]> code.delx.au - dotfiles/blob - trackpad-config.sh
Updated README
[dotfiles] / trackpad-config.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
3 synclient MinSpeed=1.0
4 synclient MaxSpeed=1.5
5 synclient AccelFactor=0.1
7 synclient MaxTapTime=180
8 synclient MaxTapMove=517
9 synclient MaxDoubleTapTime=180
10 synclient SingleTapTimeout=50
11 synclient ClickTime=100
13 # run this twice to ensure it works no matter what the previous values were
14 for i in 1 2; do
15 synclient FingerHigh=30
16 synclient FingerLow=20
17 done
19 synclient ClickPad=1
20 synclient TapButton1=1
21 synclient TapButton2=3
22 synclient TapButton3=2
23 synclient PalmDetect=0
24 synclient VertTwoFingerScroll=1
25 synclient HorizTwoFingerScroll=1
27 synclient CoastingSpeed=0
28 synclient TapAndDragGesture=0
29 synclient RTCornerButton=0
30 synclient RBCornerButton=0
31 synclient LTCornerButton=0
32 synclient LBCornerButton=0
33 synclient TapAndDragGesture=0
34 synclient TouchpadOff=0