]> code.delx.au - gnu-emacs-elpa/blob - admin/archive-contents.el
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[gnu-emacs-elpa] / admin / archive-contents.el
1 ;;; archive-contents.el --- Auto-generate an Emacs Lisp package archive. -*- lexical-binding:t -*-
3 ;; Copyright (C) 2011-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc
5 ;; Author: Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca>
7 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 ;; (at your option) any later version.
12 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
17 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 ;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 ;;; Commentary:
22 ;;; Code:
24 (eval-when-compile (require 'cl))
25 (require 'lisp-mnt)
26 (require 'package)
27 (require 'pcase)
29 (defconst archive-contents-subdirectory-regexp
30 "\\([^.].*?\\)-\\([0-9]+\\(?:[.][0-9]+\\|\\(?:pre\\|beta\\|alpha\\)[0-9]+\\)*\\)")
32 (defconst archive-re-no-dot "\\`\\([^.]\\|\\.\\([^.]\\|\\..\\)\\).*"
33 "Regular expression matching all files except \".\" and \"..\".")
35 (defun archive--version-to-list (vers)
36 (when vers
37 (let ((l (version-to-list vers)))
38 ;; Signal an error for things like "1.02" which is parsed as "1.2".
39 (assert (equal vers (package-version-join l)) nil
40 "Unsupported version syntax %S" vers)
41 l)))
43 (defun archive--convert-require (elt)
44 (list (car elt)
45 (archive--version-to-list (car (cdr elt)))))
47 (defun archive--delete-elc-files (dir &optional only-orphans)
48 "Recursively delete all .elc files in DIR.
49 Delete backup files also."
50 (dolist (f (directory-files dir t archive-re-no-dot))
51 (cond ((file-directory-p f)
52 (archive--delete-elc-files f))
53 ((or (and (string-match "\\.elc\\'" f)
54 (not (and only-orphans
55 (file-readable-p (replace-match ".el" t t f)))))
56 (backup-file-name-p f))
57 (delete-file f)))))
59 (defun batch-make-archive ()
60 "Process package content directories and generate the archive-contents file."
61 (let ((packages '(1))) ; format-version.
62 (dolist (dir (directory-files default-directory nil archive-re-no-dot))
63 (condition-case v
64 (if (not (file-directory-p dir))
65 (message "Skipping non-package file %s" dir)
66 (let* ((pkg (file-name-nondirectory dir))
67 (autoloads-file (expand-file-name (concat pkg "-autoloads.el") dir)))
68 ;; Omit autoloads and .elc files from the package.
69 (if (file-exists-p autoloads-file)
70 (delete-file autoloads-file))
71 (archive--delete-elc-files dir)
72 (let ((metadata (or (with-demoted-errors
73 ;;(format "batch-make-archive %s: %%s" dir)
74 (archive--metadata dir pkg))
75 '(nil "0"))))
76 ;; (nth 1 metadata) is nil for "org" which is the only package
77 ;; still using the "org-pkg.el file to specify the metadata.
78 (if (and (nth 1 metadata)
79 (or (equal (nth 1 metadata) "0")
80 ;; Old deprecated convention.
81 (< (string-to-number (nth 1 metadata)) 0)))
82 (progn ;; Negative version: don't publish this package yet!
83 (message "Package %s not released yet!" dir)
84 (delete-directory dir 'recursive))
85 (push (if (car metadata)
86 (apply #'archive--process-simple-package
87 dir pkg (cdr metadata))
88 (if (nth 1 metadata)
89 (apply #'archive--write-pkg-file
90 dir pkg (cdr metadata)))
91 (archive--process-multi-file-package dir pkg))
92 packages)))))
93 ((debug error) (error "Error in %s: %S" dir v))))
94 (with-temp-buffer
95 (pp (nreverse packages) (current-buffer))
96 (write-region nil nil "archive-contents"))))
98 (defconst archive--revno-re "[0-9a-f]+")
100 (defun archive-prepare-packages (srcdir)
101 "Prepare the `packages' directory inside the Git checkout.
102 Expects to be called from within the `packages' directory.
103 \"Prepare\" here is for subsequent construction of the packages and archive,
104 so it is meant to refresh any generated files we may need.
