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44 <a name="Basics"></a>
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62 <h1 class="chapter"> 2. Basics </h1>
64 <p>All you need to use notes-mode
65 in a chapter.
66 (Except for installation, See section <a href="notes-mode_5.html#SEC27">Installation</a>.)
67 </p>
68 <table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
69 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC10">2.1 Getting started</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
70 </td></tr>
71 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC11">2.2 A notes file</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
72 </td></tr>
73 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC12">2.3 The notes index</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
74 </td></tr>
75 <tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#SEC13">2.4 The notes directories</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
76 </td></tr>
77 </table>
79 <hr size="6">
80 <a name="Getting-started"></a>
81 <a name="SEC10"></a>
82 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
83 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
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87 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
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94 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
95 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#SEC28" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
96 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
97 </tr></table>
98 <h2 class="section"> 2.1 Getting started </h2>
100 <p>To get started with notes-mode,
101 read the introduction this chapter,
102 then either:
103 </p>
104 <ul>
105 <li>
106 Start emacs, do
107 <kbd>M-x</kbd> <code>load-library</code> <kbd>RET</kbd> <code>notes-mode</code> <kbd>RET</kbd>
108 This approach will set up notes-mode with the default parameters.
110 </li><li>
111 OR, from the shell,
112 run the program &lsquo;<tt>notesinit</tt>&rsquo;.
113 This approach will ask you some questions about how you want to configure
114 notes mode.
116 </li></ul>
118 <p>Either way these should set up everything notes-mode needs.
119 This program will modify your environment (as described in this section),
120 or it will give you the exact commands you should run yourself.
121 </p>
122 <p>After you've done one of these,
123 start up emacs and note-away.
124 I usually begin a
125 day of note-taking by running the command
126 <kbd>M-x</kbd> <code>notes-index-todays-link</code>
127 to jump directly to today's note.
128 You may even wish to bind this to something,
129 perhaps with
130 <code>(define-key global-map &quot;\C-cn&quot; 'notes-index-todays-link)</code>
131 in your &lsquo;<tt>.emacs</tt>&rsquo;.
132 </p>
133 <p>If you want to browse your existing notes,
134 you might instead want to edit the
135 &lsquo;<tt>~/NOTES/index</tt>&rsquo;.
136 (What is a notes file and the index? Hurry up and finish
137 reading this chapter.)
138 </p>
140 <hr size="6">
141 <a name="A-notes-file"></a>
142 <a name="SEC11"></a>
143 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
144 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC10" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
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148 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
149 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC14" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
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154 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
155 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
156 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#SEC28" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
157 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
158 </tr></table>
159 <h2 class="section"> 2.2 A notes file </h2>
162 <p>The notes file is the focus of most of the activity in notes-mode,
163 it's where you take your notes.
164 Notes files are mostly free-form text
165 broken up into <em>entries</em>.
166 Here's an example:
167 </p>
168 <a name="IDX1"></a>
170 <table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">8-Jun-95 Thursday
171 -----------------
173 * Today
174 -------
175 prev: &lt;none&gt;
176 next: &lt;file:///~/NOTES/199506/950609#* Today&gt;
178 next week - release notes-mode
181 * Environment/notes
182 -------------------
184 I explained notes mode to Ashvin and Geoff.
185 ...
186 </pre></td></tr></table>
188 <p>Each entry has a subject-block, (maybe) some links, and then (maybe) some text.
189 </p>
190 <p>The subject-block must begin with an asterisk-space (<kbd>* </kbd>)
191 at the beginning of a line, followed by the subject itself.
192 Subjects must be underlined with a row of dashes
193 (if they're not exact, that's OK;
194 notes-mode will fix them periodically).
195 For convenience,
196 notes-mode will automatically add the underlines when you
197 hit <kbd>&lt;RTN&gt;</kbd> (<code>notes-electric-return</code>),
198 and <kbd>&lt;TAB&gt;</kbd> on a partially completed subject will
199 invoke completion based on indexed subjects (<code>notes-complete-subject</code>).
