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1 # Context Coloring [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jacksonrayhamilton/context-coloring.png?branch=develop)](https://travis-ci.org/jacksonrayhamilton/context-coloring)
3 <p align="center">
4 <img alt="Screenshot of JavaScript code highlighted by context." src="screenshot.png" title="Screenshot">
5 </p>
7 Highlights code according to function context.
9 - Code in the global scope is one color. Code in functions within the global
10 scope is a different color, and code within such functions is another color,
11 and so on.
12 - Identifiers retain the color of the scope in which they are declared.
14 Lexical scope information at-a-glance can assist a programmer in understanding
15 the overall structure of a program. It can help to curb nasty bugs like name
16 shadowing. A rainbow can indicate excessive complexity. State change within a
17 closure is easily monitored.
19 By default, Context Coloring still highlights comments and strings
20 syntactically. It is still easy to differentiate code from non-code, and strings
21 cannot be confused for variables.
23 This coloring strategy is probably more useful than conventional syntax
24 highlighting. Highlighting keywords can help one to detect spelling errors, but
25 a [linter][] could also spot those errors, and if integrated with [flycheck][],
26 an extra spot opens up in your editing toolbelt.
28 Give context coloring a try; you may find that it *changes the way you write
29 code*.
31 ## Features
33 - Supported languages: JavaScript
34 - Light and dark (customizable) color schemes.
35 - Insanely fast for regular files, quick for big ones too.
36 - jQuery (9191 lines): 0.20 seconds (js2-mode), 0.57 seconds (js-mode)
37 - Lodash (6786 lines): 0.07 seconds (js2-mode), 0.35 seconds (js-mode)
38 - Async (1124 lines): 0.03 seconds (js2-mode), 0.17 seconds (js-mode)
39 - mkdirp (98 lines): 0.002 seconds (js2-mode), 0.09 seconds (js-mode)
41 \* js2-mode parses idly, irrespective of this plugin; its benchmarks represent
42 coloring only. js-mode benchmarks represent parsing and coloring.
44 ## Usage
46 Requires Emacs 24+.
48 JavaScript language support requires either [js2-mode][] or
49 [Node.js 0.10+][node], respectively.
51 - Clone this repository.
53 ```bash
54 cd ~/.emacs.d/
55 git clone https://github.com/jacksonrayhamilton/context-coloring.git
56 ```
58 - Byte-compile the package for improved speed.
60 ```bash
61 cd context-coloring/
62 make compile
63 ```
65 - Add the following to your `~/.emacs` file:
67 ```lisp
68 (add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/context-coloring")
69 (require 'context-coloring)
70 (add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'context-coloring-mode)
71 ```
73 ## Customizing
75 You can adjust the colors to your liking using
76 `context-coloring-set-colors`. The first argument is an alist of levels, and the
77 optional second argument is the new total number of levels. This plugin does not
78 figure out the total for you; you need to specify it if your number of colors is
79 different from the default (`7`).
81 I like to take the colors from an existing theme and use those to create a
82 rainbow that matches that theme. The end result is consistent, and usually looks
83 as good as the theme does. Here's an example for `tango`:
85 ```lisp
86 ;; ~/.emacs
87 (load-theme 'tango)
88 (require 'context-coloring)
89 (defun jrh-context-coloring-tango ()
90 (interactive)
91 (context-coloring-set-colors
92 '((comment . "#5f615c")
93 (0 . "#2e3436") ; Globals.
94 (1 . "#346604")
95 (2 . "#204a87")
96 (3 . "#5c3566")
97 (4 . "#a40000")
98 (5 . "#b35000")
99 (6 . "#c4a000")
100 (7 . "#8ae234") ; "You're screwed" colors.
101 (8 . "#8cc4ff")
102 (9 . "#ad7fa8")
103 (10 . "#ef2929")
104 (11 . "#fcaf3e")
105 (12 . "#fce94f"))
106 13))
107 (jrh-context-coloring-tango)
108 ```
110 ## Extending
112 To add support for a new language, write a "scopifier" for it, and add an entry
113 to `context-coloring-dispatch-plist`. Then the plugin should handle the rest.
115 A "scopifier" is a CLI program that reads a buffer's contents from stdin and
116 writes a JSON array of numbers to stdout. Every three numbers in the array
117 represent a range of color. For instance, if I fed the following string of
118 JavaScript code to a scopifier,
120 ```js
121 var a = function () {};
122 ```
124 then the scopifier would produce the following array:
126 ```js
127 [1,24,0,9,23,1]
128 ```
130 Where, for every three numbers, the first number is a 1-indexed start [point][],
131 the second number is an exclusive end point, and the third number is a scope
132 level. The result of applying level 0 coloring to the range &#91;1, 24) and then
133 applying level 1 coloring to the range &#91;9, 23) would result in the following
134 coloring:
136 <p align="center">
137 <img alt="Screenshot of ranges &#91;1, 24) and &#91;9, 23)." src="scopifier.png" title="Screenshot">
138 </p>
140 If there is an abstract syntax tree generator for your language, you can walk
141 the syntax tree, find variables and scopes, and build their positions and levels
142 into an array like the one above.
144 [linter]: http://jshint.com/about/
145 [flycheck]: http://www.flycheck.org/
146 [point]: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Point.html
147 [js2-mode]: https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode
148 [node]: http://nodejs.org/download/
149 [load path]: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Lisp-Libraries.html