105 Currently only refreshes the ChangeLog files."
106 (setq srcdir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name srcdir)))
107 (let* ((wit ".changelog-witness")
108 (prevno (with-temp-buffer
109 (insert-file-contents wit)
110 (if (looking-at (concat archive--revno-re "$"))
111 (match-string 0)
112 (error "Can't find previous revision name"))))
113 (new-revno
114 (or (with-temp-buffer
115 (let ((default-directory srcdir))
116 (call-process "git" nil '(t) nil "rev-parse" "HEAD")
117 (goto-char (point-min))
118 (when (looking-at (concat archive--revno-re "$"))
119 (match-string 0))))
120 (error "Couldn't find the current revision's name")))
121 (pkgs '()))
122 (unless (equal prevno new-revno)
123 (with-temp-buffer
124 (let ((default-directory srcdir))
125 (unless (zerop (call-process "git" nil '(t) nil "diff"
126 "--dirstat=cumulative,0"
127 prevno))
128 (error "Error signaled by git diff --dirstat %d" prevno)))
129 (goto-char (point-min))
130 (while (re-search-forward "^[ \t.0-9%]* packages/\\([-[:alnum:]]+\\)/$"
131 nil t)
132 (push (match-string 1) pkgs))))
133 (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "packages/")))
134 (dolist (pkg pkgs)
135 (condition-case v
136 (if (file-directory-p pkg)
137 (archive--make-changelog pkg (expand-file-name "packages/"
138 srcdir)))
139 (error (message "Error: %S" v)))))
140 (write-region new-revno nil wit nil 'quiet)
141 ;; Also update the ChangeLog of external packages.
142 (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "packages/")))
143 (dolist (dir (directory-files "."))
144 (and (not (member dir '("." "..")))
145 (file-directory-p dir)
146 (let ((index (expand-file-name
147 (concat "packages/" dir "/.git/index")
148 srcdir))
149 (cl (expand-file-name "ChangeLog" dir)))
150 (and (file-exists-p index)
151 (or (not (file-exists-p cl))
152 (file-newer-than-file-p index cl))))
153 (archive--make-changelog
154 dir (expand-file-name "packages/" srcdir)))))
155 ))
157 (defconst archive-default-url-format "http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/%s.html")
158 (defconst archive-default-url-re (format archive-default-url-format ".*"))
160 (defun archive--metadata (dir pkg)
162 where SIMPLE is non-nil if the package is simple;
163 VERSION is the version string of the simple package;
164 DESCRIPTION is the brief description of the package;
165 REQ is a list of requirements;
166 EXTRAS is an alist with additional metadata.
168 PKG is the name of the package and DIR is the directory where it is."
169 (let* ((mainfile (expand-file-name (concat pkg ".el") dir))
170 (files (directory-files dir nil "\\`dir\\'\\|\\.el\\'")))
171 (setq files (delete (concat pkg "-pkg.el") files))
172 (setq files (delete (concat pkg "-autoloads.el") files))
173 (cond
174 ((file-exists-p mainfile)
175 (with-temp-buffer
176 (insert-file-contents mainfile)
177 (goto-char (point-min))
178 (if (not (looking-at ";;;.*---[ \t]*\\(.*?\\)[ \t]*\\(-\\*-.*-\\*-[ \t]*\\)?$"))
179 (error "Can't parse first line of %s" mainfile)
180 ;; Grab the other fields, which are not mandatory.
181 (let* ((description (match-string 1))
182 (version
183 (or (lm-header "package-version")
184 (lm-header "version")
185 (unless (equal pkg "org")
186 (error "Missing `version' header"))))
187 (_ (archive--version-to-list version)) ; Sanity check!