200 <a name="IDX2"></a>
201 <a name="IDX3"></a>
202 <a name="IDX4"></a>
203 </p>
204 <p>Following the subject may be links.
205 (In the example, the &ldquo;Today&rdquo; entry has links,
206 the &ldquo;Environment/notes&rdquo; entry doesn't.)
207 These links will be automatically updated by notes-mode
208 when your notes are re-indexed;
209 just leave a blank line when writing the note.
210 <a name="IDX5"></a>
211 </p>
212 <p>Links are made with pseudo-URLs,
213 sort of like those in the World Wide Web.
214 Any of these URLs can be followed in notes-mode files
215 by clicking <kbd>S-mouse-2</kbd> on the pseudo-URL
216 (<code>notes-w3-follow-link-mouse</code>).
217 <a name="IDX6"></a>
218 <a name="IDX7"></a>
219 <a name="IDX8"></a>
220 </p>
221 <p>Finally comes the text.
222 Go wild, but just don't include text that looks like a subject.
223 You can embed pseudo-URLs to link notes together manually.
224 </p>
225 <p>The more anal of you may have noticed
226 that the lines before the first subject
227 are not part of any entry.
228 These lines are
229 <em>front matter</em>.
230 They're not usually used for much,
231 but they can be a good place to label the file.
232 <a name="IDX9"></a>
233 <a name="IDX10"></a>
234 </p>
235 <p>There are a number of useful conventions
236 that can be adopted to organize your notes.
237 The most common is the &ldquo;Today&rdquo; entry.
238 If you keep an entry with the same subject
239 at the beginning of each file,
240 you link all of your notes together.
241 Notes-mode will help you out with some of these convetions
242 by automatically creating or copying some fields for you;
243 see see section <a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC19">Useful conventions</a> for details.
244 </p>
245 <p>Finally, notes-mode can also work with outline-minor-mode
246 (thanks to Tim Carroll for pointing this out).
247 Outline-mode supports hiding and revealing text and other helpful
248 features beyond the scope of this document.
249 See <a href="../emacs/Outline-Mode.html#Outline-Mode">Outline Mode: (emacs)Outline Mode</a> section `Outline Mode' in <cite>The Emacs Editor</cite>, for details.
250 </p>
251 <hr size="6">
252 <a name="The-notes-index"></a>
253 <a name="SEC12"></a>
254 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
255 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC11" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
256 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC13" title="Next section in reading order"> &gt; </a>]</td>
257 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
258 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
259 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
260 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC14" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
261 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
262 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
263 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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265 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode.html#Top" title="Cover (top) of document">Top</a>]</td>
266 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_toc.html#SEC_Contents" title="Table of contents">Contents</a>]</td>
267 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#SEC28" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
268 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
269 </tr></table>
270 <h2 class="section"> 2.3 The notes index </h2>
273 <p>The notes index lists all subjects you've kept notes about,
274 and each date of each note.
275 Impress your friends,
276 show your advisor why you're worth the <em>big</em> peanuts,
277 you'll soon have the biggest index of all.
278 </p>
279 <p>The index has one line per subject, listing the subject
280 and each day a note was made about that subject.
281 For example:
282 </p>
283 <table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">Bicycle: 950314, 950316
284 Bicycle/maintenance/books: 951028
285 Bridge/hands: 951113, 951114, 951116, 951117
286 Bridge/UCLA: 960222, 960409
287 </pre></td></tr></table>
289 <p>Clicking on any of the dates with <kbd>mouse-2</kbd>
290 will take you to that note
291 (<code>notes-index-mouse-follow-link</code>).
292 (You can also move the point over the date and hit <kbd>&lt;RTN&gt;</kbd>
293 if you're musaphobic [<code>notes-index-follow-link</code>].)
294 <a name="IDX11"></a>
295 <a name="IDX12"></a>
296 </p>
297 <p>The notes index is automatically updated by the program &lsquo;<tt>mkall</tt>&rsquo;.
