,(cdr result)))
357 (when message-signature
358 (message-insert-signature)))))))
359 (t
360 (let ((header
361 (if (symbolp (car result))
362 (capitalize (symbol-name (car result)))
363 (car result))))
364 `(lambda ()
365 (save-excursion
366 (message-remove-header ,header)
367 (let ((value ,(cdr result)))
368 (when value
369 (message-goto-eoh)
370 (insert ,header ": " value)
371 (unless (bolp)
372 (insert "\n")))))))))
373 t 'local))
374 (when (or name address)
375 (add-hook 'message-setup-hook
376 `(lambda ()
377 (set (make-local-variable 'user-mail-address)
378 ,(or (cdr address) user-mail-address))
379 (let ((user-full-name ,(or (cdr name) (user-full-name)))
380 (user-mail-address
381 ,(or (cdr address) user-mail-address)))
382 (save-excursion
383 (message-remove-header "From")
384 (message-goto-eoh)
385 (insert "From: " (message-make-from) "\n"))))
386 t 'local)))))
388 ;;;###autoload
389 (defun gnorb-bbdb-tag-agenda (records)
390 "Open an Org agenda tags view from the BBDB buffer, using the
391 value of the record's org-tags field. This shows only TODOs by
392 default; a prefix argument shows all tagged headings; a \"*\"
393 prefix operates on all currently visible records. If you want
394 both, use \"C-u\" before the \"*\"."
395 (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records)))
396 (require 'org-agenda)
397 (unless (and (eq major-mode 'bbdb-mode)
398 (equal (buffer-name) bbdb-buffer-name))
399 (error "Only works in the BBDB buffer"))
400 (setq records (bbdb-record-list records))
401 (let ((tag-string
402 (mapconcat
403 'identity
404 (delete-dups
405 (cl-mapcan
406 (lambda (r)
407 (bbdb-record-xfield-split r gnorb-bbdb-org-tag-field))
408 records))
409 "|")))
410 (if tag-string
411 ;; C-u = all headings, not just todos
412 (if (equal current-prefix-arg '(4))
413 (org-tags-view nil tag-string)
414 (org-tags-view t tag-string))
415 (error "No org-tags field present"))))
417 ;;;###autoload
418 (defun gnorb-bbdb-mail-search (records)
419 "Initiate a mail search from the BBDB buffer.
421 Use the prefix arg to edit the search string first, and the \"*\"
422 prefix to search mails from all visible contacts. When using both
423 a prefix arg and \"*\", the prefix arg must come first."
424 (interactive (list (bbdb-do-records)))
425 (unless (and (eq major-mode 'bbdb-mode)
426 (equal (buffer-name) bbdb-buffer-name))
427 (error "Only works in the BBDB buffer"))
428 (setq records (bbdb-record-list records))
429 (require 'gnorb-gnus)
430 (let* ((backend (or (assoc gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backend
431 gnorb-gnus-mail-search-backends)
432 (error "No search backend specified")))
433 (search-string
434 (funcall (cl-second backend)
435 (cl-mapcan 'bbdb-record-mail records))))
436 (when (equal current-prefix-arg '(4))
437 (setq search-string
438 (read-from-minibuffer
439 (format "%s search string: " (first backend)) search-string)))
440 (funcall (cl-third backend) search-string)
441 (delete-other-windows)))
443 ;;;###autoload
444 (defun gnorb-bbdb-cite-contact (rec)
445 (interactive (list (gnorb-prompt-for-bbdb-record)))
446 (let ((mail-string (bbdb-dwim-mail rec)))
447 (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
448 (insert mail-string)
449 mail-string)))
451 ;;; Field containing links to recent messages
452 (when (boundp 'bbdb-xfield-label-list)
453 (add-to-list 'bbdb-xfield-label-list gnorb-bbdb-messages-field nil 'eq))
455 (defun gnorb-bbdb-display-messages (record format)
456 "Show links to the messages collected in the
457 `gnorb-bbdb-messages-field' field of a BBDB record. Each link
458 will be formatted using the format string in
459 `gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-multi' or
460 `gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-one', depending on the current
461 layout type."
462 (let ((full-field (assq gnorb-bbdb-messages-field
463 (bbdb-record-xfields record)))
464 (val (bbdb-record-xfield record gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
465 (map (make-sparse-keymap))
466 (count 1)) ; one-indexed to fit with prefix arg to `gnorb-bbdb-open-link'
467 (define-key map [mouse-1] 'gnorb-bbdb-mouse-open-link)
468 (define-key map (kbd "<RET>") 'gnorb-bbdb-RET-open-link)
469 (when val
470 (when (eq format 'multi)
471 (with-no-warnings ; For `fmt'
472 (bbdb-display-text (format fmt gnorb-bbdb-messages-field)
473 `(xfields ,full-field field-label)
474 'bbdb-field-name)))
475 (insert (cond ((and (stringp val)
476 (eq format 'multi))
477 (with-no-warnings ; For `indent'
478 (bbdb-indent-string (concat val "\n") indent)))
479 ((listp val)
480 ;; Why aren't I using `bbdb-display-list' with a
481 ;; preformatted list of messages?