188 (requires-str (lm-header "package-requires"))
189 (pt (lm-header "package-type"))
190 (simple (if pt (equal pt "simple") (= (length files) 1)))
191 (keywords (lm-keywords-list))
192 (url (or (lm-header "url")
193 (format archive-default-url-format pkg)))
194 (req
195 (if requires-str
196 (mapcar 'archive--convert-require
197 (car (read-from-string requires-str))))))
198 (list simple version description req
199 ;; extra parameters
200 (list (cons :url url)
201 (cons :keywords keywords)))))))
202 (t
203 (error "Can't find main file %s file in %s" mainfile dir)))))
205 (defun archive--process-simple-package (dir pkg vers desc req extras)
206 "Deploy the contents of DIR into the archive as a simple package.
207 Rename DIR/PKG.el to PKG-VERS.el, delete DIR, and return the descriptor."
208 ;; Write DIR/foo.el to foo-VERS.el and delete DIR
209 (let ((src (expand-file-name (concat pkg ".el") dir)))
210 (funcall (if (file-symlink-p src) #'copy-file #'rename-file)
211 src (concat pkg "-" vers ".el")))
212 ;; Add the content of the ChangeLog.
213 (let ((cl (expand-file-name "ChangeLog" dir)))
214 (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect (concat pkg "-" vers ".el"))
215 (goto-char (point-max))
216 (re-search-backward "^;;;.*ends here")
217 (re-search-backward "^(provide")
218 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
219 (insert "\n\n;;;; ChangeLog:\n\n")
220 (let* ((start (point))
221 (end (copy-marker start t)))
222 (condition-case nil
223 (insert-file-contents cl)
224 (file-error (message "Can't find %S's ChangeLog file" pkg)))
225 (goto-char end)
226 (unless (bolp) (insert "\n"))
227 (while (progn (forward-line -1) (>= (point) start))
228 (insert ";; ")))
229 (set (make-local-variable 'backup-inhibited) t)
230 (basic-save-buffer) ;Less chatty than save-buffer.
231 (kill-buffer)))
232 (delete-directory dir t)
233 (cons (intern pkg) (vector (archive--version-to-list vers)
234 req desc 'single extras)))
236 (defun archive--make-changelog (dir srcdir)
237 "Export Git log info of DIR into a ChangeLog file."
238 (message "Refreshing ChangeLog in %S" dir)
239 (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir))))
240 (with-temp-buffer
241 (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
242 (let ((coding-system-for-read 'binary)
243 (coding-system-for-write 'binary))
244 (if (file-readable-p "ChangeLog") (insert-file-contents "ChangeLog"))
245 (let ((old-md5 (md5 (current-buffer))))
246 (erase-buffer)
247 (let ((default-directory
248 (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name dir srcdir))))
249 (call-process "git" nil (current-buffer) nil
250 "log" "--date=short"
251 "--format=%cd %aN <%ae>%n%n%w(80,8,8)%B%n"
252 "."))
253 (tabify (point-min) (point-max))
254 (goto-char (point-min))
255 (while (re-search-forward "\n\n\n+" nil t)
256 (replace-match "\n\n"))
257 (if (equal old-md5 (md5 (current-buffer)))
258 (message "ChangeLog's md5 unchanged for %S" dir)
259 (write-region (point-min) (point-max) "ChangeLog" nil 'quiet)))))))
261 (defun archive--alist-to-plist-args (alist)
262 (mapcar (lambda (x)
263 (if (and (not (consp x))
264 (or (keywordp x)
265 (not (symbolp x))
266 (memq x '(nil t))))
267 x `',x))
268 (apply #'nconc
269 (mapcar (lambda (pair) (list (car pair) (cdr pair))) alist))))
271 (defun archive--plist-args-to-alist (plist)
272 (let (alist)
273 (while plist
274 (let ((value (cadr plist)))
275 (when value
276 (cl-assert (keywordp (car plist)))
277 (push (cons (car plist)
278 (if (eq 'quote (car-safe value)) (cadr value) value))
279 alist)))
280 (setq plist (cddr plist)))
281 alist))
283 (defun archive--process-multi-file-package (dir pkg)
284 "Deploy the contents of DIR into the archive as a multi-file package.