298 Typically &lsquo;<tt>mkall</tt>&rsquo; is run nightly by &lsquo;<tt>cron</tt>&rsquo;.
299 On most modern versions of Unix, you can add this command to cron by
300 running &lsquo;<tt>crontab -e</tt>&rsquo; and adding the line:
301 </p>
302 <table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">0 4 * * * /usr/local/lib/notes-mode/mkall
303 </pre></td></tr></table>
304 <a name="IDX13"></a>
305 <a name="IDX14"></a>
306 <a name="IDX15"></a>
308 <p>(Assuming that your notes programs are installed
309 in /usr/local/lib/notes-mode, the default location.)
310 </p>
312 <hr size="6">
313 <a name="The-notes-directories"></a>
314 <a name="SEC13"></a>
315 <table cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" border="0">
316 <tr><td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC12" title="Previous section in reading order"> &lt; </a>]</td>
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318 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
319 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Beginning of this chapter or previous chapter"> &lt;&lt; </a>]</td>
320 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="#SEC9" title="Up section"> Up </a>]</td>
321 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC14" title="Next chapter"> &gt;&gt; </a>]</td>
322 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
323 <td valign="middle" align="left"> &nbsp; </td>
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328 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_6.html#SEC28" title="Index">Index</a>]</td>
329 <td valign="middle" align="left">[<a href="notes-mode_abt.html#SEC_About" title="About (help)"> ? </a>]</td>
330 </tr></table>
331 <h2 class="section"> 2.4 The notes directories </h2>
334 <p>The final thing needed to tie basic notes-mode together his how
335 the pieces fit together.
336 Since my graduate work is in file systems,
337 you can bet that directories are involved.
338 </p>
339 <p>Notes-mode keeps its files in a two-level hierarchy:
340 </p>
341 <table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">~/NOTES
342 ~/NOTES/index
343 ~/NOTES/rawindex
344 ~/NOTES/199603
345 ~/NOTES/199603/960329
346 ~/NOTES/199603/960330
347 ~/NOTES/199604
348 ~/NOTES/199604/960401
349 </pre></td></tr></table>
351 <p>The top level, &lsquo;<tt>~/NOTES</tt>&rsquo;, is the notes directory.
352 It keeps all notes in one place.
353 (The name of this directory is configurable, See section <a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC21">Notes-mode configuration</a>.)
354 </p>
355 <p>Inside the notes directory are two files and a number of directories.
356 The files are &lsquo;<tt>index</tt>&rsquo;,
357 the index of all entries (see section <a href="#SEC12">The notes index</a>),
358 and &lsquo;<tt>rawindex</tt>&rsquo;,
359 used internally.
360 <a name="IDX16"></a>
361 </p>
362 <p>The notes directory also contains a number of subdirectories,
363 sometimes called <em>intermediate directories</em>.
364 These directories group the actual notes files into manageable chunks,
365 keeping any directory from getting too large.
366 Intermediate directories are named
367 by the four-digit year and the two-digit month
368 of the entries they contain.
369 (The format of intermediate directories
370 is configurable, See section <a href="notes-mode_3.html#SEC21">Notes-mode configuration</a>.)
371 <a name="IDX17"></a>
372 </p>
373 <p>Finally,
374 each intermediate directory are the notes files themselves,
375 named according to the two-digit year, month, and day-of-month.
376 <a name="IDX18"></a>
377 </p>
378 <p>For the most part,
379 notes-mode will automatically maintain this organization of files,
380 once you create the top-level directory.
381 Notes-mode will also automatically insure
382 that all files in the notes directory are unreadable by
383 anyone other than their owner.
384 Notes are personal things.
385 (This behavior is not currently configurable,
386 but it probably should be.)
387 <a name="IDX19"></a>
388 </p>
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404 </tr></table>
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407 This document was generated by <em>John Heidemann</em> on <em>August, 8 2008</em> using <a href="http://www.nongnu.org/texi2html/"><em>texi2html 1.78</em></a>.
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