482 (concat
483 (with-no-warnings ; For `indent' again
484 (bbdb-indent-string
485 (mapconcat
486 (lambda (m)
487 (prog1
488 (org-propertize
489 (concat
490 (format-time-string
491 (replace-regexp-in-string
492 "%:subject" (gnorb-bbdb-link-subject m)
493 (replace-regexp-in-string
494 "%:count" (number-to-string count)
495 (if (eq format 'multi)
496 gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-multi
497 gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-one)))
498 (gnorb-bbdb-link-date m)))
499 'face 'gnorb-bbdb-link
500 'mouse-face 'highlight
501 'gnorb-bbdb-link-count count
502 'keymap map)
503 (incf count)))
504 val (if (eq format 'multi)
505 "\n" ", "))
506 indent))
507 (if (eq format 'multi) "\n" "")))
508 (t
509 ""))))))
511 (fset (intern (format "bbdb-display-%s-multi-line"
512 gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
513 (lambda (record)
514 (gnorb-bbdb-display-messages record 'multi)))
516 (fset (intern (format "bbdb-display-%s-one-line"
517 gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
518 (lambda (record)
519 (gnorb-bbdb-display-messages record 'one)))
521 ;; Don't allow direct editing of this field
523 (fset (intern (format "bbdb-read-xfield-%s"
524 gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
525 (lambda (&optional init)
526 (user-error "This field shouldn't be edited manually")))
528 ;; Open links from the *BBDB* buffer.
530 ;;;###autoload
531 (defun gnorb-bbdb-open-link (record arg)
532 "\\<bbdb-mode-map>Call this on a BBDB record to open one of the
533 links in the message field. By default, the first link will be
534 opened. Use a prefix arg to open different links. For instance,
535 M-3 \\[gnorb-bbdb-open-link] will open the third link in the
536 list. If the %:count escape is present in the message formatting
537 string (see `gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-multi' and
538 `gnorb-bbdb-message-link-format-one'), that's the number to use.
540 This function also needs to be called on a contact once before
541 that contact will start collecting links to messages."
542 (interactive (list
543 (or (bbdb-current-record)
544 (user-error "No record under point"))
545 current-prefix-arg))
546 (unless (fboundp 'bbdb-record-xfield-string)
547 (user-error "This function only works with the git version of BBDB"))
548 (let* ((record (bbdb-current-record))
549 msg-list target-msg)
550 (if (not (memq gnorb-bbdb-messages-field
551 (mapcar 'car (bbdb-record-xfields record))))
552 (when (y-or-n-p
553 (format "Start collecting message links for %s?"
554 (bbdb-record-name record)))
555 (bbdb-record-set-xfield record gnorb-bbdb-messages-field "no links yet")
556 (message "Opening messages from %s will add links to the %s field"
557 (bbdb-record-name record)
558 gnorb-bbdb-messages-field)
559 (bbdb-change-record record))
560 (setq msg-list
561 (bbdb-record-xfield record gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
562 (setq target-msg
563 (or (and arg
564 (nth (1- arg) msg-list))
565 (car msg-list)))
566 (when target-msg
567 (org-gnus-follow-link (gnorb-bbdb-link-group target-msg)
568 (gnorb-bbdb-link-id target-msg))))))
570 (defun gnorb-bbdb-mouse-open-link (event)
571 (interactive "e")
572 (mouse-set-point event)
573 (let ((rec (bbdb-current-record))
574 (num (get-text-property (point) 'gnorb-bbdb-link-count)))
575 (if (not num)
576 (user-error "No link under point")
577 (gnorb-bbdb-open-link rec num))))
579 (defun gnorb-bbdb-RET-open-link ()
580 (interactive)
581 (let ((rec (bbdb-current-record))
582 (num (get-text-property (point) 'gnorb-bbdb-link-count)))
583 (if (not num)
584 (user-error "No link under point")
585 (gnorb-bbdb-open-link rec num))))
587 (defun gnorb-bbdb-store-message-link (record)
588 "Used in the `bbdb-notice-record-hook' to possibly save a link
589 to a message into the record's `gnorb-bbdb-messages-field'."
591 (when (not (fboundp 'bbdb-record-xfield-string))
592 (user-error "This function only works with the git version of BBDB"))
593 (unless (or (not (and (memq gnorb-bbdb-messages-field
594 (mapcar 'car (bbdb-record-xfields record)))
595 (memq major-mode '(gnus-summary-mode gnus-article-mode))))
596 (with-current-buffer gnus-article-buffer
597 (not ; only store messages if the record is the sender
598 (member (nth 1 (car (bbdb-get-address-components 'sender)))
599 (bbdb-record-mail record)))))
600 (with-current-buffer gnus-summary-buffer
601 (let* ((val (bbdb-record-xfield record gnorb-bbdb-messages-field))
602 (art-no (gnus-summary-article-number))
603 (heads (gnus-summary-article-header art-no))
604 (date (apply 'encode-time
605 (parse-time-string (mail-header-date heads))))
606 (subject (mail-header-subject heads))
607 (id (mail-header-id heads))
608 (group (gnorb-get-real-group-name
609 gnus-newsgroup-name
610 art-no))
611 link)
612 (if (not (and date subject id group))
613 (message "Could not save a link to this message")
614 (setq link (make-gnorb-bbdb-link :subject subject :date date
615 :group group :id id))
616 (when (stringp val)
617 (setq val nil))
618 (setq val (cons link (delete link val)))
619 (when (eq gnorb-bbdb-define-recent 'received)
620 (setq val (sort val
621 (lambda (a b)
622 (time-less-p
623 (gnorb-bbdb-link-date b)
624 (gnorb-bbdb-link-date a))))))
625 (setq val (cl-subseq val 0 (min (length val) gnorb-bbdb-collect-N-messages)))
626 (bbdb-record-set-xfield record
627 gnorb-bbdb-messages-field
628 (delq nil val))
629 (bbdb-change-record record))))))
631 (add-hook 'bbdb-notice-record-hook 'gnorb-bbdb-store-message-link)
633 (provide 'gnorb-bbdb)
634 ;;; gnorb-bbdb.el ends here