285 Rename DIR/ to PKG-VERS/, and return the descriptor."
286 (let* ((exp (archive--multi-file-package-def dir pkg))
287 (vers (nth 2 exp))
288 (req-exp (nth 4 exp))
289 (req (mapcar 'archive--convert-require
290 (if (eq 'quote (car-safe req-exp)) (nth 1 req-exp)
291 (when req-exp
292 (error "REQ should be a quoted constant: %S"
293 req-exp)))))
294 (extras (archive--plist-args-to-alist (nthcdr 5 exp))))
295 (unless (equal (nth 1 exp) pkg)
296 (error (format "Package name %s doesn't match file name %s"
297 (nth 1 exp) pkg)))
298 (rename-file dir (concat pkg "-" vers))
299 (cons (intern pkg) (vector (archive--version-to-list vers)
300 req (nth 3 exp) 'tar extras))))
302 (defun archive--multi-file-package-def (dir pkg)
303 "Return the `define-package' form in the file DIR/PKG-pkg.el."
304 (let ((pkg-file (expand-file-name (concat pkg "-pkg.el") dir)))
305 (with-temp-buffer
306 (unless (file-exists-p pkg-file)
307 (error "File not found: %s" pkg-file))
308 (insert-file-contents pkg-file)
309 (goto-char (point-min))
310 (read (current-buffer)))))
312 (defun archive--refresh-pkg-file ()
313 (let* ((dir (directory-file-name default-directory))
314 (pkg (file-name-nondirectory dir)))
315 (apply #'archive--write-pkg-file dir pkg
316 (cdr (archive--metadata dir pkg)))))
318 (defun archive--write-pkg-file (pkg-dir name version desc requires extras)
319 (let ((pkg-file (expand-file-name (concat name "-pkg.el") pkg-dir))
320 (print-level nil)
321 (print-quoted t)
322 (print-length nil))
323 (write-region
324 (concat (format ";; Generated package description from %s.el\n"
325 name)
326 (prin1-to-string
327 (nconc
328 (list 'define-package
329 name
330 version
331 desc
332 (list 'quote
333 ;; Turn version lists into string form.
334 (mapcar
335 (lambda (elt)
336 (list (car elt)
337 (package-version-join (cadr elt))))
338 requires)))
339 (archive--alist-to-plist-args extras)))
340 "\n")
341 nil
342 pkg-file)))
344 ;;; Make the HTML pages for online browsing.
346 (defun archive--html-header (title)
347 (format "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\">
348 <html>
349 <head>
350 <title>%s</title>
351 <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">
352 </head>
353 <body>
354 <h1 align=\"center\">%s</h1>\n"
355 title title))
357 (defun archive--html-bytes-format (bytes) ;Aka memory-usage-format.
358 (setq bytes (/ bytes 1024.0))
359 (let ((units '(;; "B"
360 "kB" "MB" "GB" "TB")))
361 (while (>= bytes 1024)
362 (setq bytes (/ bytes 1024.0))
363 (setq units (cdr units)))
364 (cond
365 ;; ((integerp bytes) (format "%4d%s" bytes (car units)))
366 ((>= bytes 100) (format "%4.0f%s" bytes (car units)))
367 ((>= bytes 10) (format "%4.1f%s" bytes (car units)))
368 (t (format "%4.2f%s" bytes (car units))))))
370 (defun archive--get-prop (prop name srcdir mainsrcfile)
371 (let ((kprop (intern (format ":%s" (downcase prop)))))
372 (or
373 (let ((pkgdescfile (expand-file-name (format "%s-pkg.el" name)
374 srcdir)))
375 (when (file-readable-p pkgdescfile)
376 (with-temp-buffer
377 (insert-file-contents pkgdescfile)
378 (let ((desc (read (current-buffer))))
379 (plist-get (cdr desc) kprop)))))
380 (when (file-readable-p mainsrcfile)
381 (with-temp-buffer
382 (insert-file-contents mainsrcfile)
383 (lm-header prop))))))
385 (defun archive--get-section (hsection fsection srcdir mainsrcfile)
386 (when (consp fsection)
387 (while (cdr-safe fsection)
388 (setq fsection
389 (if (file-readable-p (expand-file-name (car fsection) srcdir))
390 (car fsection)
391 (cdr fsection))))
392 (when (consp fsection) (setq fsection (car fsection))))
393 (cond
394 ((file-readable-p (expand-file-name fsection srcdir))
395 (with-temp-buffer
396 (insert-file-contents (expand-file-name fsection srcdir))
397 (buffer-string)))
398 ((file-readable-p mainsrcfile)
399 (with-temp-buffer
400 (insert-file-contents mainsrcfile)
401 (emacs-lisp-mode) ;lm-section-start needs the outline-mode setting.
402 (let ((start (lm-section-start hsection)))
403 (when start
404 (insert
405 (prog1
406 (buffer-substring start (lm-section-end hsection))
407 (erase-buffer)))
408 (emacs-lisp-mode)
409 (goto-char (point-min))
410 (delete-region (point) (line-beginning-position 2))
411 (uncomment-region (point-min) (point-max))
412 (when (looking-at "^\\([ \t]*\n\\)+")
413 (replace-match ""))
414 (goto-char (point-max))
415 (skip-chars-backward " \t\n")
416 (delete-region (point) (point-max))
417 (buffer-string)))))))
419 (defun archive--quote (txt)
420 (replace-regexp-in-string "<" "&lt;"
421 (replace-regexp-in-string "&" "&amp;" txt)))
423 (defun archive--insert-repolinks (name srcdir _mainsrcfile url)
424 (when url
425 (insert (format "<p>Home page: <a href=%S>%s</a></p>\n"
426 url (archive--quote url)))
427 (when (string-match archive-default-url-re url)
428 (setq url nil)))
429 (let* ((externals
430 (with-temp-buffer
431 (insert-file-contents
432 (expand-file-name "../../../elpa/externals-list" srcdir))
433 (read (current-buffer))))
434 (external (eq :external (nth 1 (assoc name externals))))
435 (git-sv "http://git.savannah.gnu.org/")
436 (urls (if external
437 '("cgit/emacs/elpa.git/?h=externals/"
438 "gitweb/?p=emacs/elpa.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/externals/")
439 '("cgit/emacs/elpa.git/tree/packages/"
440 "gitweb/?p=emacs/elpa.git;a=tree;f=packages/"))))
441 (insert (format
442 (concat (format "<p>Browse %srepository: " (if url "ELPA's " ""))
443 "<a href=%S>%s</a> or <a href=%S>%s</a></p>\n")
444 (concat git-sv (nth 0 urls) name)
445 'CGit
446 (concat git-sv (nth 1 urls) name)
447 'Gitweb))))
449 (defun archive--html-make-pkg (pkg files)
450 (let* ((name (symbol-name (car pkg)))
451 (latest (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg) 0)))
452 (srcdir (expand-file-name name "../../build/packages"))
453 (mainsrcfile (expand-file-name (format "%s.el" name) srcdir))
454 (desc (aref (cdr pkg) 2)))
455 (with-temp-buffer
456 (insert (archive--html-header (format "GNU ELPA - %s" name)))
457 (insert (format "<p>Description: %s</p>\n" (archive--quote desc)))
458 (if (zerop (length latest))
459 (insert "<p>This package "
460 (if files "is not in GNU ELPA any more"
461 "has not been released yet")
462 ".</p>\n")
463 (let* ((file (cdr (assoc latest files)))
464 (attrs (file-attributes file)))
465 (insert (format "<p>Latest: <a href=%S>%s</a>, %s, %s</p>\n"
466 file (archive--quote file)
467 (format-time-string "%Y-%b-%d" (nth 5 attrs))
468 (archive--html-bytes-format (nth 7 attrs))))))
469 (let ((maint (archive--get-prop "Maintainer" name srcdir mainsrcfile)))
470 (when maint
471 (insert (format "<p>Maintainer: %s</p>\n" (archive--quote maint)))))
472 (archive--insert-repolinks
473 name srcdir mainsrcfile
474 (or (cdr (assoc :url (aref (cdr pkg) 4)))
475 (archive--get-prop "URL" name srcdir mainsrcfile)))
476 (let ((rm (archive--get-section
477 "Commentary" '("README" "README.rst"
478 ;; Most README.md files seem to be currently
479 ;; worse than the Commentary: section :-(
480 ;; "README.md"
481 "README.org")
482 srcdir mainsrcfile)))
483 (when rm
484 (write-region rm nil (concat name "-readme.txt"))
485 (insert "<h2>Full description</h2><pre>\n" (archive--quote rm)
486 "\n</pre>\n")))
487 (unless (< (length files) (if (zerop (length latest)) 1 2))
488 (insert (format "<h2>Old versions</h2><table cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"1\">\n"))
489 (dolist (file files)
490 (unless (equal (pop file) latest)
491 (let ((attrs (file-attributes file)))
492 (insert (format "<tr><td><a href=%S>%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>\n"
493 file (archive--quote file)
494 (format-time-string "%Y-%b-%d" (nth 5 attrs))
495 (archive--html-bytes-format (nth 7 attrs)))))))
496 (insert "</table>\n"))
497 (let ((news (archive--get-section
498 "News" '("NEWS" "NEWS.rst" "NEWS.md" "NEWS.org")
499 srcdir mainsrcfile)))
500 (when news
501 (insert "<h2>News</h2><pre>\n" (archive--quote news) "\n</pre>\n")))
502 (insert "</body>\n")
503 (write-region (point-min) (point-max) (concat name ".html")))))
505 (defun archive--html-make-index (pkgs)
506 (with-temp-buffer
507 (insert (archive--html-header "GNU ELPA Packages"))
508 (insert "<table cellpadding=\"3\" border=\"1\">\n")
509 (insert "<tr><th>Package</th><th>Version</th><th>Description</th></tr>\n")
510 (dolist (pkg pkgs)
511 (insert (format "<tr><td><a href=\"%s.html\">%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>\n"
512 (car pkg) (car pkg)
513 (package-version-join (aref (cdr pkg) 0))
514 (aref (cdr pkg) 2))))
515 (insert "</table></body>\n")
516 (write-region (point-min) (point-max) "index.html")))
518 (defun batch-html-make-index ()
519 (let ((packages (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
520 (archive-contents
521 (with-temp-buffer
522 (insert-file-contents "archive-contents")
523 (goto-char (point-min))
524 ;; Skip the first element which is a version number.
525 (cdr (read (current-buffer))))))
526 (dolist (subdir (directory-files "../../build/packages" nil))
527 (cond
528 ((member subdir '("." ".." "elpa.rss" "index.html" "archive-contents")))
529 (t (puthash subdir nil packages))))
530 (dolist (file (directory-files default-directory nil))
531 (cond
532 ((member file '("." ".." "elpa.rss" "index.html" "archive-contents")))
533 ((string-match "\\.html\\'" file))
534 ((string-match "\\.sig\\'" file))
535 ((string-match "-readme\\.txt\\'" file)
536 (let ((name (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0))))
537 (puthash name (gethash name packages) packages)))
538 ((string-match "-\\([0-9][^-]*\\)\\.\\(tar\\|el\\)\\'" file)
539 (let ((name (substring file 0 (match-beginning 0)))
540 (version (match-string 1 file)))
541 (push (cons version file) (gethash name packages))))
542 (t (message "Unknown file %S" file))))
543 (maphash (lambda (pkg-name files)
544 (archive--html-make-pkg
545 (let ((pkg (intern pkg-name)))
546 (or (assq pkg archive-contents)
547 ;; Add entries for packages that are either not yet
548 ;; released or not released any more.
549 ;; FIXME: Get actual description!
550 (let ((entry (cons pkg (vector nil nil "" nil nil))))
551 (setq archive-contents
552 ;; Add entry at the end.
553 (nconc archive-contents (list entry)))
554 entry)))
555 files))
556 packages)
557 (archive--html-make-index archive-contents)))
559 (defun archive--pull (dirname)
560 (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory
561 (expand-file-name dirname))))
562 (with-temp-buffer
563 (message "Running git pull in %S" default-directory)
564 (call-process "git" nil t nil "pull")
565 (message "Updated %s:\n%s" dirname (buffer-string)))))
567 ;;; Maintain external packages.
569 (defconst archive--elpa-git-url "git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs/elpa")
570 (defconst archive--emacs-git-url "git://git.sv.gnu.org/emacs.git")
572 (defun archive--sync-emacs-repo ()
573 "Sync Emacs repository, if applicable.
574 Return non-nil if there's an \"emacs\" repository present."
575 ;; Support for :core packages is important for elpa.gnu.org, but for other
576 ;; cases such as "in-place installation", it's rather secondary since
577 ;; those users can just as well use a development version of Emacs to get
578 ;; those packages.
579 ;; So make the handling of :core packages depend on whether or not the user
580 ;; has setup a clone of Emacs under the "emacs" subdirectory.
581 (let ((emacs-repo-root (expand-file-name "emacs")))
582 (if (not (file-directory-p emacs-repo-root))
583 (progn (message "No \"emacs\" subdir: will skip :core packages")
584 nil)
585 (archive--pull emacs-repo-root)
586 t)))
588 (defun archive--find-non-trivial-file (dir)
589 (catch 'found-important-file
590 (dolist (file (directory-files-recursively dir ".*"))
591 (unless (or (member file '("." ".."))
592 (string-match "\\.elc\\'" file)
593 (string-match "-autoloads.el\\'" file)
594 (string-match "-pkg.el\\'" file)
595 (file-symlink-p file))
596 (throw 'found-important-file file)))
597 nil))
599 (defun archive--cleanup-packages (externals-list with-core)
600 "Remove subdirectories of `packages/' that do not correspond to known packages.
601 This is any subdirectory inside `packages/' that's not under
602 version control nor listed in EXTERNALS-LIST.
603 If WITH-CORE is non-nil, it means we manage :core packages as well."
604 (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "packages/")))
605 (dolist (dir (directory-files "."))
606 (cond
607 ((or (not (file-directory-p dir)) (file-symlink-p dir))
608 ;; We only add/remove plain directories in elpa/packages (not
609 ;; symlinks).
610 nil)
611 ((member dir '("." "..")) nil)
612 ((assoc dir externals-list) nil)
613 ((file-directory-p (expand-file-name (format "%s/.git" dir)))
614 (let ((status
615 (with-temp-buffer
616 (let ((default-directory (file-name-as-directory
617 (expand-file-name dir))))
618 (call-process "git" nil t nil "status" "--porcelain")
619 (buffer-string)))))
620 (if (zerop (length status))
621 (progn (delete-directory dir 'recursive t)
622 (message "Deleted all of %s" dir))
623 (message "Keeping leftover unclean %s:\n%s" dir status))))
624 ;; Check if `dir' is under version control.
625 ((and with-core
626 (not (zerop (call-process "git" nil nil nil
627 "ls-files" "--error-unmatch" dir))))
628 ;; Not under version control. Check if it only contains
629 ;; symlinks and generated files, in which case it is probably
630 ;; a leftover :core package that can safely be deleted.
631 ;; (let ((file (archive--find-non-trivial-file dir)))
632 ;; (if file
633 ;; (message "Keeping %s for non-trivial file \"%s\"" dir file)
634 ;; (progn
635 ;; (message "Deleted untracked package %s" dir)
636 ;; (delete-directory dir 'recursive t))))
637 )))))
639 (defun archive--external-package-sync (name)
640 "Sync external package named NAME."
641 (let ((default-directory (expand-file-name "packages/")))
642 (cond ((not (file-exists-p name))
643 (let* ((branch (concat "externals/" name))
644 (output
645 (with-temp-buffer
646 ;; FIXME: Use `git worktree'!
647 (call-process "git" nil t nil "clone"
648 "--reference" ".." "--single-branch"
649 "--branch" branch
650 archive--elpa-git-url name)
651 (buffer-string))))
652 (message "Cloning branch %s:\n%s" name output)))
653 ((not (file-directory-p (concat name "/.git")))
654 (message "%s is in the way of an external, please remove!" name))
655 (t (archive--pull name)))))
657 (defun archive--core-package-empty-dest-p (dest)
658 "Return non-nil if DEST is an empty variant."
659 (member dest (list "" "." nil)))
661 (defun archive--core-package-link-file
662 (source dest emacs-repo-root package-root exclude-regexp)
663 "Link file from SOURCE to DEST ensuring subdirectories."
664 (unless (string-match-p exclude-regexp source)
665 (let* ((absolute-package-file-name
666 (expand-file-name dest package-root))
667 (absolute-core-file-name
668 (expand-file-name source emacs-repo-root))
669 (directory (file-name-directory absolute-package-file-name)))
670 (unless (file-directory-p directory)
671 (make-directory directory t))
672 (condition-case nil
673 (make-symbolic-link absolute-core-file-name
674 absolute-package-file-name t)
675 (file-error
676 (copy-file absolute-core-file-name absolute-package-file-name))))
677 (message " %s -> %s" source (if (archive--core-package-empty-dest-p dest)
678 (file-name-nondirectory source)
679 dest))))
681 (defun archive--core-package-link-directory
682 (source dest emacs-repo-root package-root exclude-regexp)
683 "Link directory files from SOURCE to DEST ensuring subdirectories."
684 (let ((stack (list source))
685 (base source)
686 (absolute-source))
687 (while stack
688 (setq source (pop stack)
689 absolute-source (expand-file-name source emacs-repo-root))
690 (if (file-directory-p absolute-source)
691 (dolist (file (directory-files absolute-source))
692 (unless (member file (list "." ".."))
693 (push (concat (file-name-as-directory source) file) stack)))
694 (let* ((base (file-name-as-directory base))
695 (source-sans-base (substring source (length base)))
696 (package-file-name
697 (if (archive--core-package-empty-dest-p dest)
698 ;; Link to root with its original filename.
699 source-sans-base
700 (concat
701 ;; Prepend the destination, allowing for directory rename.
702 (file-name-as-directory dest) source-sans-base))))
703 (archive--core-package-link-file
704 source package-file-name
705 emacs-repo-root package-root exclude-regexp))))))
707 (defun archive--core-package-sync (definition)
708 "Sync core package from DEFINITION."
709 (pcase-let*
710 ((`(,name . (:core ,file-patterns :excludes ,excludes)) definition)
711 (emacs-repo-root (expand-file-name "emacs"))
712 (package-root (expand-file-name name "packages"))
713 (default-directory package-root)
714 (exclude-regexp
715 (mapconcat #'identity
716 (mapcar #'wildcard-to-regexp
717 (append '("*.elc" "*~") excludes nil))
718 "\\|"))
719 (file-patterns
720 (mapcar
721 (lambda (file-pattern)
722 (pcase file-pattern
723 ((pred (stringp)) (cons file-pattern ""))
724 (`(,file ,dest . ,_) (cons file dest))
725 (_ (error "Unrecognized file format for package %s: %S"
726 name file-pattern))))
727 (if (stringp file-patterns)
728 ;; Files may be just a string, normalize.
729 (list file-patterns)
730 file-patterns))))
731 (message "Linking files for package: %s" name)
732 (when (file-directory-p package-root)
733 (delete-directory package-root t))
734 (make-directory package-root t)
735 (dolist (file-pattern file-patterns)
736 (pcase-let* ((`(,file . ,dest) file-pattern))
737 (if (file-directory-p (expand-file-name file emacs-repo-root))
738 (archive--core-package-link-directory
739 file dest emacs-repo-root package-root exclude-regexp)
740 (archive--core-package-link-file
741 file dest emacs-repo-root package-root exclude-regexp))))))
743 (defun archive-add/remove/update-externals ()
744 "Remove non-package directories and fetch external packages."
745 (let ((externals-list
746 (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect "externals-list")
747 (read (buffer-string)))))
748 (let ((with-core (archive--sync-emacs-repo)))
749 (archive--cleanup-packages externals-list with-core)
750 (pcase-dolist ((and definition `(,name ,kind ,_url)) externals-list)
751 (pcase kind
752 (`:subtree nil) ;Nothing to do.
753 (`:external (archive--external-package-sync name))
754 (`:core (when with-core (archive--core-package-sync definition)))
755 (_ (message "Unknown external package kind `%S' for %s"
756 kind name)))))))
758 (provide 'archive-contents)
759 ;;; archive-contents.el ends here